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I am currently at progressing the Club scene. This week I have been redoing pose presets for active dude and reworking spanking. Now it is like in the "Romantic Night" scene, so no extra textures will be needed.

Thanks to Pedro Teixeira and Wolf I have also learned a method to compress the scene file and reduce the size to 1/5th of the original (thanks again for this guys ;D) Which means that my struggle with 500MB limit is now pretty much gone!

Therefore here is a new plan, what I want to include in the club scene. I am also adding priorities, which represent the order I am going to add/work on stuff.

- Transition to the stripping pole for standing sex positions and striptease (high priority)

Definitely want to do this first, because its the hardest one and also will have the most impact on the scene. The only downside is that I can't say right now how much time I am going to need for it. 

I will begin with the striptease first, because I need the starting frame for the transition from the dancefloor. Already prepped some BVHs which I want to use. 

- Transition from the stripping pole to the couch for lapdance/sitting sex positions (high-medium priority)

Need to make striptease first

- Some cowgirl sex positions on the dancefloor or the ottoman/chair (medium priority)

- More songs and dances (medium-low priority)

At least 1 hiphop/rap song/dance (with maybe some twerking) and 1 very slow dance. Other songs/dances can be added at the later point.

- Transitions back to the dancefloor (low priority)

Currently the chair and couch are points of no returns. I want to make animations so the girl will be able to go back to the dancefloor from these locations. Low priority right now, because it is possible to reset to dancefloor.

- Randomized micro movements for the sexy parts (medium priority)

I already started to work on them a while ago, but I am still not happy with the result. Needs a lot of adjustments for almost every position. Thatswhy I wanted to finish all the positions first before I resume progressing this part.

- Spanking (done) 

Spanking is in the scene and working pretty good. Will be in the next update.

- More SFX (high-low priority)

Some sounds are added instantly other SFXs will be added when everything else is done. Therefore mixed priority. 

- Better lighting and more light effects overall (medium priority)

I am still not very happy with lighting in the scene. Also the disco light effects should fit the songs. 

- "Reset" buttons (done)

Reset buttons are working good. They will be in the next update.

- Polishing of the dancing parts (low priority)

Not really sure if that needs to be made, but I kinda plan to polish the dancing parts. Especially the feet are sometimes floaty. It will be a bit of a chore (since there are 8-10 Timeline frames per second of dancing) but I see what I can do.

- Clothes preset menu (high-medium priority)

Different outfits for the girl, similar to "Virtual Sweetheart". Will be probably added for the next update.

This is basically all I want to tackle for the finished version of the "In The Club" scene. If you have more ideas/suggestions please write them in the comments :)



Could I bug you to maybe try whether you can use the free version of UIAssist for some of the menues? It's pretty darn convenient & you'd probably save some space bcs VaM wouldn't need to store all the position data for the triggers?


Cowgirl! Yass! Please!


Yes good idea! I don't like my current makeshift UI at all and also need more space for some new buttons xD I will see how much I can put on to UIAssist :D


If you want to, you could probably even do your "let pose-buttons only appear when it's appropriate within the scene logic-flow"-thingy - UIA has a function to load specific *.uia files ... well, the patreon version at least ... ... but I'm not sure whether that function is "visible from outside the plugin"? ("visible" = other plugins & triggers can access that feature) If so, you could prob use one of MacGruber's logicbricks (statemachine?) to load different button configurations? If not, I'll try bugging JayJayWon a bit that he implements it ;) If you can give him a usecase he understands and finds convincing (and not too hard to code), he'll usually do it. But it has to make sense to him P.S.: Did I mention that some CG subscenes would be REALLY appreciated? It's the only thing I sometimes miss a bit with your work (not complaining, more like "Dear Santa & Easterbunny - since you've asked what I'd like to have if Christmas & Eastern fell on the same day ...")


