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Just taking a moment to get some feedback from you, my Patrons.

Everybody has different tastes. We all know that. For example, I've never had any luck getting people to agree on what toppings we should get on a pizza. And people discussing what anime ships they like? Get ready for all-out war.

Fortunately, today's poll shouldn't be nearly as divisive. Just wanted to ask you all if there's a point where you feel that so much woman is too much of a good thing, whether it be in the department of muscle mass, height, or simply in what is crudely referred to as the T&A departments.

So please, feel free to vote how big a girl's muscles should be, how full a figure you like, and just how big all-around you like them. I'd like to think that the categories are distinct enough so that there won't be a problem.



Anything bigger than hulk size gets weird. Especially if the head doesn’t get bigger too.


Agreed, I mean A tiny head on a huge body the heart would have to bigger than the skull and that much blood pressure would kill the person mid change.


My preferred amount of muscle is "Kinsyo's Yumi, but scaled to an adult's body".


I'm not familiar with either Kinsyo or that Yumi. Where can I find out about them?

John Doe

I tend to like them when they are realistic. It's ok if the are the muscles are exagerated. I think you hit the sweet spot with your art though.


Okay. But still, I decided that it couldn't hurt to get some feedback, so to speak.


This is what she looks like: https://www.deviantart.com/un-debido/art/Arm-Wrestling-with-Yumi-794259194 Not sure which of your size classes she would be.


hard choice but i'm going hulk levels


I think it's a relative scale thing. It doesn't matter if the girl is normal sized, extra tall, or planet sized, it's that the girl herself is within ratios/proportions that don't trigger uncanny valley and fall within vaguely realistic and feminine body types- i.e. not looking like a bad photoshop and not having body parts (usually extremities- head, hands, and feet) and that look impossible small compared to the rest of her. I particularly like your art because muscles, as you draw them, always emphasize and reinforce the girl's femininity- hips, ass, breasts, general curve-y-ness. I hope this helps in someway. Please ask if you want clarification.


Thank you for the detailed response. And I do my best to both avoid that uncanny valley and make the girls look feminine.

Mike Smith

It's not one of the above options but: Buxom Muscle, if that makes sense


I was basically divvying up the three different categories. And yes, I know what you mean by Buxom Muscle.

John Doe

Out of curiosity, what are your own opinions on the matter?


I think that there is some leeway to venture somewhat into the ridiculous. But there are some pieces that go completely out of control. For example, MATL over on DeviantArt can venture into that territory. No offense to him.

John Doe

I get that, sometimes I feel like it depends on the art style too.