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I planned to finish this at least 2 days ago but there are things about the processes that I am using and the over all render of the image that I am just not happy with. I want to take some more time to tweak things. this particular render took a little over an hour I then added some tweaking in photoshop.

Next project after this will be a wolverine, I want to make a few female bases before I work on males so the boys will be made a in the future.




Just love her in that pose <3


If you could do a male bear like this that would be amazing...good job on her though she looks really great.


She just keeps getting more and more adorable every time I see her... and is it just me or is she a lil' bit pillowy in the posterior? ♥ Anyway! Any idea what it is about this one that's zinging you? Not sure if you're talking about workflow/render-process quirks, but if you're talking about aesthetics, the only thing that looks a little odd to me is how double-jointed her fingers seem to be, particularly visible on her right hand. There was something else too, but I keep getting too distracted by how stunningly real she looks to recall it...


As of now I think it is the shaders. something about the shaders seems to make the overall look of the hair appear patchy and the fur lines seem to flow oddly. it might be the translucency of the hair that's causing the path tracing to make strange lighting. I have been experimenting with other combination of shaders to see if I come up with something that's less messy.