Yeah JayJayWon is a cool guy. I have chatted with him a bit while ago. I will test UIA tomorrow, to see where the limits would be (if there are any) Did not use it a lot yet. So I will be able to tell more tomorrow or on Sunday :) Would be pretty sweet if the free version works with logic bricks like you said, to make the buttons appear when needed. And OK I will add CG to the dancefloor or to that little chair thingy then ;D Don't think someone will complain :) Probably will tackle it after the striptease and lapdance parts.


Sooo, I have been messing around with UIA a bit today. Unfortunately UIA is a session plugin, which can not be saved with the scene, so logic bricks or other plugins can't find it from within the scene. All I can do would be putting some of the scene functions on it and save it as UIA preset, which everyone can load if they want to. Also it is possible to trigger other plugins with UIA like relays from logic bricks. The only downside of it is that UIA can not differentiate between same plugins on same atoms. For example I have about 10 logic bricks relays with different bulk commands on one of the atoms. If I would want to setup UIA button to trigger one of these relays, I would have to put each relay on separate empty atom, otherwise the UIA button would trigger them all at the same time :| Also I can not see a way to trigger/push UIButtons directly within UIA. I could make some clunky setup for that purpose, like spawning some spheres in the scene, attach cycle force once to them and trigger cycle force once with UIA buttons, so the spheres would move and push the buttons. But I don't know if this would impact the performance too much. So all in all I will make UIA preset with at least some basic functions like clothes presets, boner, undress, boob/butt physics on/off, insertion on/off, POV on/off and stuff like that. It will be optional though and my makeshift UI buttons will have to stay :| Maybe I can make them less ugly with hazmhoxes UIbutton customizer :)


You're right about UIAssist's weird inability to distinguing between plugins on the same atom. Usually, they're indentified by a number that represents the order in which they were loaded: "plugin#n". That's odd - probably an oversight. I just tested that both VUML and ActionGrouper have that capability. However, that doesn't mean you can only switch between your numerous relays by distributing them on different atoms. I've found two ways so far. A) The first is rather clunky: For every relay, you have to add an ActionGrouper that triggers "its" relay once the correct signal is received. That correct signal is a specific vbool controlled by a VUML-plugin on the same atom. Obviously, the VUML would need to support as many vbools as you have a relays and AGs. All the AGs watch "their" vbool, and when it changes to true, they trigger the relay. While UIAssist cannot discern plugins, it can discern states and booleans. Since the vbools each have a unique name, UIA can discern between them. Of course, it is stupid doing it that way - ActionGrouper is itself a kind of fancy relay, so you'd use a relay to trigger a relay. In practise, you'd forgoe the relay and let the actiongrouper take whatever action your relay was meant to execute. B) The second way is significantly more elegant: There's a LogicBrick called "Select Choice". It gets two inputs from you: The Choice and the Trigger - you confer the choice in the form of a string, like "Toggle L1", and the trigger in the form of ... well, a trigger-action. Fortunately, UIAssist is perfectly capably of doing both in one go. You could, theoretically even change the "choice" while switching off. Maybe that's usefull for something. --------------------- Bummer that UIAssist can't be triggered from outside ... though ... come to think of it, I think I'll experiment some more to see whethere there isn't another underhanded way ... ;)


As to "Pushing Buttons with UIAssist" - it CAN send trigger signals, I think? What it definitely CAN do is a trigger an ACTION by another plugin, so even if it couldn't directly activate triggers (which I doubt), it would be perfectly capable of triggering a relay logic-brick, which, in turn, can trigger anything your heart desires? I mean, it'd be a bit clunky, and it'd be another odd oversight by JJWs, but you can most definitely "trigger triggers" with UIA. P.S.: Messing around with UIAssist, PluginAssist and various LogicBricks, I've stumbled over some nifty stuff. How to activate possions by trigger-signal, for example. Pretty cool - a few months back, someone ask JayJay for that functionality in UIA. And now it turns out the standard trigger system can do that.


