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Todays is release day! Space Paws v0.75 is already available!

-Spaceship sounds in Dates with Alison on the Fox Planets
-Erin's talk animation if you failed at the potions minigame.
-Maya's Easter Egg. The alternative way to get it had some weird behaviours.
-A few typos fixed.

MEDIAFIRE [updated]:

EXE version

SWF version

MEGA [not updated yet]:

EXE version

SWF version

Important note:
we've played almost all the game a few times without finding any bug BUT! experience says that there are always bugs we've missed and that you'll find. We'll try to upload a fixed version when we receive your feedback and comments. If you want to play the game without any bugs, we recommend you to wait some days (the title of this post will change to "updated"). If you don't mind finding small bugs and you enjoy sharing your feedback with us, you don't have to wait.

You can find the changelog for this v0.75 on the previous development diary: HERE

Are you having issues trying to play the game? Visit our FAQ before commenting. If your problem is not there, then, contact us.

Hope you enjoy it! Feel free to share feedback, impressions, suggestions on the comments!

Be good!



Can't wait to get home this weekend and try this out. Looking forward to Mayas scene.


I know what I'm doing today.

Mark LaughingBear

Geez! I leave the house for a few hours and look what pops up! Woohoo!!!

Marcus Aurelius

Been very much awaiting this. Can't wait to get home tomorrow and try it out.


Is there a way to bring my saves from previous versions to the new one?


Hey guys! Couple of bugs I've found so far: 1. The ambient spaceship sound is playing in the background of the new Alison dates on the Fox Planet. 2. Neither Erin's aunts, nor Erin appeared in the market on day 13. 3. I trained with the fox twins as backup, and then played Maya's game to see if that had something to do with her Easter egg. After I failed a couple times (I'm playing on a touch screen) I gave up and talked to Gunter to continue to the mission, and he said I needed to train more. I lost all the days AND the skills again to continue playing. Overall, I LOVE this update, I'm going to play again right now actually to see if I can get all of the new scenes this time!! Thank you guys sooooo much! Your hard work is impeccable! <3


I gotta say the animations never cease to amaze me in how high quality they all are, the new movies at the endgames are really something 👌


I found a weird bug, if you do the Erin potion minigame and fail it you can see her cut out face in the bottom left of the screen o-O

Justin Norton

I am using a mac and I followed what the faq said to do, and made they're in the same place together I think, to make the h-scenes work and they just continue loading and I can't skip ahead or anything. Any idea what could be wrong?


Aquest l'he de jugar sí o sí!!


Absolutely love it. great job, guys!

Mark LaughingBear

Siaren's Movie Mode is absolutely great! As is Maya's Easter Egg (I've been wanting her since I first saw her)! THANK YOU!!!

Mark LaughingBear

Personal comment: Alison's Forest Date is missing one element I really liked. She sat down in the first version. Don't get me wrong, she looks terrific, but I really liked how she got a little more comfortable.


The game is still an alpha. It means that every update we add script, code, variables...that the old save game won't expect, so that will bug your game.


Thanks for reporting. Erin or their aunts aren't there on day 13 because you need to do something before ;)


Yeah, we know, but it's the best way not to spend too much time on a date. Roselyn was also sitting there. The old one were more....casual, we know :)


Are in the same directory the folder "files" and the executable or the swf "Space Paws 0.75"? Send us a screenshot of your directory, so we can help you better.


i cant play it

Mark LaughingBear

So much to admire in the new version! I forgot these. LOVE the new Amber! She's adorable! Really like all the speech animations, too. Even the kits! That one caught me a little by surprise. ;)

Drake Draven

is there a new walkthrough?

Bob Lancaster

Is there a way to make the shooting mini game any easier? my computer is too laggy


Talk(aim button) with zaphirus and zirkon. You can train with them. This way the minigame is not necessary.


Realy good game (and continue like that) but i see a little problem : is it normal Siaren got an double toe (the bigest one) on the Wistle rocks scene when she do an glans massage ? ^^


I'm using a flash player for the exe file but i still get an infinite loading screen for maya's easter egg and the love scene for siaren


I assume you mean the first step of the animation, and if you look carefully there're 2 toes because there're two feet. The one moving is the toe of her right leg. The static one is her left foot.


Folder "files" and the file named "Space Paws v0.75.swf" (or .exe) in the same directory. More info in our FAQ


I thought nebet was supposed to have 4 toes, but in the divan scene she has 5?


Magic :P Wow, you're right. She will have 5 toes, as in the divan so we'll probably adjust the idle pic


Just a heads up.... I haven't been able to get the date with Alison on Whistle Rock to work properly, It just has the first line and Alison standing there and then I click the arrow to go to next dialogue and nothing happens at all. Was there an update to the update within the last like week or so to fix this or just random issue? Thank you in advance and taking time to read!! Loooooove this game!! ;3


Nevermind!!!! just now noticed the "updated" in the link thing..... it is late and I am tired but worth playing this game~


In the updated version, I found with nebet when you give her the jewell, it appears a link to see the king, which you can't click, you have to click "later" and then talk to her and then the link will work.


You ever think about having 3-somes with other females besides the 2 genies?


Easter egg with Allison she is facing wrong direction from where her bed actually is


anyway to move saves


SO Im having tons of issues, cant save, the file never seems to extract properly and everytime I close it, and reopen, It has to re extract. the loading screen for the drone game was never ending as well. help??


That sounds as don't have extracted the files. It sounds like you're opening the compressed file, but you aren't extracting it. That's the reason why external files (that aren't extracted) can't by found by the game. Don't double click the file. Right click on it and select extract (the whole folder, not only the .exe)


I'm not getting the file when i download it. All im getting is a white page. Nothing to extract.


The first h-scene with Nebet is not working, just has an infinite loading screen. I even have the .exe version.


"Space problems" :)) Just two low-priority text misprint bugs. First: Alison's note has "havein" without space in Maya's easter egg scene (screenshot: <a href="http://joxi.ru/eAO14Wf9xW8Omo?d=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://joxi.ru/eAO14Wf9xW8Omo?d=1</a> ). Second: Maya's shooting game instruction claims "spacebar key" to exit, but it's actually the "Q" key. (screenshots: <a href="http://joxi.ru/GrqgeGU4Q7W62z?d=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://joxi.ru/GrqgeGU4Q7W62z?d=1</a> and <a href="http://joxi.ru/v29lJGFZ3MvDmG?d=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://joxi.ru/v29lJGFZ3MvDmG?d=1</a> ). And thank you very much for the game!