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This is actually something I would like to know for a long time already. I need some info about which versions of my scenes you prefer playing and whether you are desktop or VR user. So this is the poll about it. 

Knowing these details might help me to know where to put more of my focus and where less, which should increase my efficiency and maybe even quality of content.

There will be the following questions in this poll:

1. Are you playing in VR or desktop?

2. Do you prefer Possession versions or Active Dude versions of my scenes?

3. Do you rather play Normal versions or Lite versions?

4. Do you prefer MacGruber's breathe, hazmhox's VaMMoan or shall I try some other options (custom audio, other plugins etc) for moaning?



Addendum wrt "Normal vs Lite" and "VamMoan vs Breathe": * I've mostly used the lite versions, mostly bcs I was concerned about performance - especially later iterations of the In the Club scene became really big in size, and sometimes I experienced crashes (iirc, both our hardware should be almost identical in performance). However, of late I've engaged in some "housekeeping" of my installation that've led me to doubt some things I've thought I knew about VaM-performance. TL;DR - I've used lite versions up to now, this may have been due to an error on my part * I'm not sure about the Breathe vs VaMmoan: Vocalization is just one part of the Breathe-plugin's functions. I feel that VaMmoan is the more focussed plugin for that purpose, and I also like its vocalizations better. I don't know which plugin is more performant, tbh. So if it's ONLY about vocalization, andif Vmoan isn't drastically worse performance-wise, then I'd say go with the latter?


Personally I am still using lite versions to get a bit more FPS for VR, so it looks more fluid. So it kinda surprises me to see such a dominance of people using normal versions. It could be that I am doing something wrong and can get them FPS from other sources, I already noticed too that clean VaM for example, which does not produce any red errors (missing dependencies on VARs and stuff like that), definitely is more stable and performs better. Regarding VaMMoan vs. Breathe. Without any additions they are both pretty lightweight. I just can’t help myself not to use VaMMoan’s different intensities with other plugins, to trigger expressions and stuff like that, which at the end makes it more performance heavy. Vocalization wise they are both great, but I currently prefer VaMMoan too. Probably because Breathe has been dominating VaM moaning, since MacGruber released it and I have been using it all the time xD So VaMMoan is very fresh addition to that area and has some really sexy voices :) Another option would be to add new custom moans to Breathe. I can recall MacGruber postet a tutorial how to do that on his patreon. Maybe I can find time to experiment with this in the future. But for now it looks like I will stick to VaMMoan.