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I kinda don't like the new wet sounds which I added in the last update, so I am thinking about removing them and put back the previous ones. They also eat some performance, cause of frequent randomization. What do you think? Have you already tested the scene after the last update? 

Good means you like the new wet sounds

Shit means you don't like the new wet sounds/little performance impact they do

If the sum of "Shit" and "Did not notice anything" overvotes "Good", I will put back the previous sounds in the next update. If not I leave the new sounds in the scene.


Pedro Teixeira

@TGC, Sorry, can you clarify the question? Good means that the scene is good or it means that the wet sounds are good or does it mean that it is good that you are going to get rid of the sounds?


Hey Pedro, the poll is only about the wet sounds. Good means the new sounds are good and you like them. Shit means that the sounds are not so good ;D I was thinking to get rid of them and put the old ones back, but now it looks like that ppl like them, as though I am not sure now if they understood correctly what I mean with that poll xD