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I need some feedback and especially criticism regarding "In The Club" scene. Sometimes I feel like I am poking in the dark, in the hope you like the additions I make and overall direction of the scene :) 

Surely I can't adjust the scene to everyones liking. Especially its hard with the music choice, because all of you have different tastes. But maybe there are parts of the scene which many of you don't like and I can improve them in the next updates!

So please write down 1-3 things you don't like the most regarding the current state of the scene. No matter what it is. You could also use the "suggestions" subchannel in my discord for it aswell :)

Progress Report/Next Update

In the last days I made some little changes to UI. Also I made some adjustments to Active Dude part (especially doggy positions), so the penis becomes less shaky on penetration and the intercourse looks overall more fluid (still adjusting it, so no video preview yet). And I am also adding speech recognition for the next update. 

From what I have seen it works super good in VRDollz's dancing scene and all the Reign's videos. So I thought it would be pretty neat addition to the Club scene aswell :) I am also thinking to randomize it a bit, so lets say the girl is on the dancefloor and you say something with "Sitdown" and she will go and sit down eather on the chair or couch.  

I will release updated version on weekend with all the stuff mentioned above and probably more, because the above stuff is almost done ;D

Also here is the full "ongoing" list what I plan to add for speech recognition so far:

Sentence with

Sit Down - Girl sits down on couch or chair

Butt/Ass - Girl goes for doggystyle to couch or chair

Fuck (when she is sitting) - Girl switches to missionary position

Blowjob/Suck - Girl kneels for BJ

Stand Up (when she is kneeling) - Girl stands up from kneeling

Poledance - Girl goes to idling at pole

Start (when idling at pole) - Girl starts poledancing

feel free to add your suggestions in the comments :)



I pretty much only tried out the poledance scenes from the last update, but I would suggest: -adding a "skip" button for the dance routine and -tweaking the UI positioning so that you can easily access it with passenger active. I think in position M2 (?) it was pretty tricky hitting the button to actually start the animation, for example. Not criticism, but a suggestion: Another creator I follow got littlemistressboots (who does smut audio short stories ^^) to voice his scene. Which makes it really come to life and is incredibly hot. Especially with the addition of speech recognition it'd be amazing.

Pedro Teixeira

The thing I don't like in "the club" scene, is the club scene. Too dark, to much reflections from the balcony. The too dark is to be expected from a club scene, so I guess I really don't like the setting overall. As you said, you really can't do something that everyone likes. As such I haven't even tried yet the last to releases you made. This is not in any way to minimize your work, it's simply that the setting in itself doesn't tickle me. The other thing that I am not sure if you improved from maybe two months ago was the feet when the girl is dancing. Sometimes it seems that she is floating. Apart from that, I didn't see nothing wrong, I actually think it's the very best scene ever made for VAM.


Cool thank you for these suggestions! I will definitely add the "skip" button to the coming update. Its easy peasy done! I have been actually thinking about it myself, cause the dancing part is waaay to long to get to the pole positions ;D For voice acting I have got some ideas aswell :)


Oh wow thank you for this Pedro! The club itself can be modified aswell. GabiRX been already asking if he might change something to the asset. So far my thoughts were to ask him to change metal reflections, cause they are really unpleasant to the eye (especially in VR). So if you maybe have some other aspects of the asset you want to have changed, tell me and I ask GabiRX if he could do that :) Also yepp I plan to get rid of floating feet, but it will take some time, cause in the dancing parts there are more frames per second compared to the poledance part. This is definitely on my todo list but currently stuff like lapdance/sitting sex positions and some quality of life changes/integration of UIassist are higher in priority :/

Pedro Teixeira

The reflections, at least for me, make the setting not as pretty and smooth as it could be. Maybe change them with wood or other non reflecting material? There is also mirror like surfaces hanging from the walls that also reflect alot. Maybe replacing them with some posters or some art deco paintings. not sure really. There is also a significant difference in luminosity from the bar ( white light ) to the floor dance, and this I believe makes it look even darker. I mean, this last part may even be a feature, because it enhances the darkness of the scene, and, in all honesty, that is just how strip clubs are. it's just that I prefer a scene were you can appreciate the beauty of the model, so by trying to make it clearer, or more illuminated you may be ruining the realistic side of it, and I am sure there are people that love it as dark as it is now, so don't pay much attention to what I am saying.


Ok I will ask to change metal reflections for sure. What do you mean exactly with mirror like surfaces? The black and white picture or the walls? Also regarding luminosity from the bar. I probably ask GabiRX to make it less bright then too. At first I will check the enviro once again in VR though, keeping what said in mind :)


Although voice acting I will probably try to add later, when everything else is done, cause I would need a list of sentences I want to have recorded at first.


