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Hello! While I have been making the BDSM scene I realized that I would need ages to make animations of the girl walking around the room and attaching her to devices. Virtual Sweetheart looks like a joke compared to the animations I would have to do for this scene. So I came up with another concept about how to design it, which you see in the video preview. Its obviously ispired by the great Imprisoned scene from EdCrowly.

Since I announced to make the girl walk around the room by the end of last month, I want to let you decide which concept shall I take for the BDSM scene in the coming poll. But before you vote please check the pros and cons of both concepts below.

Concept 1 (walking around the room/animated attaching to devices

short video preview:  https://imgur.com/a/agifdIL (animation is obviously not completely done)


- animated transitions/walking


- would take very long time to make the scene

- not all the devices would be included 

- slower navigation from device to another device

Concept 2 (spawning on devices)

short video preview: https://imgur.com/a/4Qy6JVm


- quick switching between devices 

- the scene would be done much quicker

- more devices, positions and variation


- probably less immersion because girl is not walking around the room

This is how I see both concepts compared to each other. I am doing the scene for you though, so it is your choice to decide what direction I should take! 

If you have any questions or other ideas feel free to tell me in the comment section :)



Post with 13 views.



Concept 2 is definitely feels like the way to go to me dawg. It seems much easier and still feels super polished. My VAM already runs bad enough as it is, and I can't imagine what a ton of animations, more than Virtual Sweetheart, would do to my already choppy frame timings. Idk if everyone has this problem, maybe I just have a shit computer.

George Hayduke

The walking and transitioning animations are still in the uncanny valley stage so I definitely think that option 2 is the way to go. It’s far less immersion breaking to me than seeing the uncanny walk.


Yeah tons of animations could drain frames a bit. They seem to be not that performance heavy though thanks to timeline. You might want to check this btw: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37901356. Maybe you can get some more frames out of the scene.


Thats true, it feels kinda impossible to make walking animation not looking uncanny without mocap.