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New update ready!

Remember, this part belongs to the happenings after prologue part 2. So at the beginning you can just skip the prologues to go straight to the new content. But remember, there's also new content on Misha's fight.




Complete changelog on the previous dev diary:

Installation: Just extract and play. You'll need Winzip, Winrar, 7z, Peazip or similar software to extract the file in case you don't have any of these.

Share your thoughts BUT any comments with spoilers will be removed. Use our discord to discuss about the game with the rest of the players.

Invitation to the discord channel:

See you around, guys!

P.S: It's likely we'll upload a revised version of the update once we gather bugs, typos, etc.



YESSSSS, I better finish my homework real quick, otherwise I'll turn it in late!


Problem. The PC link doesn't work for me


Link is saying unavailable for PC ver


Is there a gallery feature yet?


Nope yet. In this update we worked on the credits and the ui and likely in the next one we’ll work on the gallery

Jason H W

Seems like a bug at the first new battle (if you were to skip both prologues) where on the first chance to use lightning strike (2nd or 3rd phase when you get 150 action points), it repeats the talk about rearguard mages and kind of revert back in time. if I repeat the steps it seems to work the end time but it's happened in both my playthroughs of that part


This game has really picked up. I really like the way the camp is set up and the freedom to talk and ask the girls about things. And I love the option to skip the prologue. Not to mention some of the best-looking H-scenes Taifun has ever created! (The scene with Nadine is number one for sure). I thought the progression of Dynae's character was interesting, I was not expecting what happened, but I am sad to see that we definitely won't be getting any scenes with a certain other...*ehem* MILF...but there is magic in this universe, so who knows? Maybe that changes. My only real criticisms are that it feels kinda grindy talking to the girls in the camp to level up our relationship meter, I wasted days and days in game just to reach a level where we could go on a date. It would be really cool if we got more dialogue/more info from them each time we talk, or if talking filled more meter, or we have more actions in the day to grind out the levels. The other thing would be that, it is really obvious that Luth and Nadine have the same VA, it might even be the same sound recording, and even though she does a fantastic job, it's kind of weird, especially when you do them back to back. It's also odd that Saraith doesn't have a VA at all, but I know that will come with time, so that's not as big a deal. It's also really weird that it's implied that Dynae takes us to bed in the camp before reaching an event in the Yalen capital, but all we get is a black screen and no scene. It was jarring in an H-game to have sex and not see it at all. I wonder if a scene from the prologue or something could be reused with a different background to save time and effort, but still put something there. That night is pretty important for Dynae and Nulkan in the plot, so we should experience their passion in that important moment. Other than those things, I think a lot of the world-building, character development, art, pacing, writing, and even the battle system is really great in this update. I'll have to play the prologue again to see if some writing, pacing and battle stuff was edited since last time, but this part of the game is a HUGE improvement compared to the prologue! I can see a pretty great vision here, I can't wait for the next update! Thanks as always Taifun Riders!!


I have a question is there a way to listen to only the music? like an mp 3 else awsome girls and happy see the game evolve


Glad to know you liked it! About your criticism, and the camp this is something we talked about on discord. That will be different in the next updates, as there will be days limit you won't be able to just camp and spend days flirting with the girls. On this update we just wanted the player to be able to flirt with other girls. And yeah, you'll be receiving more info about all the girls soon. About the VA, we contacted with 2 VA for the voices, but only one of them replied, so we asked her for both girls as contacting with another VA (after waiting and waiting for the other VA reply) would have delayed the release of the update. We'll do something about it. About dynae and the last night, it's something planned. We mean, after this update 0.16 we know that some patrons would like to have some more scenes with her, so we decided to reserve that scene as this 0.16 already had enough animations.


I think we could something like a Jukebox inside the game. Tbh it's not a priority, but it's something we could do :) Thanks!

Allen Lewis

Is there any way to redownload spacepaws?

Mark LaughingBear

Go to the More... tags link above, select "release" and scroll down the page. You'll find the final release post for Space Paws including the link.