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It's official. I'm sick and feel like something the cat dragged in and forgot to spit out. As such, I'm going to be taking it easy for a while, at least until I'm feeling recovered enough to get back to work. I'm really sorry about this, and I hope that you all can understand my situation.



Did you for a test to see if your positive for the coronavirus


Hope it is nothing serious and don't worry, rest all the time you need.


No, mainly because testing kits aren't available where I am and I'm trying to hunker down in order to avoid spreading whatever it is that I've got. Also, I did some checking, and my symptoms don't match that of Corona Virus.

Mike Smith

Take it easy man. We understand. Now mor ever ever we all need to take extra care to be healthy.


Rest up! This isn't the time to not be taking of care of your health.