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Sigh...I really have fallen short in terms of productivity and accomplishing my goals here. Covid-19 and everything else that has happened to make 2020 just an awful year hasn't helped, but I do want to do better. Both for myself and for all of you. So I'm making some changes.

I completely fell behind in terms of my bonus art pieces, and I feel terrible about that. I will attend to that last batch of suggestions when I have time to do so. Hopefully, I can get more  done on that front.

At the same time, I do want to do what I can to make things even better. To give you all more of what you enjoy, as well as throw in some added perks.

One possibility I've thought of is adding merchandise to certain tiers. I'd like to get some feedback on that, so please let me know what you think.

Also, as I've stated previously, one of my long-term goals is the production of visual novels. I intend on whipping up a simple demo of what I have in mind, if only to show that I'm not just full of hot air.

But while I'm at it, I'd like to ask; what do you all want? What can I do to make more of the things you enjoy? Do you have any ideas as to how I can do better?


charles yve antoine capel

i think of the sketch you make for you're comics maybe a priority for the chapter entirely in sketch like this we can see where you are in you're progress or the maximum in sketch and when it's in end of year an animation ( movie ) of the chapter of comics who are already created i think it will help if you want to created a game


Well, I don't know about sketching everything out. But an animated TF would be interesting. I do have a problem that would be good for the job. I haven't had a chance to play with it just yet. But this would be a good excuse to do so.