hussey strike (Patreon)
Here's a little shareable graphic me and a few friends made to support the high stakes Hussey farmworker strike that's kicking off this week:
Since 2015, migrant farm workers have led the first wave of unionisation in Australia’s farms in decades. Workers across multiple sites have fought cash in hand, contracting, piece rates and sexual harrassment to help build a fighting union with United Workers Union. These efforts have long represented one of the most exciting and promising forces in the labour movement in this country, and have reached a peak with a massive indefinite strike kicking off on Wednesday this week.
Tomorrow night the night before the strike starts, me and Nicky Minus are running a banner and placard making workshop with the workers and UWU.
I'm pumped about it omfg. We will all collaborate to make banners and placards that celebrate the strike and articulate the workers demands. These artworks will decorate their camp outside their workplace, and join them on any actions they take during their push.
There's room for a couple more people at the banner and placard making workshop, if any of u want to come -- it's tomorrow night in Springvale from around 8:30pm. First in best dressed unfortunately cos its not a huge space we're gonna be working in, let me know if you'd want to come along.
Otherwise everyone is encouraged to head along to the strike this Wednesday morning if you're able, 9 S Boundary Rd E Somerville at 6am, 28th June, about an hours drive from Melbourne.
And from then on, it will be a 24 hour presence, it will be a really welcoming friendly space, you can visit for half an hour or 12 hours up to you. As we know, strikes get the goods, and their occurance is down 97%(!!!) since 1970s levels, so I think it's worthwhile backing industrial action like this whenever we can. Consider heading down there with some mates and some snacks and support the first big formal strike in an australian farm for literally generations :-O