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Chapter 5

As time went on Kim’s shame and disgust for her situation and giving in to Kimberly only grew worse. He had managed to catch a bit of sleep every so often, but the filthy cum soaked socks in his mouth really made things that much harder on him. While his constant terrible arousal was gone it wasn’t something he could really appreciate. It was nice to get relief from his painful blue balls, but without his arousal clouding his thinking he was so much more aware of what he had actually done in return.

The single nicest thing however was how the near constant pain in his bottom had finally stopped. Daily harsh spankings had been terrible, it was something he could at least appreciate even now. Then again he feared it was only a temporary reprieve. Kimberly had told him she would bring him some clothes and he already knew he would refuse. He was nearly certain that he wouldn’t like whatever clothes she brought and with how he was still feeling about what happened yesterday, there is no way he could beg Kimberly to wear them only for a repeat of yesterday.

When the latch finally opened, signalling Kimberly’s arrival Kim involuntarily shuddered. His heart skipped a beat in panic as his cock at the same time throbbed in it’s cage for the first time since Kimberly had left despite the filthy sock still stuck in his mouth. He couldn’t really explain why he felt this way, but just the thought of seeing Kimberly any minute now brought forth a rather intense reaction.

Fear of another spanking made him terrified of displeasing Kimberly while the anticipation of pleasure made him want to please her. Consciously Kim was still rejecting what Kimberly was doing to him, so much that he didn’t even pay too much attention to the signs of how his fear and desire were both being conditioned into fitting Kimberly’s goals. It was something he couldn’t really fight either making it simply too scary to think of.

Prompted by his fear and desire Kim took his position in the middle of the room, on his knees waiting for his Goddess, despite having already made up his mind that he wouldn’t agree with whatever outfit she had brought him. Still he didn’t want to anger her any further so putting up with all her other requests was something he just felt he had to do.

Kimberly would had been expecting Kim to have regressed in obedience from where he was at yesterday was pleasantly surprised when she found him waiting on his knees for her nevertheless. Helping him out with his arousal had undone her strongest tool of controlling him, but it had been a necessity, the taking one step back to be able to take two steps forward kind. The fact that he was waiting on his knees for her never the less proved very promising, it meant she had made more progress than anticipated already.

“Hello Kim did you have a nice time washing those cum soaked socks for me, the product of our wonderful lovemaking session? I trust you sucked all the cum and sweat right out of them.” Kimberly taunted with a big smirk loving her control over her former bully. He looked so ridiculous all naked and smooth except for that purple cage around his cock. He was all hers and she revelled in the thought.

Kim just whimpered looking up at his Goddess. He hated it, yet in this moment he was actually somewhat grateful for the filthy sock gag. It gave him a reason not to answer Kimberly’s question, which if he answered truthfully would certainly anger her. He had no desire what’s however to lie though. He didn’t want to tell her he did like it at all. Lovemaking? Did she even know what that word meant. Kim thought, then again he worried, if he remained with Kimberly this was probably going to be the only sex he was going to get, humping her feet while licking her pussy, or just licking her pussy. Kimberly made it very clear that her pleasure was the only thing that really mattered here.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Well Kim if you want to earn the right to soil another pair of my socks which you can then suck clean among all your other benefits. I’ve brought you a gorgeous outfit right here, one of my own so you can hope to come a little closer to looking like your Goddess. Since I am a generous Goddess however I’ll allow you to suck on those socks just a little longer while I introduce what I brought.” Kimberly taunted as she opened the big bag she had brought along.

The first thing she pulled out was a rather wide strap of some sort. It was fitted with a metal bit on both ends and a ring with some kind of skull shaped silver pendant hanging off of it fastened in the middle. The strap itself was made up out of a couple of thinner leather straps in alternating dark purple and black coloured leather braided together in an elegant fashion. “This my bitch is your new collar. It’s the one piece of your outfit you will wear at all times. It’s elegant enough to pass as a choker in public, barely, but passable. More importantly it will show everyone just who you are and who you belong to, my collared bitch Kim.” Kimberly explained with glee to the horrified guy.

“If you choose to wear it, it’ll serve as your security measure from then on so we can get rid of that mono glove. Your chain can easily be fitted on this ring here, just like a leash can, close to your new name tag.” Kimberly gushed holding the skull shaped pendant close to Kim’s face so she could read what was on in. Engraved in dark purple block letters was the name KIM underneath it in a smaller cursive script the words “Property of Kimberly” were engraved.

