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In my previous announcement, I stated that I was in the process of finetuning the new models I had acquired to be used as references for future pages of The Kinniku Kiss. Now some of you might not be sure what that means, so I'll explain.

First off, the models I acquired were set to the scale of the games they had come from, but not the scale of DAZ3D, so they were bigger than was proper. And there are some issues that would come into play if I was using them for renders proper that I still have to address.

But the main and most pertinent issue is a matter of the various shaping morphs available and transferring such morphs to these models.

For those of you who know nothing about DAZ3D and its figures, I'll explain. Every member of the Genesis series of figures has the capability to be altered to take on various shapes. Different characters, different body types, even becoming creatures and monsters. You get the idea. And each generation of Genesis figures has a wave of different morphs released for it.

But that's where we run into a problem. Because each wave of new morphs and so on are compatible solely with that generation of the Genesis figures. For example, Genesis2 Female morphs cannot be used by any other figure. That is, unless you can effectively transfer them. And for a long time, I was able to get around this issue with a utility that allowed me to instantly and effortlessly transfer any number of morphs from one generation to another, allowing me to mix and match and combine all kinds of different morphs for various results. This is especially important to me because...well, muscle morphs aren't as common for female Genesis figures. So being able to transfer them from previous generations and even from their male counterparts has allowed me to create some pretty crazy figures.

However, the person that created this utility passed away at about the time the Genesis 8 series of figures was released, and no one was able to continue to update that utility. So I stuck with Genesis 3 figures for use in both renders and references.

Which made for a problem when I discovered these references. For while more accurate than anything else I had...they're only compatible with the Genesis 8 series of figures. And thus, I wouldn't be able to use the wide range of morphs that made Genesis 3 such ideal references.

But finally, I was able to track down a new utility program that picks up where the other left off. And was able to start transferring all of the morphs from the previous generations of Genesis figures to Genesis 8. Allowing me to mix and match morphs from things such as Genesis 3 and even the original Genesis figure to create massive figures.

To make sure that everything was working right, I decided to go completely bonkers with my new figures. So I basically threw a bunch of supersized morphs into Tsunade, pumped her up to a level that Atariboy2600 would be proud of, and checked out how it all turned out. And while this isn't my best render ever, it's good enough to show that the old morphs transferred to the new figures without a hitch and that I can now use these figures to create top tier references for future pages. So I can draw these characters with far greater accuracy and churn out the very best I can. Because my pride won't allow me to do less, and you all deserve the best.
