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I have just uploaded new update under the main scene post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/in-club-wip-46170217 

Whats New

- Randomized Micro Movements

As I have mentioned in the previous post I decided to finally add cycle force triggered body movements to the sex parts. 

Currently there are 18 different forces getting randomized by MacGrubers randomizer logic brick, which is being separately triggered by 2 random loop logic bricks. 

I have added them to the chair and couch sections. There are only 3 positions (doggy5, doggy7 and missi2b on the chair) where I disabled the Micro Movements for now, because girls pose is to fragile (needs more adjustments there)

Also they are not added to the pole sex positions yet, because I have to do transition animations over there, would like to add more positions to that part and make some polishing, before I start adjusting the micro movements over there. 

- Cumshot 

With help of hazmhox's fluids101 plugin/asset you can shoot around ;D

After the "Boner" animation two "Cum" buttons appear. 

You can find the first one, where main UI is located https://imgur.com/zGV4uRv  

The second one is just above the "InsertionOn" button https://imgur.com/xaBE6f6

Also for VR in the possession mode I have added collision trigger just in front of the penis https://imgur.com/une8moh . You have to hit it 3 times to shoot. 

- New Voice Commands

I have added "boner" and both "reset" commands to MacGrubers Speech recognition plugin. The words to initiate them are in the pictures above and in the updated "VoiceCommands.pdf" file aswell. 


Enjoy the update! And please tell me what you think after you have checked it out :) Especially regarding the following parts:

- Randomized Micro Movements seem to cause short random freezes on my side. Would like to hear if you have it aswell.

- In possession mode dude randomly starts to shoot around when you move. Its caused by collision trigger in front of dudes penis. Not really sure if I should remove it.




Micro movements eah neat!

Dirk Diggler

This is so good! Thanks.