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Hello everybody,

here is finally the first big Club update since years :D You can download it under the main scene post over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/in-club-wip-46170217 

Apologies for taking more time for the update, then I told you in the last post. I overestimated myself a bit. I am still not 100% recovered, but its getting better and better.

This update still contains big improvements to the scene imho. Here is the usual "changelog" of what have been done.

Whats New

- Mechanics and Additions (from VSR)

VSR took very long time to make, therefore I had to take the good stuff from there :D So the following features are now inside the Club scene aswell:

Choking, Talking, Improved Micro Movements, Improved Spanking, Touch Mechanics, Vaginal/Anal & Hip/Penis Thrust Switches, POV Adjustments, More Facial Expressions and UI-Improvements.

- Close Distance Sphere (experimental)

This is the newer mechanic from this clip, which I showed you a while ago. Its for VR/possession gameplay only and therefore deactivated at the beginning. To enable this sphere you have to turn off "ActiveDude".

It still does not have many functions yet. I was not able to play properly in VR, so I postponed improving this sphere. I will try to add more functions to it for the next update though.

- 3rd Light Source

I have added directional light to the scene. You can find it over here: https://imgur.com/HalY7OO 

There are no triggers which change it so you can adjust it how you want to or turn it off completely.


- Adjusted Transition Animations

I changed the speeds and weighting on pretty much all transition animations. They are now good bit faster.

- Buttons for Spank Buttons

- The Spank Buttons are now deactivated by default and can be turned on and off via the according buttons in the main UI: https://imgur.com/4cEX58c

- ButtPhysics Turned Off on Default

- GluteSoftPhysics are now also turned off at the start on the default girl. 

Also I removed the automatic triggers, which turned butt physics off and on.

- Reworked UI

The UI is now more like in VSR. I think it is more accessible and intuitive this way. 

- Reworked Jukebox

Thanks to improved LogicBricks I could get rid of many elements of my old jukebox (like VUML and several ActionGroupers). Now its very lightweight. Also it does not break anymore when you switch a chosen (yellow) song.

- Several other small changes

Boner anmation is faster, Penis is less shiny, Changed some morphs on a default girl

This is pretty much all of the important stuff which comes to mind. I will definitely try to get another update out by the end of the month or I pause again :P




Fakey McFakerton

I’m having an issue with this scene. Once I get to the point where she sits down for sex, her visual mesh freezes even as her skeletal controls move. (not sure Im using the right terms). So she’s visually frozen on her back with a frozen smile, even if you pick a different pose or reset, but if you hit edit you can see her controllers where they’re supposed to be moving normally. Once this happens, it sticks and I have to exit and restart VAM to get rid of it. This is in VR mode. I’ve had this happen occasionally in other scenes but not this consistently. Any idea what it is?

Fakey McFakerton

Running session plugins are jayjaywon UIAssist and BrowserAssist, Redeyes GiveMeFPS, and macgruber PostMagic (LUT)


Hey Evil Knievel is back good to see you back hope your doing better after your stunt :D


Geat stuff as usual but "play" button doesn't work. Nothing happens, it's not even "clickable". Also I got no music for some reason. Previous release worked without issue and all others scenes too. I have all dependencies installed. Any idea ?


Hey thanks :) Do you play in VR possession mode or in desktop?


Good to see you back in action. Slight nitpick: About that "close distance sphere" -> What does a sphere need an orientation for, exactly? Think you can disengage the rotation parenting, save that poor physics engine some cycles? Or use a distance function (eg in VUML)?


Heyhey I already though about it and there is no rotation parenting in this update :) The video is a bit older ;D Also removed all the rotation parenting from other attached atoms. Took me pretty long to realize that though xD About VUML distance function..the thing is that I noticed that I get occasional micro freezes, every time when VUML is added to the scene, therefore I removed it from the Club and trying not to use it in general. Not sure if its only on my side though. So currently I am trying to solve everything which requires some "programming" with Logic Bricks.


Can I change how the crowd people look.


Yeah sure, here is how to access the atoms: https://imgur.com/a/rWU3QqZ I usually make them hidden and leave only the most necessary, so that opening the edit mode does not eat too many frames.