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here is the next update for the scene with some improvements and new stuff. The download are over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46170217 

Whats New

- Rework of the Clothing Presets

Thanks to CaseEP's and atani's idea and VAMStory plugin from hazmhox I have been able to get rid of the weird loading start of the scene.

Also thanks to the suggestion from turboleak on discord, I made some pics for the presets and it looks waaay better now https://imgur.com/HIDqQsj 

- Remade Start of the Scene

Now the scene begins a bit randomized and one of the 4 tracks with dancing animations start playing.

- Added Buttons for Active Dude navigation

Also the Active Dude version starts a bit different now. Its a bit clunky to explain so just check the following video for this:


I tried to add a little bit of a build up with this and the following

- Added some Randomized (NPC like) Behavior to the girl

When the girl is not dancing and you are not interacting with her, she makes some random stuff. Its not much, but still gives a bit of immersion and build up imho.

She does not do that from the start, cause I did not place triggers there, otherwise she sometimes would skip the dancing part. 

So the fastest way to come to this section from the start is to wait until she dances and then reset to dancefloor https://imgur.com/gARvGAJ or make her sit down.

Its actually something which I planned for the scene inside the big flat, which I converted a while ago. The club does not give much room for different non sexual activities, but I thought its still a nice addition.

- Added new Animations for the Girl

Now she can go back to the dancefloor from the sitting positions and the main sex positions (doggy1 and missi1 on chair and doggy2 and missi1 on couch)

The button for this is located just near the sex buttons: https://imgur.com/KzKIRbv 

Make sure to make room for her to do this, cause she is reckless and will run you over, when you are in her way.

Also I have added some alternative animations for when the girl is undressed, so she does not do this again.

- Added some new Expression Presets

Thanks to one of my patrons I just recently noticed that there is a newer version of Expression Randomizer around. For now I made 2 new presets for non sex expressions. One for normal part and one for presex part. Maybe I do some more for the next update :)


- Made a trigger so DATM Pants disappear after undressing

They were weirdly influencing the physics when in simulated state

- Put the Lights on to "Linear Animation" Logic Brick instead of Anim Pattern

Also I changed the color of the left light (invisible light#3) on chair part

- Changed wrong Preset file on one of the Undress buttons

The Undress button above the couch had wrong preset file attached

- Fixed the switch from Girl HipThrust back to PenisThrust not working

One of the triggers was empty and now this is working


This is it for now. Next update will be on last day of the month. The main things I want to add is better lighting effects, slow dancing part, switch from LipSync plugin to VAM's integrated LipSyncing and probably make more variety to clothing presets (like adding sexy VL_13 clothes).

I think I will not have time for more this month (like MMF or Bar positions), so I will make a vote tomorrow if I should add one more month for improving the club or switch to making new scene.

Have fun with the Update!



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