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A site dedicated to posting and cataloging patreon content has recently ripped my work. I usually don't much worry about chans posting some early work as I understand that sometimes it can't be helped if digital content it leaked, but this particular site encourages and is built around a community of people who actively seek out patrons to rip content from. more despicable is that the site owner profits from the site.

now again, I am pretty lax about finding my early art on chans as, once more, it often can't be helped, but the fact that this particular site is profiting off other peoples work as well as building incentive to actively rip work buy using a "most requested" system under the guise of some backwards ethical standard of "not having to be forced to pay" is another matter.

because of this I will be using a 3rd party to post my content called primeleap, a rather new service for artists. instead of posting my artwork directly to patreon I will be posting links to my work hosted by this site. the site requires a sign up but but I hope that is not to much trouble.



That's too bad. Sadly I don't think said measure would prevent such thing from happening. Usually the content is filtered from paying patrons which download the content and then share it. The only thing that would be more helpful to prevent leaks is some sort of DRM but even that is not a silver bullet.


Many patreon artists did the same already. Sometimes there are problems with registering on PrimeLeap because of it's incorrect mail system settings. If it happens, just try using another mail.


I'm not sure how this will help, and I am not really interesting in signing up for another yet another service... I can barely afford patreon as it is.

Radiant Claw

You're welcome to so if you think it would help. I follow sefeiren and they do the same and it's not all too bad. Like the other person said, I'm pretty sure the site you're speaking of is mainly updated by paying people and switching to primeleap will just add 1 extra step for them to upload. My only issue with primeleap is the watermark feature can sometimes be very obvious on the image even after downloading it and can ruin the feel for the image. I know it can add an extra layer of protection, but I read in a discord I was in that somebody already figured out how to get pass that feature.


If there was something better, I would go for it, but this seems like the best option for the time being. other than sending a complaint directly to cloud fair or directly filing a sue against them. I already filed a DMCA to cloud fair as that's what the site uses to host.


I don't know, sort of at a loss but I don't just want to bend over and except it, I want to take some kind of measure no matter how small.

Radiant Claw

I follow somebody else named Kodar. They have their own site and just directly link to the images on their site, but there's no signup required for it. All it does it check if you're a patron using patreon's API. If you're not a patron, it won't allow you to access the image, but if you are, you can see it. It's a one time thing only too. You just have to click the yes button when it asks you to view your patreon pledge. It only has to be done once and it'll save it in the cache. The only thing it doesn't have is watermarks since there's no account signup, but it can still prevent the site from automatically scraping your patreon page of images.


I have signed up for PrimeLeap because another artist I support has already moved to it. It is a little bit "beta" but it does work and it is a much better user experience for viewing art. I hope your transition is painless. 🐻


I might actually save a little time with it, as I can set when an image becomes public on it automatically by date.this will save me time having to post twice when I make one of my images public.


Am I going to have to pay on both sites or just one of them and if so which one? I just love your stuff and I really dont like primeleap but if that's where your going I'll follow you there.

Radiant Claw

Not sure if it went through last time since I can't see it on this page, so I'll post it again to be sure. I follow somebody else named Kodar. They have their own site and just directly link to the images on their site, but there's no signup required for it. All it does it check if you're a patron using patreon's API. If you're not a patron, it won't allow you to access the image, but if you are, you can see it. It's a one time thing only too. You just have to click the yes button when it asks you to view your patreon pledge. It only has to be done once and it'll save it in the cache. The only thing it doesn't have is watermarks since there's no account signup, but it can still prevent the site from automatically scraping your patreon page of images.

David Ewell

I'm already using Prime Leap so it's no big. But yeah It sucks this happens so you do what you have to do.


I've been using PrimeLeap with some other artists and it works pretty well as long as things get set up correctly.


I am using patreon because it gives me the ability to provide feedback to the artists and encourage them to draw the type of art that I want to see drawn. Pirate sites do not provide this ability and are therefore irrelevant to my interests.