Ah this one is already changed in the last update :) I placed some VaM built in walls there with some red textures :)


That makes sense, of course, but most lines are very reusable, I'd imagine. Or rather, I don't think you would need reactions/answers that are too specific. I mean... we all know how awkward porn scripts are, so don't bother directing it "too much", I guess? :D

Dark Fantasy

If you dont mind a suggestion: for the floating feet challenge I have found that locking the toes in place when I am adjusting the feet, knees, hips, and hips helps quite a bit. Or to save time I build the animation then go back, lock the toes in place then step through the animation and jiggle the toe control to record its position in timeline. I love the work so far! So detailed and intricate! (I also am the opposite in that I like darker scenes and always turn the lights down. It makes them less cartoonish and more realistic.)


everything is great in my opinion . if you can do a ui with changing outfits that be good in my book more blowjobs in the scene is good too. put some hip hop music in the club . other than that everything is great you have great skills in your work i appreciate the hard work . Keep bringing in the great work man im looking forward to more scenes you one of the best creators for VAM. Thank you


Hmm I was planning to "ground" the feet in Timeline, adjusting the feet frames and copy pasting the feet positions, when she is in the same place. But I will try your suggestion too. Maybe it will save me lots of time :) Also thanks, glad you like the scene so far! Regarding lighting I will setup different presets then, or make a slider for darker/brighter illumination :)


Ui with changing outfits is planned, It will be a challenge though to make different outfits for the poledance/strip part, but not impossible :) Also thanks for the kinds words Manny! Really appreciate it <3


Ahaha no I will not be going for some sophisticated dialogue script. I just want to get all areas covered and make some commission request where I have all the audio files I would need to and can use them also for future scenes :)


is okay buddy dont want to stress you more you done great no need to make alot of outfits i dont want to challenge you and stress you out. Thank you


Ah no its not what I ment :) The outfits will come for sure, already been experimenting with some ;) Only for the stripping part I am not sure whats possible yet ;D No stress at all :*


Performance - TBH, the scene is the only scene that has ever crashed VaM for me. I suspect it's the sheer size of the scene .json. I'm also having a really hard time getting above 25FPS in VR, and my rig is roughly comparable to yours (RyZen 7 3800x, 32Gb RAM, Radeon 5700xt) - not a beast, but definitely not a clunker, either. The trouble is that if I get below 45Hz FPS, I have to switch to 60Hz + physics cap 2 (from 45hz + cap 1) to minimize the performance penalty. And cap 2 is really risky given your very involved animations, (nevermind cap 1). I've had the girl explode on me several times already if I don't remember to move reaaaaallllyyyyy sllllloooooowwwwwlly. TL;DR - I really appreciate the involved scenes, but ... you're really pushing my rig. Maybe an option to deactivate Gabi's CUA? Or reduce some effects? Reduce number of atoms? (bcs .json size)


Lighting is also still a bit of a problem in some positions, especially the couch. The nearest invisible atom is just a LITTLE too far from the wall, and I can't move it (apparently it's slaved to Timeline?) UI positioning could be more convenient - but tbh, I'd prefer most UIs as UIAssist buttons or speech-recog rather than buttons. All those atoms are blowing up the size of scene .json.


And lastly: "Lack of Cowgirl" ;) (half-joking here - there's plenty positions in that scene. Performance is my main bugbear)


P.S.: But other than that, it's pretty much the perfect scene!


Yeah, performance on that scene truly sucks xD Best working thing for me to increase performance is to deactivate butt soft physics, as though its a shame on this many doggy positions :( I am not really sure what can be done with the map to increase FPS. Maybe removing some of the metal reflections could help :/ I will ask GabiRX about it


Regarding lighting..the two invisible lights which are used to light the couch and chair section are attached to the animation pattern. They needed to be repositioned, so thatswhy I made it like that. Another option would be to make stationary lights, which can be easily moved. I would make then a trigger to turn them off and on depending which section is currently active. But it kills the immersion a bit :/


Lack of Cowgirl will be removed so no worries about it ;) Also if voice recognition works well I will add more phrases for the UIbuttons. Also I will look into adding UIassist next. Its pretty high on my todo list :)


Thanks for that Case :) Really wish we would have them more frames in it then it would be really good xD


The one addition I would suggest is finishing animations/cumshots for the different positions and the pole dance routine. That would add so much entertainment! For the pole dance routine, it would be so sexy if she got off the platform and teased you as part of the routine. Maybe a little lap dance action before she returns to the pole. Then you could add some cowgirl positions to complement that. Always enjoy your updates!


I think the lighting in the bedroom could use a little work. And an annoying bug where if you stand up after laying down the camera is permanently skewed and requires reload. Otherwise fantastic stuff


Cumshots will cum ahahah (that was bad one I know myself) I want to add hazmhoxes fluids. Most likely already in the next update. Probably will make the option to cum anytime everywhere ;D Only need to think where to place the button for it, adding this plugin will be easy. Teasing while she is poledancing will be very hard to add. The approaching animation will have to look good, and animating walking is the biggest pain in the ass. Also the lapdance part is planned anyway, so I think I will try to add it first and see how I could combine it with poledance. And thank you! Happy to hear you like the updates ;D