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I have decided to pause the billing cycle for the next month. There were several reasons to do it. 

First of all I will not have lots of time in October. I will still do some stuff in the next month aswell, but definitely not enough to make a charge. 

Also I want to have some extra time buffer for the lap dance part. I am currently bit struggling to find fitting animations. I have got some which I could use, but I would need to mod them a lot, which takes time, so some bonus October time would help me if needed. 

At last I started to experiment a bit more with micro movements, which I recently added to the club scene. And I am thinking of making short scene in a bedroom with couple of positions, which would not be performance heavy, so it can be played with more FPS/Hz. 

Still a bit undecided whether I take the RC preview "scene" as base for it or start making new version of Virtual Sweetheart or new version of Sexy Time with more positions and all of the new mechanics for the club scene, which became possible with MacGrubers Logic Bricks. I think newer versions of the latter two scenes would be overall better idea, but I kinda want to finish club scene, before I start working on a bigger project. Maybe I will make a poll in the near future regarding the above stuff.

This is all for now. If you have some thoughts or suggestions regarding to what I wrote, don't hesitate to write them in the comments :)



I insist on paying! how else will you maintain your silk stocking fetish!? we all know how quickly you go through them...;-D


Similar to Chris, I feel somewhat ambivalent about suspending the billing cycle. For me, it's FAR more important that you're communicating honestly with us about any (expected) changes in your publication schedule: I don't mind staying with a trusted creator (which you definitely are amongst) through a "dry patch" in their creative cycle - so long as I have a rough idea what is going on, I'm fine. Experience has taught me that the odds are pretty good that I'll get more than my money's worth once the creator gets "back in the saddle". So thanks for the honest communication about your plans and what you feel your situation is. Also thanks for the suspension of the billing. But note that, IMO, the former is far more important than the latter.


As to the scenes and which one to prioritize: Hmmmh, that's a tough one. On the one hand, the Club scene, as brilliant as it is, has also become quite large - A new scene might allow you more freedom to experiment with all the stuff you've learned while creating the Club scene. And it sounds to me a little like maybe you're at a point in your creative cycle where you need a little space for experimentation and orientation - to find out where you are and where you want to go? On the other hand, it's also a really good scene, with a well-developed "infrastructure" - not having to create everything from scratch in order to implement a new idea can maybe also be a boon? Go with your intuition & what you feel most passionate about, I'd say. I believe that in the long run, your being passionate about the project you're working is also going to deliver the greatest benefit to us.


Thank you too for the kind words Case. I really appretiate your attitude! I am fine with pausing, so no worries. One more reason for pausing is that I would like to have some free time next month to play new games with my friends. Looking forward to check out New World and Battlefield. So this and next month will be like merged one month regarding amount of progression/content I plan to release, maybe a bit more. Also there is another thing I want to do in this timeframe, which eats lot of time, but the result is not super visible/impactful. I have already started to adjust the feet on the dancing parts, so they become less floaty. Its tedious, but has to be done, cause it adds a bit more to immersion and the scene feels a bit more polished then.


Well there are several reasons which speak for making new simple scene, You already mentioned one of the main ones. Club scene is large, so its not that efficient/pleasant to experiment in it, cause loading times alone are huge. It is pretty performance hungry aswell, so I don't think many people can play it with high FPS and higher phys rate then 45Hz and with lower physrate/FPS stuff like longer hair and clothing sim look shitty in VR. So new simple scene would fix the above stuff. Also I think that this micro movements system can be elevated into some really sexy immersive experience. So the new scene would be completely built around them. I also want to experiment with physic settings here and there for different body parts and try to add some randomized “macro” movements with timeline (like minimal position changings) and see how it looks. And yepp it really is very helpful that I can use the club scene as a base, when I want to add some of the mechanics to other scenes :) So yeah you analyzed my situation pretty precise, as though the main focus is in the experimentation, mainly because of all the possibilities which MacGrubers Logic Bricks added to the table :D


So if I get you right that you have a couple new ideas for scene design & workflow - Maybe you could create a couple of small "(playable) workflow experimentation scenes" (and release those) before you attack another big scene like The Club? Two, three poses (or just ONE pose?) plus whatever other concept/feature you want to test (lighting, logic, physics, whaevs). Really sparse scenes, just "fapable concept sketches" ;) That way, you wouldn't have this constant pressure of "I REALLY need to release something NOW, it's been ages ....", and you'd have the time & space to let your ideas mature a little - just far enough that you have some working templates (either in the form of scenes/subscenes or a rough "workflow sketch" in your mind) And when you feel you're ready -> GO CREATE THAT MASTERPIECE! However, I'd put that to a vote (provided, of course, that's a strategy you'd like to follow) - I'm totally fine with waiting a bit longer for the next big scene, but I'm not your only patreon ... P.S.: All of the above "once you come back from the semi-break-thingy" you anounced, of course.


"Two, three poses (or just ONE pose?) plus whatever other concept/feature you want to test (lighting, logic, physics, whaevs). Really sparse scenes, just "fapable concept sketches" - Ahahah this is exactly what I started making in the last week :D Happy to hear you think the same! Currently I added 6 poses (3 missi and 3 doggy), no transition animations, just pose presets like in “Kinky Pleasures” and all of the mechanics from the club (facial expressions, micro movements, spanks). Probably will add cowgirl and reverse cowgirl positions too ;) From this base I want to start experimenting more with physics, micro movements and also add randomized “macro” movements. Small premade animations in Timeline, where the girl slightly moves or changes positions of hands/arms, legs for example, like grabbing her butt or starting playing with pussy. I think it will not take much time until I release this “concept” scene. Also I will be able to fall back to it, if I want to experiment more with some mechanics. Main priority right now is still “In The Club”. And after I finished it, I am definitely going for pimping/completely reworking “Virtual Sweetheart” :)