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Hey everybody!

I have tried to push for release of some early version of "Secretary Auditions", but I don't like it. Its still very raw and I decided to rather pause billing, before I make some crappy first release.

This month lot of time went into planning everything through, adjusting environment, converting assets and animating the walking transitions, so I did not properly come to do the sex parts yet, which I want to make with automatic position changes, like in VSR.

So the first release of this scene will be around mid/late November.

At last here are some rough plans and previews of the gameplay. Mostly transition animations for now though. Still do not watch or read further if you don't want to get spoiled!


At the start of the scene player will be browsing secretaries. When there is a worthy candidate, you can call her inside.

If you don't like her, after better review, you can still send her away like in this clip:

or you decide to check her out more like here: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/diligentveneratedjaguarundi

There will be of course an interview part when the girl sits on the office chair and after that several sex parts around the enviro, like table, wall, boss chair, couch and of course the liberator sex chair.

I prepared it accordingly for the action parts, so it can rotate and has an optional big mirror on the side. Also you will be able to choose from different colors for it :)

This is the rough plan for now, I hope you like it!



Yeah - also, pls use current version Timeline! We're almost a hundred versions past your usual v174!


Ahaha I am currently using 196 as in VSR. I have tried to use the new ones, but there is another layout and I can't get rid of the automatism where I scroll through frames and click the wrong buttons, which cycle through the animations instead :/ Also the preview atoms are waay smaller in newer timelines, which makes the animating harder imho, cause I don't see the rotation properly between frames.


Preview atoms? Whuutsdat? If Acid changed QoL options, normally he'll give you an option to adjust ?


Other plugin for "Legs in the air" poses: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/freethelegs.35724/


Ah yeah forgot the biggest reason why I like earlier Timelines more. In current ones (pretty much after 196) its not possible to edit stuff, when Timeline is disabled. The Edit screen just becomes locked: https://imgur.com/wGiYorM which makes very hard to add and mod stuff like triggers on animations


Yepp this one is also great and I will try to add it aswell! CheesyFX makes some god tier work :D


With preview atoms I mean the small green cubes. Not sure how those are called :D In the timeline I use (196) these cubes a bigger and also all the lines can be seen when selecting all the animated targets on the scrubber. https://imgur.com/a/gf62p1a In newer timelines the cubes are smaller and the lines can be only seen, when curves are selected, but then the dots on the scrubber are not visible https://imgur.com/a/hSkmjON


Errrrrh. Ok, I have to admit I've never edited spatial curves of controllers (head, hip etc). But I have edited triggertracks and ... I don't quite understand what you mean about this being difficult. Or why you would want to do it when Timeline is disable (also ... I would EXPECT that editing Timeline-tracks is difficult when Timeline is disabled? On account of it being ... disabled? Maybe I misunderstand smth? ) You stop the animation (click "stop" twice), go to "target" tab, select the desired triggertrack, and then you navigate with the "f>" "f<" buttons until you are at the keyframe you want to edit?


Sorry for stoopid questions - the links to the pics are broken. "With preview atoms I mean the small green cubes. Not sure how those are called :D " Errr do you mean the green controllers that are builtin with Vam? Afaik, those are called controllers (headcontrol etc). Or do you mean (in Timeline) the "violet" cubes connected by pale grey/blue lines that you see when you select a Timelinetrack for a controller (like head, hip etc) and go to "Target"? The cubes are called keyframes, I think? It should be really easy for AcidBubbles to implement size options for those violet squares & lines. Just have to ask him. "In newer timelines the cubes are smaller and the lines can be only seen, when curves are selected, but then the dots on the scrubber are not visible https://imgur.com/a/hSkmjON"" Ok. Again, I think it'd be really easy for Acid to add an option for that?


Ah shit sorry, looks like imgur links were only working for me right after upload. Not sure if this is cause of nudity. I reuploaded the pics to another hoster: here are the bigger cubes (aka keyframe visualization) from 196: https://ibb.co/7pR9nP6 and here smaller ones where the 3D visualization is only visible when curves are selected in the dopesheet: https://ibb.co/7pP6tGD https://ibb.co/J2cXN16 But this is the lesser reason why I like using 196 more. When Timeline is enabled during editing of the triggers, the chick flies all over the place and sometimes some other stuff is being triggered, cause of collisions. Or the chick explodes and flies away. Of course it can be prevented with disabling collision and other timeline triggers prior to editing, but its way easier for me just to disable Timeline and edit the triggers then. At the end I rly don't want to bother AB to edit Timeline to my liking. There are for sure reasons he made those changes. Also I am perfectly fine with using 196 which produces the same quality of animations from what I see. The biggest change regarding that was from V3 to V4 where AB rewrote the engine and added "Bezier curves" and 196 is V4.