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Hi guys,

We've been some days without saying anything. As you probably guessed, we're building the update. It's quite advanced, and it shouldn't take much longer, but we've decided to add some new features to it. That's why we're needing a bit more time. So, while we're working on it, we'd like to let you know what you find on this new update:

-New save/load slots: since this update you'll have 6 more save slots. It means a total of 12 slots. But that is not all. On every slot you'll find information about your saved game. To be more precise you'll see the DAY of the saved game, your skill point and you'll be able to add some kind of icon to every slot. Our intention with these icons is to give you a graphic reminder of which route you're doing on each slot.

- CG Gallery: Space Paws needs a gallery. As many adults game and visual novels, since this update you'll be able to see those H-scenes you've unlocked.

-Drones minigame has been optimized. The difficult has been slightly increased. Many of you obtained more than 200 or 300 hits on the previous update, so this time, we expect it to be a bit more challenging.

-Labyrinths: we liked the concept of it, but we feel they were too... easy. So since this update you'll need 1 key to open the locks of the 1st and 2nd labyrinth, 2 keys for the 3rd and 4th, and 3 keys for the 5th (the new one).

In addittion to all this, this update will consist basically on Siaren's dates + last chapter of Alison's diary. We've also added a day event using the masturbation H-scene of Alison that we made on the previous celebration pic / commission. In summary, in this update there'll be 5 new H-scenes.

And that's all. Doing all this requieres more time than we initially thought, but we think that it will be ready before October. Anyway, in the worst-case sceneario, if the update isn't ready on September (improbably) and you can't keep your pledge in October, send us a message and we'll send you the update as soon as it's ready.

Byebyee! ^_^


Marcus Aurelius

Fingers crossed y'all can make a September release, but if not and a little more polish is needed, I imagine everyone hear is willing to wait (with breath baited or otherwise) for a few extra days.


Quality needs time. I am fine with it :D

Dr. Soop

Quality over quantity take the time you need it will just make the game better


Congratulations, it sounds like you may have made the drones minigame so difficult I won't be able to win it.




Well, we work with the reports we receive, and the vast majority was really high, like 200-300 hits without many problems (and some people getting bored after some time). Please, let us know your record, how many times you tried as we asked on the release of the v0.56... but understand that we don't want people scoring a milion points and getting bored. On the game you'll need to hit 50 drones to do the mission, and it's doable (both of us could do it with not many tries). But anyway, if you really can't pass the game for any reason (not using a mouse or a confortable surface, not being good at these kind of minigames...) you can talk to the fox twins and pass the game without doing it (paying with days and skill points). So don't worry ;)

Mark LaughingBear

With the quality you're producing, I'll exercise my patience! Keep up the great work!


HYPE also I'm glad that if we couldn't keep our pledge you will still get us the update really helps people that can't pledge every month (I'm going to stay pledged for as long as possible but you never know when something will come up)


The additional save slots & the CG gallery are definitely welcome! I always look forward to dates, & h-scenes with the girls!! While Alison may not be furry, she is def a fox in her own right!!! Don't have much of an opinion on the games, as long as there is way thru. or around the ones I can't manage since I have carpal in both wrists :( Other than that, I can't see where anything is anything less than awesome 8D


PS ~ Would having the girls blink be too much work..? Just a thought, but prob something for a future game...... Anyway, we have to explore the 4th planet 1st................... (hehe)




I will not be able to keep my pledge in the next month because there is something wrong with my bank account :-/


Wow. That sounds exciting. I can't wait to see what new stuff you'll add after this!


Will there be any actual sex scenes with Siaren though?


If with sex you mean penetration... no but there will be 3 H-scenes with her :)


any update on when it will be released? :)

Gr8 M8

I thought the update's release past september was improbable :(


As i read the Diary i was sure it would come in october. Otherwise a diary for 6 days delay were not necesary.

Gr8 M8

Sorry to bother you guys again. But ETA how long to the release of the next update? Your patrons (especially me) are eagerly waiting for the update, even after the promised September release date. I really do appreciate you guys's work by the way, so I'm just writing this because i'm really antsy for your next release ^_^. So sorry for being your incredibly annoying fan.


Relax dude. They had previously said that they were close to the terrorist attacks in Barcelona, meaning they're close to the protests and violence in Barcelona. I wouldn't be surprised if they take a couple of days off while things (hopefully) cool down over there.


Rip the September release I guess, was really looking forward to it, can't wait till you do release it tho, I'm sure it'll be just as good as all your other work