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Time for a development diary!

During all this time working on the v0.73 we've advanced a lot of content. Some has been already shown on Patreon in their respective tiers, but others haven't.

Let's take a quick look at the status:

  • Art assets for new nation: Syqua. [Mostly Done]

  • New main girl: Koa (Shark). [Done]

  • Alternative looks during the happenings on Syqua for: Dynae, Izuin, Saraith, Nadine, Luth, Vex, Yraselle, Atzi, Night Queen, Hazel, Jilliana, Teigan, Zira and Ragna. [Done]

  • Side events with the girls listed above. [WIP]

  • New High Succubus girl and Sex Battle [???]

  • Level 10 with Intimate animations for Vex, Yraselle and Atzi. [Only Yraselle remains]

  • Date 1 and H-scene for Koa [Done]

  • Date 2 and H-scene for Ragna [Done]

  • Date 3 and H-scene for Jilliana [Done]

  • New sex training H-scene for Anwen (and perhaps also Ulaithel). [???]

  • Maple and Khara will be available for sex training [Not yet]

Alright, and now let's explain this a little bit.

We've focused so far developing the content we consider it is a MUST for this update. In this way, this content is very advanced, but we are not totally done with it yet.
To give you a little hint about it... the side events with the girls in Syqua under some specific conditions could end in an H-scene. Yes, all the girls listed above.
And those are a lot of animations. That's why we had to invent something to make this possible in a single update, without delaying much other content.
So in summary what we did is applying 3 different animation positions for these events, so some girls will receive position number 1 H-scene, others position number 2 H-scene, and others position number 3 H-scene.
And of course, this will happen in their Syqua outfits ;)

So this is the big thing about the update v0.73.
Besides this, we found time enough to complete the date H-scenes for Koa, Ragna and Jilliana.
But now, we are not sure about the nex Sex Battle and the new succubus girl and we are not sure about Anwen's and Ulaithel's sex training H-scenes.

I guess it's more likely we find time enough to, at least, do Anwen's H-scene as it's less work than a new whole sex battle (but on the other side we know it's been a while since the last sex battle, and probably it's about time for another one).
So basicaly, we don't discard or promise any of this content. We'll keep working on all this and we'll try to do our best to add as much content as we can.

We'd like to release this update at some point of summer to fit Syqua with the summer mood and also to be able to rest a little bit and have some holidays after the update.

We keep at it! We hope you are as excited as we are with this update! :)



Oh cant wait to get another awesome H-scnene with an Awesome girl (Atzi)


Looking forward to the update and hoping that once it launches, you guys get a much deserved break to enjoy the summer :)