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Spent the whole day having trouble with this image, did not want to stream as most of working on this image today involved staring at it for 10 minutes not quite knowing why I did not like it. It strange, I spent so much focus and time on this image yet still find it a little off, while I went back to older images that I really liked yet had a rather enjoyable and some what easy time working on Without much attention to detail. I could not figure out why those came out to my liking. Was it the brushes I used? the way I progressed? the reference I used? the lighting? the pose? shape? Its frustrating to say the least, and I hate when an image that looks like its going to go well ends up as such a headache. I really hope its just my mood that alters my perception of the work but at the moment it feels that there must be something I did wrong that I am not sure of.

Any way, I really hope you like the image. any thoughts would be super appreciated with this one.



Kiran Otter

To me, there is something about the chest that doesn't seem right. And in retrospect, I would have had his back to the viewer; their black back is sort of their signature. Maybe have him in front of a mirror so the viewer can see the back, or front, depending on the pose. I think the head and neck is perfect.


Yeah, I also found it a shame that there was so little of the blacked back to show. The chest was a little ify for me aswell. glad you like the neck though! I was worried about that too.