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Hey mates

Hope you’re all keeping well! Things have been a bit deranged my end, equal parts stressful and special, lots of family care stuff been going on over the last month or so and the book spruiking. kinda overwhelming chunk of time but doing pretty good so far, hope u are too.

I’m headed to Canberra / Ngambri to run a couple of workshops this weekend, if u know anyone who lives there and might wanna attend pls let them know, the workshops are free and u don’t have to have written or made art or comics before, you just have to register. There is a workshop for teenagers this Saturday the 25th and one for adults on Sunday 26th.

Also running a workshop in Adelaide / Tarntanya on Saturday the 6th of August, hosted by Writers SA, same deal also free u just have to register here to come along. Pls share w anyone in SA u know who might be into it!!!!

Another few event things just quickly:

- doing a live in-person convo w Ben Juers, hosted by Paperback Books as part of their ‘Salon Series’ in narrm melbourne the Tuesday after next, the 5th of July, 6pm. shld be fun, if u wanna come email paperbackbookshop.events@gmail.com

- The Adelaide launch of Our Members Be Unlimited is happening at the Semaphore Workers Club on Saturday the 30th July 3-6pm, no need to rsvp, come along if ya can there will be a presentation and some speeches n wotnot :-)

- the Sydney launch of the book is happening at the Maritime Union of Australia in the city on Friday the 26th, shaping up to be a big fun event, will send more info about that soon but save the date if ur in syd!!!!!!

Last update i did a poll asking what i should work on next. The clear favy that got voted up was a longform comic essay about my old friend Kyles recent experiences in a Queensland prison with workers involved in the coal industry, when he was locked up for some anti-fossil fuel industry direct action. I will get onto this one soon promise.

The second most popular option was a piece about the difference between ‘direct’, ‘delegated’ and ‘smug’ politics, which is gonna form the backbone of this small book / pamphlet project i’m working on with Jeff Sparrow. I went ahead and made this one for Overland a couple of weeks ago:

Speaking of Jeff here is the cover we made for his new book Provocations, and some of the interstitial drawings from inside:

The poll before last where i asked what ppl thought i shld draw next, the Salvatore the seal option got voted up. The Nib ended up commissioning this v short comic about him, don’t think i shared it here in full yet:

The book has been going gang-busters which has been genuinely rly surprising n very heartening :,-) 

The publisher hasn't got any stock left, and apparently most bookstores are sold out now, but the reprint should come in late next month / early august. Scribe have set up the pre-order page on their website again, i think the 25% discount code for patreon supporters will still work if u enter SAVECURTIN at checkout.

Here is a rough sketch of a new drawing i've been working on that i hope to finish soon. Hope your week is going well!!! Thankyou for yr support!!!!!!!!!! <3



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