A collar? He couldn’t wear a collar, not one declaring how this hated emo bitch owned him along with the nametag of a name she had given him. The insinuations of what that collar meant were just to grave despite how it would definitely provide a lot more freedom and comfort compared to the mono glove. That freedom was the only reason Kim would even consider the collar, but it was no where near enough to accept the collar let alone the rest of the outfit whatever that would be as it was off to a bad start already as far as Kim was concerned.

Next came a big piece of plain black cotton fabric came next. As Kimberly unfolded it, it turned out to be a pair of her panties. It wasn’t anything sexy, just panties like she had worn all these times he had eaten her pussy. Kimberly barely ever managed to find anything sexy in her size. “Here you are Kim, isn’t this great, your ticket to get into my panties at all times.” Kimberly joked as Kim shuddered, the thought of wearing someone else’s underwear even if it was washed made his skin crawl. Besides that the panties looked huge, way to big for him to fit into.

The plain black cotton bra that followed made him blush. He had seen and unfastened many bras in the past, but this one had to be one of the ugliest he had seen. It looked plain boring and very large just like the panties, the most worrying aspect was that it was one he was meant to wear. He couldn’t wear a bra could he? “If you fatten up nicely maybe you’ll fill out these cups.” Kimberly smirked only adding to his horror.

Following the bra Kimberly pulled out a pair of striped tights. They were opaque nylon made out of alternating black and hot pink stripes. They stemmed out of a phase where Kimberly had attempted to dress more girly trying to fit in better. For some time she had thought and hoped that people just bullied her because she looked a bit butch and intimidating, but since changing up her wardrobe hadn’t helped she had just returned to what felt tight and accepted people were assholes.

One of those assholes would now get her wardrobe from that phase. That way it wouldn’t be thrown out and wasted at least. Besides Kimberly while not liking to be feminine herself could appreciate femininity. She liked the thought of having a girlfriend who dressed girly for her and Kim was going to be that girlfriend, her girlfriend and her bitch.

After the tights came a skirt. It was a black leather pleated one that would reach down to his mid-thigh. Just like everything it looked way too big for Kim to fit into. Kimberly didn’t mind though, she just carried on taunting. “Remember when I wore this to school? How you laughed that apparently there was another girl in class only to object to that statement and call me a thing? Well I’m done trying to look girly, I never liked how open skirts felt between my legs anyway. You can be the thing though you know skirts will just be perfect for my little bitch. Given how naughty you are just flipping up your skirt to give you a spanking will be so much easier than having to pull down pants. It won’t even need to be removed when you hump my feet, that way I don’t have to see that disgusting worm you like so much.”

Up next Kimberly pulled out a black t-shirt with the words “Never Say Never” printed on the chest with shiny hot pink latex. While trying to dress girly she had tried to change her music taste to that of the other girls, but she hated that kind of music. The t-shirt had fitted Kimberly rather tightly, but for now he would still swim in the amount of fabric. He really feared the prospect of that changing like Kimberly had suggested.

The t-shirt was followed by a bright pink shiny latex corset. It was meant mainly for the aesthetic, to really cling to one’s figure without any really support to take in the waist. A bit like a glorified extremely wide belt. On Kimberly it hadn’t done her figure any favours at all. The tight latex had just accentuated her big belly, further bringing out her rolls.

To finish the look Kimberly pulled out a rather worn looking pair of dark purple leather boots. They had been her favourite once, but they had seen their best time just like her previous leather jacket which she pulled out along with it. It was black, and kind of matted through frequent wear. One of the reasons she had bought a new one. It would do for her bitch though. Together they made for a complete look of her hand me downs. It would further accentuate how she planned to make Kim basically a knock off version of herself. Oh she could already envision him in these clothes. They wouldn’t really fit just yet, but Kim was on a fast track to grow into them as far as she could tell after the waxing.

Of course, just like with everything she wanted her bitch to beg for it, to beg for the privilege of looking more like her. It was such an ego boost for her after years of being put down. Her hopes of Kim begging right away for this newly introduced outfit which by all means was rather extreme, were rather slim, but she didn’t mind, just like with the waxing he would bend to her will eventually.

Despite being nearly certain it would be no use Kimberly tried to push Kim in the desired direction. “Now let me help get that mouth of yours freed up so you can tell me exactly how badly you want to put on the outfit I brought for you. Dressing like I used to will be such a great help in letting you look more like me no? Now isn’t that exciting?” Kimberly asked as she unbuckled her belt from behind his head and pulled on the bits of sock sticking out to pull out the saliva soaked wad of cotton which still harboured a faint smell of cum and foot sweat. Much less so when than yesterday though, Kim had definitely smelled a lot of it overnight.

