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Our Archers+ tier patrons can already play the early access version for the v0.73 of Shuggerlain:


Here you have the coplete changelog for this version:

  • New Nation: Syqua
    Including plot, events, new characters, a new minigame, among other stuff.

  • New main girl : Koa (Shark girl)

  • Alternative looks (bikini) in Syqua for: Nulkan (not a bikini xD), Dynae, Izuin, Nadine, Luth, Saraith, Vex, Yraselle, Night Queen, Jilliana, Atzi, Hazel, Teigan, Zira, Ragna.

  • Special event with animated H-scene for: Dynae, Izuin, Nadine, Luth, Saraith, Vex, Yraselle, Night Queen, Jilliana, Atzi, Hazel, Teigan, Zira, Ragna.

  • Vex, Atzi and Yraselle can reach level 10. That includes 3 intimate animations for each one.

  • Koa 1st Date (Including H-scene)

  • Ragna 2nd Date (Including H-scene)

  • Jilliana 3rd Date (Including alternative look and H-scene)

  • Jilliana quickie event.

  • Yraselle (Blonde & Purple) has been slighlty redesigned. This also includes updating some of her date H-scenes with the new changes.

  • First High Succubus: Aries. Including a new sex battle.

  • Maple and Khara are available for sex training.

  • Very likely, Yraselle, Nadine and Jilliana will receive a topless idle animation for after their quickie events.

There's also a walktrough with useful cheats for Cavalry+ tier patrons:

In a few weeks, after the bugfixing, the v0.73 will also be avaiable for Spearmen tier patrons.

Or, in case you prefer, we also use Itch.io and there you can find the free access version of Shuggerlain (v0.50):



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