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If you struggle with FPS in Virtual Sweetheart here are some tips how to imrove the performance in the scene. Some of them you also can use in other scenes.

1. Using the vanilla lite json to start the scene: https://imgur.com/GoisuxO 

2. Deactivating some of the plugins: https://imgur.com/oVJO22e 

- Expression randomizer seem to be pretty hungry

- Movement helpers for thighs are fairly subtile, so you will not miss them that much. Deactivating them would bring you some more FPS though. You also could deactivate chest movement helper, but it is not so performance draining.

3. Deactivating soft/hard colliders for breasts: https://imgur.com/iDKhGYD 

- Will give you huge performance boost. 

4. Turning off room and butt physics/soft colliders: https://imgur.com/hIfUeeF 

- That gives decent performance boost too. Especially on missionary positions soft butt colliders go crazy when they are enabled.

5. Setting physics rate to 45HZ: https://imgur.com/jw3Bls5 

- Also gives decent boost

6. Avoid sim clothes/long sim hairs 
