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I resumed progressing the scene this month. So far I added footjob to the scene. Here is a little preview of it: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/alertimaginativezebu 

Right now its pretty much the same like in first virtual sweetheart, so I want to improve it with some additional random body movements and facial expressions before I release it in an update.

Currently I switched again to the BJ part though, which requires some planning and little experimenting with different facial and penis morphs. This is how it looks like right now: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/powderblueillaplomadofalcon

Had to use animation patterns again. They are the best way I know of to control depth & height of the blowjob, changing of the morphs and also they reduce head and penis shaking by a lot. 

After the BJ and FJ update is released I want to add some new sex locations to the scene. Here are couple of pics with some pose presets I made a while ago: https://imgur.com/a/q1PkTji

Also I plan to start bugging Emma Fielder coming week about the commission. Haven't heard anything from her for about a month :/

This is all for now. I will keep you updated. Also I will release update of the scene when BJ and FJ parts are done. FJ part is easy and straight forward, but BJ part requires some planning and experimenting, so I can't tell exactly when the update comes. This month for sure though.



Looking good! Suggestion on the peen-morphs in BJ? Maybe a slider that allows the user to tune overall penis-size? (eg with the "sh_massive" morph you can control overall size with just one slider if you don't want to fiddle with several morphs). It's already a bit ... on the boundaries of "willing suspension of disbelief" ;)


Hey thanks! I will check this morph out, but its actually no biggie to add different morphs (as long they are not too performance hungry) I am using value logic brick for the morphs and adding them is rly quick :)