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Well, I've managed to get the outline and base color done on this pic, so it's time for me to reveal who I was drawing. So to all of you that guessed that I was doing a redesign of Frosta from classic She-Ra, you're right!

For this redesign, I wanted to remain true to that which had come before while adding my own spin to things. So for her outfit, I wanted a look that both resembled Frosta's original look but also looked practical. Like it was something that a member of a Great Rebellion against evil would wear. So I kept the original color scheme, but made the outfit look more like something that was suited for a much colder climate. I also swapped out the cape for a hooded winter cloak.

Also, I reimagined Frosta as a more heavily built character that doesn't just conjure weapons made out of ice, but can also wield them. Manifesting massive fists of ice as well as encasing the head of her staff (which I will draw later) with things like the head of an ax or hammer.

So what do you all think? I hope you all like the look of this redesign.

Edit: After it was mentioned that the face was a bit too square, I went back over my model sheets and gave everything another hard look. And with a bit more experimenting, I think I nailed the face. Or at least got a lot closer to it.
