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Hello, here I will be adding fresh scene files for new VaM 1.20 version and also make notes when they were updated, so you can keep track whether you have the most current files.

These will be new files only, so you will still need the base version of the scenes. Just overwrite the old files with the new ones I add here. Also I suggest using the current timeline and life version for 1.20 or at least the ones which were integrated in VaM 1.20.

If you encounter bugs or other issues, or need help contact me via patreon, discord or VaM Hub ;)

New Files for VaM only

Kinky Pleasures

16.08.20 Update - Basic version, Active Dude, Active Dildo    
(dont forget to overwrite new pose preset files)

17.08.20 Update - Spanking fix for all versions. Desktop Spanks as a separate download. The whole scene is fixed now.

19.08.20 Update - Fix for all versions to work properly with VaM

Virtual Sweetheart

19.08.20 Update - Basic (Passive Dude) versions fixed for VaM Now working properly with current timeline. Adjustments to sweat pump and voiced versions. (Active Dude versions need some more adjusting and testing yet, will be done by tomorrow)

20.08.20 Update - All versions fixed for VaM (At least they should be :) Only made 1 testrun per json in desktop mode). Unfortunately had to remove Expression Randomizer, because it does not work anymore.


21.08.20 Update - The scene is working now with VaM All the files you need for it are in the RAR pack.

Sexy Time

22.08.20 Update - Now fully working with current VaM version ( aswell. I also modified lighting a bit, but dont rly know if thats better or worse ;D. All the files you need for the scene are in the RAR pack in the attachments.



I haven't tried this scene at all yet, but I did try my current go-to scene Virtual Sweetheart when 1.20 came out, and I didn't notice anything obviously broken. Is that scene OK in 1.20? It definitely loads WAY faster now though... previously it was slowest loading scene I had.


Virtual Sweetheart seem to work for the most part. The only things I noticed so far, which do not work anymore, are lipsync plugin (really hope that it will get updated for 1.20) and some morphs for the dude, which I am going to fix after I am fully done with Kinky scene. And yeah loading times are rly nice now. Also I have got much better performance :D