Oh! I've also found a way to "control" UIAssist from another plugin. Sort off. JJ has sealed it pretty thight, but if you load a logicbrick, or ActionGrouper as sessionplugins, they can initiate loading of sessionplugin-presets. Which gives you a limited way of interacting with UIAssist, I think: I believe it should be possible to save different presets that in turn make UIA load different *.uia files on startup (the config files that define the layout of UIAssists pages), That way, you could sort of "simulate" a change of menu. Again, a bit clunky doing it like that - also bcs JJ just introduced the feature to switch pages by button - but maybe possible?


Ok I love your solution with select choice :) Its pretty light weight and would not impact performance at all. Also it would save me shitton of time, cause I would not have to relocate relays to other empty atoms. Pushing buttons (trigger an UIbutton trigger) within UIA or with help of other plugins has been slight pain in my ass since my first scene. I have been searching for that direct command to "push" the UIbutton, but could not find anything. The workaround with relays is more then sufficient though. So I can relocate some of the UIbutton commands to relays, to be triggered with UIA. And yeah it looks like that pretty much everything can be triggered with UIA buttons, on direct way or with some slight workarounds, which is pretty cool! I did not play around with JJWs plugins a lot. I used some basic stuff like orifice aligner in some previous scenes and only started using VUML with action groupers since the club to make the jukebox. And I slowly, but surely realize the potential they have! Also I just checked the method with attaching logic bricks and actions grouper to session plugin. Never thought of that one :) I don’t see a way to trigger logic bricks inside the session plugin from within the scene directly. But VUML inside the scene interacts and can trigger stuff in action groupers, which are inside the session plugins. Also the action groupers keep working with VUML within the scene even if they are loaded as session plugin preset and are not saved with the scene, which is pretty cool! Unfortunately I don’t see a way to load UIA as a session plugin with help of action grouper. There are some options under CoreControl-PluginManagerPresets which I thought would do that, but they all load the session plugin preset I made, as scene plugins, where UIA does not work. So as for now I am still inclined just to make two big UIA presets with 4x4 buttons for the most useful stuff in the scene. One for active dude version and another one for possession/VR version.


Ok, I'm glad at least some of my stuff works ... tbh, it was "that part" of the night when I posted my weird workarounds ... I've also contacted JJW about UIAs weird "blindness" to other plugins. Beyond that, however, it surprises me a bit how imcommunicado that one is - it seems largely unidirectional, it hardly gives anything away to other plugins? Pretty odd for a control & comms tool, IMO (then again, I can hardly write code, so who am I to judge JJ?) It's just that VUML and Actiongrouper were working together so well - and JJ worked with AcidBubbles so UIA would play nice with Keybindings ... Odd ...


Haha no worries, your workarounds were actually pretty good and I learned some new and cool stuff about JJWs plugins (like staying interaction between VUML and action groupers from within scene and session plugins) Which may spawn some neat ideas :) It’s a pity that UIA don’t let control itself from other plugins, but I am no coder eather to judge that xD Maybe is just almost impossible to code, because of the nature how the session plugins work idk. Also yeah right I have read that too that JJW has been collaborating with AB for keybindings to work with JJWs plugins. So maybe its an option to include keybindings into session plugin preset and switch the UIA profiles with keybindings. I will have a look how that would work.


So I've talked to JJW and ... Yes. he knows how to discern different iterations of the same plugin on the same atom. Yes, he knows that UIA can't do that. And, unfortunately. it really is a feature, not a bug. He says it's really down to design: The traditional way of keeping track of multiple plugin "clones" was by numbering them according to the order they are loaded at scene-startup. Works fine for scene-focussed plugins, because their whole usecase is the one individual scene. However, UIA is not a scene-plugin. It's meant to be loaded at VaM startup, and to be used throughout many different scenes. So it couldn't rely on the traditional "number by scene-load order" method to keep track of plugins ... :( He also recommended the workarounds we already discussed: Use UIA to control a "relay (scene) plugin" - like VUML/AG or Logicbricks - which in turn has the capacity to keep track of multiple clones throughout a scene.


Oh ok good to know. Then I will be using your elegant solution with SelectChoice brick to access them relays :) Thanks for chatting with JJW about it :D


Belated reply alert 3: Epic progress!