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The first alpha of Shuggerlain is already available :D

You can get it from the following links:

EXE version

SWF version 

The instructions to play are the same as in Space Paws. Extract the whole .rar, not only the exe or the swf. If you have more issues check the FAQ or comment here.

Thanks to all of you for your patience and support, guys. Sincerely. All supports are more than great, but especially now that you've been trusting in us supporting a project you haven't checked yet, in strange times of covid and economic shits... we can't express with just words how grateful we are, guys. So we've tried to do the our best in Shuggerlain.

Before you start playing we'd like to highlight some points of what you're about to play:

-This is an alpha. The first alpha indeed. Many things may change.

-This v.0.05 belongs to the fist part of the prologue. Next update will finish the prologue.

-This is a base. Soon the game will have more girls, (including furry), way more H-scenes, more mechanics, a bit more of freedom to explore and manage things. But not yet.

-The combat is also a base. When more type of units are added to the game it will become richer and a bit more complex.

That's all. If there's things you don't like, don't hesitate to ask and comment, and if you like what you see, also comment telling us what you liked  :)

Hope you enjoy ! :)


Robert Costlow

Is that demon girl going to be available?

Klout Official

Just finished playing what’s there so far and I have to say it’s amazing!

The Polish

Initial comments: Overall I'm quite intrigued by this world, it seems you've built an interesting universe and I am curious as to where it will go. Combat at the moment is simplistic, but easy to grasp, while also having room to change and expand (as I'm sure it will). Some ideas I had; I think it would be better if you'd allow all the units of an army to attach during a turn, this would allow for a more tactical approach, either having one large concentrated force which would just attack one target at a time, or having many units attack various units to whittle the whole force bit by bit (I'm assuming here that you will be able to choose the number of troops within a unit). Art wise; I really like it I think it both looks good and fits in with the story. Audio; really like the main menu theme, whoever composed it deserves a lot of praise, the the choice of instruments are complementary (I am a sucker for strings) and I think all in all it has been pulled of spectacularly, the vocals have a sense of gravitas and weight to them, the only issue I have is that once it ends it just ends and doesn't loop or play again, I think it would be better if it'd loop, but having that silence after the enthralling piece is... dissatisfying. In game sounds are also well executed, although it could be argued they're generic, they work for their purpose and add to the experience as opposed to distracting from it. Now onto some problems I've witnessed thus far; when using the exe version, if you alt+tab you are only able to navigate the window that was tabbed to, it seems Shuggerlain runs invisible below the tabbed to window, instead of being minimised, however tabbing through the windows makes the others selectable, however you cannot go back to the game, you have to either close it, or use task manager, related to this, one time the game got into that aforementioned state after double right clicking, however I wasn't able to replicate it again so it might have been a one off problem. Another thing is that sometimes when I click to progress the dialogue/story it double clicks instead and I miss out on things, now I'm not sure if it's my mouse or something else as I haven't tested it, but it is something to note. Additionally I would be very grateful if it would be possible to continue the dialogue using the keyboard (enter/space), it could be helpful in alleviating the above issue, as well as not having to move the mouse to the specific position to continue (which I find a little annoying but serviceable). I like the autosave feature (has been helpful with the issue where I had to close the game), I'll need to see exactly where it saves but thus far I think it seems to make sense (most important imo is both before and after combat, as well as after transitions (going home, waking up (explosion), in the clearing, etc.), however I would also like to have the option to manually save/have multiple save files, thought seeing as this is just the prologue, and is quite linear, don't think it's necessary here so that is fine for now. There are a couple of spelling errors, as well as a couple of places with dubious grammar but overall it's not bad. Please note that I haven't finished the whole game yet, if there is something that I have mentioned that is addressed later then you can disregard it. Additionally any additional notes after completing it will be added as a reply to this comment as to not break the flow of this comment. Overall I really think that this project is promising and I am happy to continue supporting you.


