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I'll give this a proper title later, but: at long last, part two of the NiveusMedia saga arrives! And it's not quite the end, either; there will be a third video a bit later, but that one's a surprise. :)


Niveus Part 2

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Hello mr Ray Dude, loved the video as always. I have a few pedantries about the 360 if you are interested. I assume you already know this but it wasn't explicitly stated in the video (or I missed the annotation). I'm sure someone out there will go "well if you wanted to test a game on the 360, why not just pull the wire out of the drive port and hook up your parts drive?" and the answer is, naturally, that 360 optical drives are paired to the motherboard for antipiracy reasons and without a lot of fuckery, you can't mix and match drives to boards. It might still play DVDs??? On the theme of "a lot of fuckery", you could swap the entire motherboard for a hacked board and run a game off of USB, all without spoiling the sacrad Blades Dash, but that's a lot of work to make a fancy heater. (I would enjoy seeing the fancy heater) Personally, I find 360 DVD drives to be comically loud, so if I was guessing I'd put that down for the reason not to include it rather than heat, although this era of 360 wasn't out of the park for mass failures so maybe trying to avoid heat as much as possible was still important. All speculation. Finally, while I think it is "close enough" there are a lot of (other) big pedants online; the 360 failures were I believe due to the balls/bumps between the die and the package failing, not the package and the motherboard. This was confirmed, as confirmed as these things get, kind of in passing in some xbox retrospective marketing fluff video a year or two back for some annivesary. I think people get fussy over this because it shifts the blame from microsoft to, I guess whoever fabbed the chips, assuming they did the packaging too? It's thermal stress either way, the point still stands. Some people will argue that the joins were so bad that a lower power use would have saved them, I'd argue the 360 used a crazy amount of power and something dumb was bound to happen!


The power supply hack is pretty reckless. Even if you're an underdog who has to cut corners here and there, you should never cut corners on safety.

Paul Warren

for my early PS3, I think I remember having to accept a license agreement about xvid and mpeg4 codecs, wonder if the 360 did something similar? I also remember it didn't support mkv containers for h264, only mp4 I think?


Ho boy. Nothing could've prepared me for the jank that this thing packs o.O

Brad Sparks

You did, but specifically it came bundled with later dashboards. As part of the whole speel for the new experience that they offered.

Mukunda Modell

In a slight defense of Niveus, that genuinely might not be a final production unit. It is quite possible or even likely that you got your hands on a prototype unit. I say this because I know many of the beta testers and company insiders were located in the Seattle area. That doesn't really excuse giving dangerous devices to insiders but it's maybe slightly better than selling them to customers.

Evan Grove

So glad we got the follow-up. The first Niveus video was how I discovered the channel, and it's still one of my favorites