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Recently, I acquired some sale items for DAZ Studio that would allow me to explore a kind of artistry that I haven't been able to do much of before. CGI animation. And so I decided to do a simple test animation, and did the growth sequence you see here.

It's nothing spectacular, I know, and there are some problems with the bikini I couldn't fix at the time, but I did learn a fair amount from this attempt, and it was a good practice in terms of editing, applying sound, and so on.

If you do or don't want to see more of this thing, let me know. And before sure to give me your honest criticism of what I did here. It's the only way I can become a better artist.




David Rodoy

I would definitely like more of this

David Rodoy

Is there a way to download it?


So how does one actually view the animation? I am willing to PayPal $8 since I just missed the Patreon cut off.


I just edited this, switching from Patrons Only to Everyone. Let me know if that did the trick.


Nope. I think it is on YouTube's end because the player is displaying, but when hitting play it says it is Private.


I just went into YouTube and adjusted the settings there. Did that do it?


Glad to hear it's working now. I'm not used to posting things on YouTube, as well as the privacy settings. On that note, what did you think of the animation? I know it's not exactly spectacular, but still, I would appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism you might have.


This is amazingly well done! I hope to see more like it!