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I just uploaded new version of the scene containing the first bulk of the commissioned audio from Emma Fielder. It was not much yet since it was just a "demo tape", but still there are around 80 short audios. 

You can get the new version over here https://www.patreon.com/posts/virtual-reloaded-59323869 

Here is also the full summary of what else is new/changed

New Stuff

- New audio from commissioned "demo tape"

There are around 80 short audio files added. I used different triggers for them. Big part is on spanking and idling. Some audio is on sexing part and some stuff the girl says depending on situation

- New animations

Added 4 idle animations for missionary 1 position

- FJ

Added footjob part. You can access it from missionary 1 position. It is barebones right now and will be expanded in the next update with some randomized body movement


- Changed VAMMoan voice from "Lillian" to "Claire"

I thought it fits a bit more to the commissioned audio. In the main commission I want to ask to record enough moans by Emma so it can be added to VAMMoan. 

- Fixed an annoying "bug" which occured occasionaly on transitions from idling to sex positions

Sometimes after pressing a button, it would dissappear and the girl would proceed idle looping. I noticed that one very late and its fixed now. 

This is all so far. I am switching now back to making and animating the bed-BJ part. It would be cool to hear your feedback on the audio since I plan to do big commission! 


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