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I find myself lacking a bit of motivation this month, can't really figure out what sort of pose or spice to add next so for the most part I have been picking at a few projects. not seen here is some edits I am doing to my current wolf to make a simple pose for her. tell me what you think of my arkkin and my toon shaded jag!

would love any feedback!




Maybe do a giant male feline the same as the female big cats and I would love to see some giant canines as well I love all of your art work and maybe do a few giant female tigers as well just a few ideas have a great day 🙂☺️


Oh ok that’s all good sorry about that


I came back to this patreon because of the giant cats haha! I say more giant animals :)


Oh lol, well I am still going to do them, its just not going to be my regular fair, so its going to be public next one is going to be with the jaguar and a few teeny suns lol.


As long as its something you enjoy keep em' coming! The toon effect looks really nice by the way, the pattern on the fur really stands out :)

Kiran Otter

I think these all look very promising, especially the bear.


I see a bear..nice ...I hope its a male bear