So far so good. Looks ambitious and I like the artwork. My only critique is that the combat system seems to be slow and needs to be opimised a bit, otherwise it will get too tedious I think. The H-scene was great! :D


I finally got a job and was able to rejoin the Patreon. Now I just finished the initial play through of this alpha. Over all impression is good. I noticed that not all characters have motion so that threw me off for a bit. The combat mechanics are simple and not very engaging so I'm looking forward to seeing how that will grow and evolve. The story is intriguing and has potential so I'm curious as to where it will go. Artwork is gorgeous! I have said before that the backgrounds and characters look amazing and I am excited to see what new designs will be produced. I certainly hope that each girl that comes out will have a different personality traits like one being really submissive and others being very dominate, and maybe even bleeds into them having different fetishes for the H-scenes. I know that this is only the prologue but just using the mouse was really tedious, similar to what The Polish ran into. I didn't run into any glitches or bugs but then again I wasn't looking for them since this was very linear. I sometimes make the mistake of speeding through the narrative and get lost once I realize what I did. I might suggest a history of dialog popup or something might be beneficial. I've seen other games have that feature and it can be helpful in trying to remember what to do next in game when you want to choose a path to take. I certainly look forward to what you have in stored for the upcoming phases of the project. You guys are doing an amazing job and I'm glad I'm supporting you in this endeavor. So much potential here and great talent behind this project.


Just finished. Phenomenal work! A few tweaks I would recommend: the ambiance in some scenes feels odd the way you have it looped, the stopped animations during combat was also awkward. Besides those 2 things it is fantastic. The battle music was awesome, the H scene was hands down the best you guy have made and I look forward to the rest of them. The plot is also very compelling, I had a few minor suggestions for the dialog... but it seems they were too insignificant to remember. Eagerly awaiting the next release!


Good start! I was hoping that demon girl would stick with us right from the start, so I'm kinda bummed that she peaced out. Hopefully she joins up later. I have two points of feedback: First is that the combat animations felt a bit slow and choppy, maybe removing a few frames to make it flow more smoothly would be nice. Second is that I preferred Space Paws' way of having the expressions appear on the characters up above rather than just in the smaller text box at the bottom. How come you guys have decided to transition to expressions only in the smaller box below?


Thanks! We have some ideas to make the combat look smoother but as we didn't have any performance issue, we didn't notice it. It would be useful to know your pc specs


Thanks for the feedback! Can you tell us your pc specs? We didn't notice any slow animations, but you aren't the only one experiencing this. So we'll take a look. About the expressions, we checked other ideas on other games to be able to add idle character animations without creating animations for aaaall the emotions/expressions. We felt this was the most balanced option. Anyway, it's likely we'll make a poll or something like that to decide if we do the expressions as we did in space paws, or we keep what we've done here.


Thanks! Glad you like it! :) We'll try to improve the loops on some sounds. We had to deal with some sounds that were not created as loops and usually we modify them to make them sound good, but some times it's not easy. By stopped animations in combat what do you mean? They were not smooth, or you mean that after doing the attack animations stop?


Thanks! Great you were able to find a new job! About the characters animations, we decided to not animate all of them because 1) the game size would increase a lot animating every of them 2) we work well in Flash environment but we also know its limits. This is something not totally decided. Maybe we won't animate the characters and we'll go back to Space Paws way. So we'll see what we finally do in that aspect. Yup, the combat is quite simple. This is more a tutorial to see how it works. Once we add more types of units and you have to take into account their strong points and their weakness, activate special skills... we believe that it should improve. This is also the most challenging part for ourselves as it is more complex to code than anything we did in space paws. So we're also still learning, but it should look good and be pretty enjoyable. We also believe that adding a keyboard key to go forward through the dialogue will be a very useful improvement. About the popups...well other engines make that option quite easy to do. Maybe we can do something similar at least when there's a decision/ choosing paths.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! Yup, combat will evolve, and a lot. We believe that the most tactical part will come when you have to decide which unit should attack which enemy (some units will have bonuses and weak points against some other units) But well, many things could change if we're not happy with the results. Main menu theme should loop. this is a mini-bug. We'll fix that. About the Alt+tab, this is weird, because I also use a lot that command and never experienced something like that. We'll take a look anyway but this sounds something more related to software (windows or flash) than anything we're doing there. We'll definetely add that keyboard option to read the text. It's useful. Of course, the game will have multple slots to save the game, but in the prologue we felt it was unnecessary, as you pointed out. So we decided to spend time on other elements for now.

Bradley Porter

I like the start of it :) cant wait to see more


Dude I'm hella proud of how your art has improved!!!


Gotta say i am really liking the story so far. Would love to se it and the world expanded


I know this is only the pre-pre-pre alpha. But I would like to have an audio slider for the next update. The audio in this is really loud and some personal control over it would be nice.


