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hey commeroids. sorry this is late coming through, had a death in the family and it ended up hitting me for six. doubling down on efforts for a second safe injecting room in the bastards honour <3 "i've never encountered a user who wasn't trying to thrive"

details from a new project with La Trobe uni that will come out soon

Also been flat-out finishing the first issue of ‘Townsville Watchouse Experience’, a new four-part old school floppy comic series I’m making in collaboration with my old friend Kyle Magee, through Glom Press. I just sent off the final artwork for the first issue which is gonna come out soon, here is the cover and a few pages:

below is a new piece for Overland, about the limits on striking, which i repeat for the millionth time are in australia down NINETY SEVEN PERCENT from 1970s levels 🤮 

I tried to draw that one in the style of the old International Workers of the World cartoons from a hundred years ago, which are still so on point. enjoyed working Mr Block into the piece, he is a recurring character from labour cartoons over the last hundred or so years, who represents a cucked worker with false consciousness, if you're a cartoonist u shld draw him tooooo keep him alive

old depiction of him from decades and decades ago: 

Done a bunch of pieces in support of Palestine as previously unimaginable horrors continue just completely unchecked, with the daily death toll now having surpassed literally any other 21st century conflict

the above ‘vote for palestine’ piece was intended to hype some good candidates in the MEAA (media and arts union) elections.

I took the text off it and put a generic version of it on my website as a high resolution free downloadable file, if you are involved in any election campaigns in the future feel free to amend and use it, pls just send me a msg before u do so, i don’t want it being deployed by some cooker who is randomly correct on Palestine but wrong about everything else haha, if such a person exists

made the below poster and banner design as part of the media unions effort to fundraise for the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate. the MEAA raised $10k off their push, not bad.

donated a handful prints to APHEDA to auction off for Palestinian solidarity. APHEDA is an international aid organisation started by the australian union movement in the 80s (actually started in response to persecution of Palestine way back then). they’re an excellent organisation well worth looking into, they don’t just provide aid they actually equip workers in different regions to fight for themselves it rules.

My other union the MUA sold off this print as part of the Tas Bull International Aid auction for Palestine at the maritime union conference on Friday, it sold for fucken $25k wld u belief.
I usually don’t heaps prioritise fundraising since it often doesn’t feel very transformative / feels more like charity alot of the time / selling boyscout cookies / not structural enuf or smthng / and cos so many other parts of the left do very little *except* fundraise??? but fucken hell things are so desperate with Palestine lets do whatever we can wherever we can i spose?????? might try and think of some more ways to contribute in that way.

I am trying to get some mugs made up for patreon supporters, wanna get the above new design printed on these old school diner mugs, fingers crossed it comes together:

In the end i think i will just make them available to patreon supporters, i dont wanna fully become fucken Kmart lol

i have also started drawing goofy comics at work, partly as a way to keep some kind of diary, and yeh as a way to pass the time. also cos it’s boring just drawing ranty political stuff all the time, nice to leave a bit of room for self expression even if it’s just drawing dumb workplace chats. 

There’s also some cynical part of my brain where i hope that if i draw more accessible, playful pieces like these, then more ppl might arrive at the more political drawings. Craven!!!!!

Drew this for my dear friend Hollie for her bday :

keep ringing the bell, cunce!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3

ps -- I have finally mailed some gratitude out to everyone now, pls let me know if u haven’t received anything in the last 6 months or so, that includes new supporters xooooo

above drawing by Bailey Sharp, graphic by Workers Art Collective



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