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hi hello hope everyones doing okay. here are some anti-lawn memes that i liked, in contrast to the doom of a new war!!!!!!

i know lawns are good for kids to play on, for picnics and for sport...... but i cldnt fit that in the drawing below, and also that doesnt mean we need to cover the earth in the stuff!! Overland will publish the drawing on Monday i think.

if you have any suggestions about what i might draw about for next months piece pls let me know, u can comment on this post or email me.

months ago when i asked u guys to vote on what i shld work on next, and the most popular option was a piece about Salvatore, the 200kg fur seal who lived in the Yarra river for several months last year. i tried to get The Nib to commission me to make a really long (indulgent?!?!) comic essay on him, and after lots of back and forth about it, they asked me to produce a....four panel comic lol. i am nearly finished with it now, should come out soon, i will let you know. meanwhile here are some bits:

the federal election is going to be called soon, probably this coming week. Morrison must have such a stiffy with this war kicking off, i can smell it from here, it will be great for him no doubt. Jeff Sparrow mentioned how perfect it wld be for his electoral fortunes too if the queen dies too omfg can u imagine, if she's not dead already.
i usually prefer more of a "play the ball not the man" approach to politics, but with an election coming up i thought i would try to draw something. i find it extremely hard to draw about electoral politics in a way that isn't annoying i tell you what!

i put a high resolution version of this drawing on the 'downloadable art' section of my website in case anyone wants to print some or do whatever with them samwallman.com/downloadable-art

I did the same with these drawings also:

drew the above piece a while ago, after hearing that some of the more conservative parts of the labour movement have taken to weaponising a reluctance to fight or organise properly, claiming that striking and taking industrial action is inherently macho or masculine, and therefore kind of sexist. truly deranged, try telling that to farm workers / cleaners, slash every woman i know lol. hopefully the drawing is a subtle intervention into this stuff, its all a bit of a mine field, esp when ppl are deploying this kind of stuff in such bad faith

above is how the 'gay blood' poster turned out, i sent the rough sketch in the last update. looking forward to getting back to australia and putting some up outside blood donation sites :-)

had an extremely special time learning some of the *actively erased* histories of the massive uprisings that happened a hundred years ago down in appalachia, and painting two murals in the mine wars museum in matewan west virginia. huge thanks to Tom, Shaun, Wilma and Terry <3 hoping to make some more art about the stuff i learnt down there a bit further down the track.

normal country

the mural i painted at Red Ink community library and organising space in Providence rhode island went well i think, similar style to the ones above, extremely keen to keep cutting my teeth on these things.

disgusting to see nazis attack the space a few days ago, at a celebration of the anniversary of the communist manifesto. u can see footage of the fuckwits, who outnumbered the leftists 10 to 1 and busted someones lip :-/ here if u want. luv to be inside of a country where a lawmaker can respond to the attack with a take like this, just without consequence:

i got a lot out of this presentation called "LOOK LOUD: What is Visual Strategy? Projecting Power in the Street" which was recorded and u can watch here. "A webinar filled with practical tips about how your union or other organisation presents its message and power to the world, the joy of making beautiful and effective signage together, and how to stage rallies for maximum impact"

Garage Press Distro have printed more copies of that "google 40% of cops" sticker, and are selling them for cost price dirt cheap, like 10 quality vinyl stickers for $2.50

the MUA Art Prize "The Struggles That Made Us" deadline has been extended til March 30th. get into it / tell your art making friends! $$$$$ up for grabs. https://www.mua.org.au/struggles-made-us-design-prize 

the brilliant film Women of Steel is premiering on ABC TV Plus on International Working Womens Day, sunday March 6th, 8.30pm then showing again on tuesday March 8th 8.30pm, maybe it will also be on iview probably  Panels That Tranform, the exhibition that me Nicky Minus and Safdar Ahmed had in sydney closed recently. there is this neat video showing some of the work and featuring our friend and curator Can Yalcinkaya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnqAGI1em4U&feature=youtu.be  hopefully the exhibition will tour to some regional galleries soon we will see!

thankyou for the support talk to you next month! <3



Sebastian Horey

Ya we get told that talking about industrial action is alienating our women members during a strike by the 80-90% women country road workers 🙃🙃