Looks good so far! There's a couple things that id like to suggest. *SPOILERS AHEAD* I feel like the explanation of the state of the world and Nulkan's introduction during the first part was somewhat hard to read. I would suggest the following. Introducing the world they live in (ex. through a crude map or various images) and explaining the power structures and factions. Having the talk with Mrs Phellis after, informing the player about Nulkan, his job, and family situation. Then follow up with him reporting to guard duty and the information about the assassination and military conflict continuing as normal. Another comment mentioned this as well, but I wish the characters had the same expressions as the images in the text box. I would personally trade idle animations for expressive faces if i had the choice.


Thanks! We wanted to try a new art style and now we also have a great background artist collaborating with us. It's good to know this changes are working well together.


That's something we had in mind. We'll work on this to have this feature as soon as possible


Thanks for the suggestion! Mmmm... I would say that once the story is a bit more developed it's likely that we'll want to adjust some parts of the introduction. We needed to do this in Space Paws a little bit. So probably in some time we'll double-check again and if we think it could be improved and there's a better way to expose the ideas, we'll modify something (not reworking anything, I promise! lol)


My little contribution : The story : seems to have a great potential ! I love the dramatic and dark side you put in it. Maybe it'll made more difficult for you to include h-scenes in it without feeeling a little "artificial" but I'm confident in your story teller talent ^^ The arts : I love it ! Real improvement since SP but we still recognize the "Taifun touch" The music : goes great with the story. Combat music + ending scene is a perfect combo ! The h-scene : great improvement too. It'll be perfect with a foreplay scene to introduce because, at this time, it's a little abrupt in the story. Little bit like "are you attracted to me ?" "we kiss" "let's fuck !". I think you could put some transition scene between "we kiss" and "let's fuck" ^^ Congrats again for the great work ! I withdrawed my pledge during the gap between SP and Shuggerlain but be sur I'm back in the Taifun train ! ^^


So far loving it, if you can I'd recommend adjusting the volume of the victory fan fare after each fight because it comes in loud and abrupt on top of the battle music which resumes through it.


Overall it was great. It actually kept me guessing the whole way through. My only criticism is that the scene felt rushed in a way that is a disservice to Dynae's character. I found myself asking why they were doing it so soon when he hadn't even used the armor yet. It seems like it would make a bit more sense for the demon to step initially. Just a thought.


Thanks for the feedback! That's the point. They had sex before he started wearing the armor, it means, they're not influenced by it. Or in other words, it could be the only h-scene where you can be sure the attraction between them is genuine. But it's probably we'll add eventually some foreplay there, either CG or animated.

michael freeman

the animation is fantastic. I'm also really digging the setting and looking forward to seeing the battle system grow. I was already excited to see the new project and ya'll certainly didn't disappoint. looking forward to future updates. stay safe and keep up the awesome work.

Rossan 78

WOW!! Really love it guys! The music is really epic and so is the graphic and the story is very promising. Dynae is very cute and the demon girl was very sexy so lookin forward to finding out more about the plot and meet more lovely ladies!


Honestly from how Space Paws went and now this one I'm Sure everyone at Taifun Riders are going to make another great game here. I can't wait to see what you are planning to do in the future and keep up the good work!!


Thanks for the feedback! We thought in foreplays for the endings scenes, like in Space Paws but it's true that that event would improve with some foreplay. We take it into account for the future and probably we'll add some. Thanks for coming back to the taifun train! :)

Collar Spider

Not sure what's going on but I can't get it to work. I'm on a Mac and using the SWF version, I used the winzip to unzip it, and I'm using the same flash player as I used for Space Paws but I get a black screen when it gets to the battle scene and I only get audio.

Spencer from Earth

Looks promising, increased story and gameplay, looking forward to more.


This feels like it will be the start to something awesome! I like the premise and art a lot, Dynae is really cute. Only thing I would criticize is that progression towards the end and especially the first hentai scene is very rushed. Although I think that is more of an issue of packing it all into this first alpha and will probably be improved down the line


Thanks! I knew you would probably like it. Of course, from now on every update will have more and more ladies :P


Ok, remember that, as in Space Paws, you have to extract all the content inside the .rar, not only the SWF or the EXE. It means, you also need to extract the folder named "files" Hope it helps!

