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Hey mates hope you’re all keeping well.

I’ve been good, been busy with this new book, it’s coming along, feeling like less of a head-fuck than the last one which is good!!!!!

As u can see, it is waaay more spacious, less dense than ‘Our Members Be Unlimited’, it’s pretty much a sentence per page which makes it breathe rly nicely i think.

Jeff finished the script a while ago, I finished a really rly rough layout of the whole thing last month, and I have been plugging away at a more polished, but still rough second layout of the whole thing since then. I don’t usually do such schmick / near complete drafts but I think the book will benefit from the work, even though it’s going to do my head in to redraw all these pages later:

I have to get all the art done by August, and it’ll come out in Australia and the US on May Day next year, one years time pretty much.

It’s called ‘12 Rules For Strife’ if i didnt say that already, Scribe are going to announce it properly on Monday i think.

Someone in the UK asked me if i wld be willing to turn this placard into a printable, digital graphic for people to use in opposition to “king charles” 🤮 coronation next month. If u want to download it and use it for any of these kinds of purposes feel free, u can get it from here 

The above and below art, along with a bunch of other pieces in this update were done for no $ so thanks for supporting me to make this kinda stuff.

Here is the second drawing i’ve done in support of rank and file art workers at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art / ACCA here in Melb, as part of their efforts to get a union agreement up and improve their situation. Looks like they are likely heading for strike action soon which is excellent <3

☝️ Pls don’t share this drawing around.

Drew the below shirt design for the excellent cunce at Harm Reduction Victoria. Was stoked to draw more about these issues, and to have a whole different raft of iconography and symbolism to try to work with:

The shirts got snapped up but they’re doing a second run, pre-order is here they’re $30 with all money going to their brilliant efforts https://www.hrvic.org.au/product-page/7-demandments-tshirt-order 

Matt from the organisation got me on to this rly good podcast about harm reduction called ‘Crackdown’ which i highly recommend!!!!

Drew this banger of a quote from my friend Anwen Crawford, it stuck in all of our heads since the Better Read Than Dead strike a year or two ago.

I was motivated to draw it after a pro-SDA* troll kept commenting in bad-faith on all my RAFFWU** posts, and i told him for every extra comment he left i would draw another piece of pro-RAFFWU propaganda hahah, so I have a couple more to draw still cos he kept banging on…

* the SDA is Australia’s biggest, crappest most rotten union

** RAFFWU are an insurgent “unregistered” union representing the same members, but with an interest in actual class struggle and positive outcomes for workers.

Semi related quote that i think of all the time:

Ben Juers and Paperback Bookstore made this beautiful pamphlet, with a transcript of his and my ‘salon’ conversation event a few months ago.

The little publication also features my comic essay about the anti labour spy agency the Pinkertons, and Bens fucken beautiful cover art. You can buy one for $5 at Paperback Books. I have a handful of copies that the bookstore gave me, I am happy to send them out to folks, I will send 5 to random people who click like this post.

Oh and last time i said i wld send out a copy of that giant ‘Labour definitions’ print to someone who clicked “like” on the last update. I used the website Random Generator to choose someone, to make sure it was fair, n the person that came up is Nand, will post to you soon.

I put a couple of other copies of this print up on my webstore samwallman.com/store, in A1 and A0 size. Reminder if u ever want to buy anything from the webstore use the code PAYTRONE to get 25% off. Or just write to me and ask for something and if i cannnnnn i’ll send it for free lol.

I’ve still got about 20 of u left to mail new stuff out to, IM SORRY ABOUT THAT, will def get them done before my next update, promise.

Okay im gonna clock off, here is this rough sketch of what im planning for my next Overland piece in a week or so. There is a lot of concern and outrage cos the Victorian State Government is shutting down trains that run alongside Sydney road while they build the elevated train line, without having an accessible PT option in its place in the interim (!). This will fuck over so many people. There is a 'Make Sydney Road accessible for all' rally happening on Saturday 17 June, 11am at Wilson Avenue open space. If you have any feedback on the concept sketch below pls let me know.

Cheers dickheads!!!!!! <3


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