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Okay. There's a slight problem in regards to The Kinniku Kiss that I will be addressing in the near future. And that problem is in regards to backgrounds.

In the coming pages, I will be moving the action to outside of the building where everything has been happening thus far. And I do plan on doing plenty of exterior shots featuring Konoha proper.

The problem here is that proper backgrounds are both tricky to do and time consuming. That is, without proper references to keep everything consistent and looking top-notch.

Now recently, a Naruto mobile game called Naruto: Slugfest has been released, which features what looks like an excellent representation of Konoha that, if properly extracted, could serve as an ideal reference for me to use in setting up backgrounds and scenes of the village proper for exterior shots. Not only is it expansive, but it's set in the same period of time as The Kinniku Kiss, making it ideal. I'll be looking into commissioning someone to handle this for me next month.

Now I don't want people to think I'm being lazy for taking such an approach. But as anybody who knows me will know, I am fussy about the quality of my artwork and so on. I genuinely want everything to look its absolute best. And having such a reference would make that task a heck of a lot easier.

Besides, take a look at this video and how Konoha looks. Having a reference of this quality would make a lot of scenes so much simpler. https://youtu.be/s8mKG8RF5tQ



Hey I think it is good you’re looking to get someone to help you on backgrounds. They aren’t easy as you said and if it can take some of the weight off of you go for it.


I am not an artist I am a writer more, but I think if you can find people to help you bring your comic to life, more power to you.

charles yve antoine capel

I think the word lazy is the is far to be a good description for you i think your working the faster possible and with the quality of your work. It's not a good idea to be fast at the cost of the quality of your work. Take your time.


Well, I might wind up taking a break from this, depending on how things go. But I won't leaver any of you hanging.


Backgrounds can be really time consuming so I don't really mind you trying to lighten the load


I think it is okay to admit you have limits and to seek outside help.