Collar Spider

Ok finally played it and I can say that this was good first impression. I love how colorfully the art is really makes the characters POP and have that fantasy aesthetic. Also on art I like how well animated the sex scene was, Space Paws was a little more stiff in that regard and this is looking a lot better. I hope the combat is better in the future I can't say I enjoyed it with where it is now. I'm sure that with one of the updates the expression on character will match with their speech bubble icon, it was definitely something I found a little distracting but again this is the first part. Overall I liked what I saw and I'm sure that when everything is complete it will simply be amazing. P.S. The whole time Dynae and Saraith were talking I was worried Dynae's staff was gonna stab Saraith in the eye. That thing is sharp and at eye level.


Thank you so much for your review! This first alpha will have a lot of improvements and additions update after update. Maybe it's a bit difficult to make a good idea of how will be Shuggerlain once it's completed, especially when there're still features of the game we didn't mention. But yeah, we think it should be a great game. In not few aspects better than Space Paws :)


I realize this is only the beginning, but i was wondering if there were any thoughts or ideas for later version (towards maybe the middle or near the end of the final product) where players are able to select dialogue when interacting with other characters that either lead to the H-scenes, or if you selected wrong dialogue maybe even made some dislike you and make you miss H-scenes. Possible even have different types of H-Scenes available depending on how much you were able to make them love you.


i dont understand. i cant get it to work T-T. i downloaded SWF file of Shuggerlain. im using SWF program but when i click on new game its like its not registering the mouse. D:


Are you using Adobe Flash Standalone projector or another one? Is Space Paws running fine on that program? Just in case...are you extracting the downloaded file?


Hi jack! This is the prologue and its a introduction of the story, so it will be quite linear at the beginning BUT after the prologue there'll be choices, of course. You'll be able to decide where to advance, chatting with the girls, selecting different options, and get different results depending on the choices you made.


Finally got around to checking this out, and I must say your guys animation skills have improved immensely since space paws. Been following you guys since very early in space paws and you have improved your overall artwork skills at an alarming rate as well. Keep up the great work.


Hey Taifun, are you going to keep the rewards that you had with Space Paws, I mean the HD images pack for those that we have supported a certain amount?


I am SUPER loving this idea and plot from what I gather so far. Can't wait til the game gets into the latter stages!! ^w^


Likely yes, but for Shuggerlain we'll probably wait at least one more update for the HD files because right now with only one update there's no much content to create one.


I love the direction this is going and the setting y'all are creating for this new world. I can't wait to see how far this will go. The only issue I have was that the slideshow that summarized everything at the end went way too fast. I couldn't get a good look at some of the artwork or the family picture at the end.


what a great start :D i like the fighting system (and hope of good evolution of it) and woah i will revenge!!! xD the story got me^^ i like to see how this game will end :D


I just finished the 0.0.5 version and i must say Great work simple Fight system to Understand but here i think you can polish it a bit more the H-Scene to the end great Work realy great work a realy cool animation smoth and Lovely the sound great i love it realy i love it please more! and i hope we got some scenes who our Main Charakter comes in the Vagina and i hope they can get a Children or with the other Girls a children. this was a thing what i loved by Spacepaws to, that they had the Chance to make a new Family the same Thing i wish me here and the Story was Great, it got me from the beginning i am Happy to see more from it but now i need to wait to the Next update but you guys do a great job Hold it please


Many thanks Asuna. We're really glad to hear you like our work. We're curretnly working hard trying to improve everything and making the game better and better update after update :)

Noice Boi

I believe you did very well with everything so far. battle system was enjoyable if i must be honest, H-Scenes were quality, etc etv. i don't think i have any "suggestions" because i believe you know what your doing, and your plans are in order. if i have anything to say or chip in on, ill do it after the alpha.


I know you've only released a VERY small portion of the eventual completed work but.... May I say... this blows space paws out of the water... and then decimates it. The one scene included is fantastic and a huge leap in quality, variety and creativity. (Not to shit on space paws, i love that game) But i cannot wait to see what you have in store for this game. The only suggestion i can give is more climax's where you actually see the cumshot, but other than that, you are a master of your craft.


Thanks! Space Paws was a good game, but being honest, I don't have doubts that Shuggerlain should be better in : quality of animations, gameplay, plot, variety, quantity... So we really believe in this project :) There's A LOT to come


Thanks! As I said to Wesker27, this project should be just better than Space Paws soon. We believe we know what we're doing and pretty confident you all will enjoy :)


where it all started