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I have some pretty good news to share regarding clothing presets :D

First of all they found their way into the club scene too......and they are working with the striptease part! All of them! And with the other parts aswell (when the girl undresses panties on transition to doggy for example)

There is some little downside to it though. For this to work properly I had to solve one problem with Logic Bricks programming, so there will be some more loading time and some weird stuff will happen right after loading the scene :D Also I needed to utilize some new functions from VaM 1.22.0.x.

Here are some video clips to visualize everything I wrote so far (well it is actually one longer video, which I had to split, so I can upload it on redgifs):

Part1: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/dotinggravewoodpecker

Part2: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/felinehummingasianlion

Part3: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/powerlessattractiveheterodontosaurus

The problem, which required this weird solution, were disappearing clothing triggers, when the girl is not dressed in every simulated clothing item (from the clothing presets menu) on saving the scene.

So right after loading the scene, all the simulated clothes from the "preset menu" get toggled, after that all the Logic Brick relays with clothing triggers get triggered (this makes the clothing triggers reappear inside them), then a relay with all the "default" sim settings is triggered and at the end all the sim clothing gets toggled again. 

Another idea how to solve this problem (which would work for older VaM versions btw), would be making an "onion" clothing preset. I found it a bit inconvenient though, cause it would require to merge load all the triggerable clothes every time on to a girl prior to saving and remove it manually every time after loading. (Well only if you would want to use clothing presets menu of course.)

With the Logic Brick programming I made, it is fully automated, so you will be able to change the girl, dress her how you want to and save the scene like you want to and the presets will still work :D

If there is a better way you know of, how to make the clothing triggers persistent after saving and reloading, please tell, cause my solution seems a little bit clunky.

Anyway TL;DR The Clothing Presets will be "In The Club" in the upcoming end of month update!



"If there is a better way you know of, how to make the clothing triggers persistent after saving and reloading, please tell, cause my solution seems a little bit clunky." It DOES seem clunky ... but I currently have no better idea? Actually ... I'm not sure I fully understand the problem? Soooh ... you want to have different selectable clothing presets, but also you want the undress animations during the poledance to work? And somehow you need the clothes to be actively loaded into the scene, bcs otherwise, some of the triggers in some LogicBricks break during saving? Off-the-cuff ideas: 1) There's two methods for (merge-)loading presets: MergeLoadPresetWithPath and MergeLoadPresetWithName. The latter stores the filepath + name as a STRING. Might be more robust than the other option. (MacGruber once told me that strings are the most reliable method of passing information between triggers/plugins - basically the reason he based his selectchoice and statemachine bricks on that method.) 2) IIRC, there's also two (three?) different ways for toggling individual clothes - you can load the clothing item (by path or name), but you can also "activate" it. Afaics, that's the same as loading a clothing item and then manually unchecking it in the clothing tab. Note that the clothing item needs to be loaded once before toggling (and the user needs to have Ram-optimization for presets disabled) Maybe an idea for your "onion" strategy? 3) IIRC, there might be some plugin-based solutions worth looking at - atani has what they call "clothing quickloads" (just check atani's scene templates on the Hub). 3ii) Also, there's hazmhox' VamStory plugin - the main advantage over LogicBricks is that it unifies a lot (not all!) of the LogicBricks functionality into one single plugin loaded onto one single atom - so there's a lot less of the "weak spots" (that can break during scene loads) which you get if you have your scene-control logic distributed over 100 plugins on 30 atoms. Basically "One SUPERBRICK instead of 50 smaller bricks = less brittleness" Not to mention that it simplifes UI menu-creation A LOT - IMO, you might want to consider using VamStory for that reason alone.

TGC69 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-03 06:04:27 Hey Case! Once again thanks a lot for such an elaborated response <3 I did not come to check out your suggestion yet, since the time until end of month was running out, so I stayed with my workaround for now. Yes from what I understand you understood my problem :D Basically yes all the clothes I used in presets have to be loaded at the beginning, otherwise the triggers for undressing and stuff become empty. Or the clothes can be loaded after loading, but then all the triggers have to be refreshed/triggered with those clothes on. Then they go from empty to "full" again. This is the way I went for to make it automated. And yepp I am using the "toggle" option you stated in 2) for that method. Also I did not mention it, but this was exactly how "onion" method worked aswell :D Its actually funny how similar our brains work here and there lol The solutions you suggested under 3) sound very interesting indeed. I have not checked those plugins yet and will definitely do so in the coming days! Would be super nice if I can manage to make the scene "lighter" aswell this way! Much thanks again Case!
2023-06-30 19:43:04 Hey Case! Once again thanks a lot for such an elaborated response <3 I did not come to check out your suggestion yet, since the time until end of month was running out, so I stayed with my workaround for now. Yes from what I understand you understood my problem :D Basically yes all the clothes I used in presets have to be loaded at the beginning, otherwise the triggers for undressing and stuff become empty. Or the clothes can be loaded after loading, but then all the triggers have to be refreshed/triggered with those clothes on. Then they go from empty to "full" again. This is the way I went for to make it automated. And yepp I am using the "toggle" option you stated in 2) for that method. Also I did not mention it, but this was exactly how "onion" method worked aswell :D Its actually funny how similar our brains work here and there lol The solutions you suggested under 3) sound very interesting indeed. I have not checked those plugins yet and will definitely do so in the coming days! Would be super nice if I can manage to make the scene "lighter" aswell this way! Much thanks again Case!

Hey Case! Once again thanks a lot for such an elaborated response <3 I did not come to check out your suggestion yet, since the time until end of month was running out, so I stayed with my workaround for now. Yes from what I understand you understood my problem :D Basically yes all the clothes I used in presets have to be loaded at the beginning, otherwise the triggers for undressing and stuff become empty. Or the clothes can be loaded after loading, but then all the triggers have to be refreshed/triggered with those clothes on. Then they go from empty to "full" again. This is the way I went for to make it automated. And yepp I am using the "toggle" option you stated in 2) for that method. Also I did not mention it, but this was exactly how "onion" method worked aswell :D Its actually funny how similar our brains work here and there lol The solutions you suggested under 3) sound very interesting indeed. I have not checked those plugins yet and will definitely do so in the coming days! Would be super nice if I can manage to make the scene "lighter" aswell this way! Much thanks again Case!