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Finally! All the art stuff of the update is done! So we've already started building it. This update needed some extra days than usual, we know, but the update required a good amount of new stuff and we think that it was worth it.

Anyway, here it is the complete changelog of the update v0.16 of Shuggerlain

-Plot and stuff for the new nation: Yalen

-1 Event with 2 possible H-scenes

- Added camp mechanics*

- New army battle

- New sex battle (11 new animations and some more to come)

-Added remaining animations for Misha sex battle (4 new animations)

-Added 1 new girl: Luth

-First date available for Nadine (new H-scene)

-First date available for Saraith (new H-scene)

-First date available for Luth (new H-scene)

-Battle UI has been improved

-Added Credits

From now on the camp will be sort of Space Paws' spaceship. You'll be able to rest (pass days), visit girls in their tents, talk with soldiers, decide which country you'll keep advancing  to and unlocking some events. Now there also are action points, 4 for each day and these actions points will also indicate the day time/ night time.  We think this system will work pretty well with the incoming stuff to come :)

We'll also wanted to add the Gallery for this update, but we've rathered focus on more important stuff and not delaying more the release of the update. So as the previous update, if there's something you like, save there. Soon we'll add the gallery .

After the prologues, with this update, we feel that Shuggerlain is starting to be the game we wanted to create and we're excited with its development. Hope you are happy as well after playing this update. 

On a side note, all our patrons can also join now to our Discord server :D


We think that this is a good place to talk about the game, helping other players and create a community.

Soon we'll also add Space Paws and Shuggerlain emojis there :)

After clicking the link, you'll access to "Ports of entry" channel. There read the rules, type "?passport" and you'll be already in.  All new patrons will automatically receive the "Builders of the Empire" role (patron's role with access to the patreon releases there) but for already existing patrons (you) I think we should give you manually that role so if we didn't do it, just tell us your discord nickname and your mail via private message.

Note: new patrons need to link their discord account on their patreon accounts. More info: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role

That's enough for today. As you could guess, there won't be more posts until the release of the update. Stay safe and be good guys




Heyyy I remember asking you guys about Discord a few years back! Glad to see we've finally got it.


There will still be updates here, right?


Of course! Patreon will be the official place for the releases and all the stuff we post between updates. Nothing changes in that way


Will every update take 2 months+?


More or less. We need to balance time vs amount of new content. We don't want to make you wait too much, but on the other hand we want a relevant amount of new stuff on every update. So we feel that 2-3 months is the sweet point.


Much better than a lot of Patreon pages only updating every 6 months to a year, with very little content to show for it!