Kim instantly took this opportunity to stretch his jaws which were quite sore after being forced partially open all this time to accommodate the filthy socks. Apart from some stretching he didn’t make a sound however. All he did was look at the floor in front of him in complete silence. He didn’t want to anger Kimberly, but he really didn’t want to put on those clothes, just the thought of dressing in such a girly emo fashion, wearing Kimberly’s old clothes was enough to make him shudder. He didn’t have a lot left to feel manly about, but he still considered himself a man.

“Come now Kim, there’s no need to be shy. All you need to do is ask. There are a lot of people who want to look as much as their idols as possible, this is your golden chance. After all if one thing is clear it is how you idolise me, given how you worship me with such enthusiasm.” Kimberly urged him on, trying to get some reaction out of him, even if it was just a reason to punish him harder, but Kim remained quiet. The fact that he hadn’t lashed out either was a victory in and of its own.

“Fine then have it your way, it’s time for you to get over my lap Kim.” Kimberly stated not really angry, but definitely annoyed. The choice to get over her lap was out of his hands however as Kimberly just dragged him forth by the chain at the back of his mono glove. In no time at all Kim found himself draped over Kimberly’s broad leather covered lap, the material feeling warm and slick against his smooth skin as he shudder in anticipated fear.

Just like what had happened so many days before Kim found himself at the painful end of a very harsh spanking. The pain in his bottom was right back as if it had never been gone at all. It made him question whether it was worth not just giving Kimberly what she wanted. Just giving in would have been so much easier.

When the spanking stopped Kim was mortified to find his cock straining in his cage in a nearly as painful fashion as his bottom was burning. It was an unfortunate side aspect of the conditioning, one Kimberly hadn’t intended, but it did make her laugh when she spotted it. “Oh my god Kim, are you starting to love your spankings you little masochist? Or are you just looking forward to the prospect of eating your Goddess’s pussy again.” Kimberly taunted. Kim couldn’t explain why it happened, it was mortifying to say the least. Kimberly on the other hand had a good idea about why it might be happening. His punishment routine had become nearly ritualistic and as soon as the spanking was over his cock got released and teased by the egged, something it was clearly straining for right now.

“Well let’s give that useless worm of yours some time out of it’s prison shall we? It’s time to worship your Goddess some more.” Kimberly smirked as she pushed him off of her lap and made everything ready. She unlocked his cock, taped the vibrating egg in place and slipped out of her own pants and panties before mashing his face right against her hot and wet pussy, moaning with delight as she did so while activating the egg to start edging him.

Although she didn’t really want to admit it, it turned out that Kimberly was conditioning herself a little as well. At the start of this all bullying her bully around had been a huge turn on. She had assumed that would stop, but the power she had over him was addicting in big part because it only got her more and more excited. Bullying her old bully around, especially spanking him always ended in many orgasms for her to the point where it only got more and more established as a turn on.

After she had had her orgasms and Kim had once again been edged into oblivion she relocked his caged and went over to his feeding. Thanks to all the stretching of his stomach she had managed to achieve since this had started she had enough room to force an extra can of food down his throat. A result she was very pleased with. Since Kim wouldn’t move more it only meant more calories to fatten him up even faster, not only that, but it would ensure his appetite grew as well.

For now Kim ended up feeling overstuffed, but Kimberly was positive that in time he would feel unfulfilled if he didn’t have this much. With Kim spanked, hopelessly aroused and fed, Kimberly displayed the outfit she had brought on the side of one of the racks just like it would fit together on his body. “I have to go now Kim, see you tomorrow. As always the choice is yours, either you beg me to wear this outfit so you can look more like me tomorrow, or we’ll do today all over again. Just look at how pretty it is, imagine how good it would look on you. How good you would look if you looked more like me.” Kimberly exclaimed with a big smirk. Her last comment probably wasn’t really helping, but she didn’t give a fuck. She just left Kim alone with his sore ass, sore throat, leaking cock and his thoughts.

Chapter 6

The following day went pretty much the same, only this time Kim actually was able to greet his Goddess properly when she came down to meet him. He wanted to be good for her, but he really didn’t want to put on that horrid outfit which had hung there constantly taunting him. He simply couldn’t bring himself to ask for it, let alone beg. A stance he once again doubted as he was mercilessly spanked teased and fed.

On the third day he still couldn’t bring himself to beg to be allowed to wear those clothes. Maybe if they had been a little less decisively girly and obnoxious he could have done it, but not this outfit. By the time Kimberly left however he sorely regretted not just giving in. His bottom was hurting, his cock throbbing and leaking beyond believe. God he was so horny. He also desperately craved some more of those burgers and fries instead of being forced fed? Even now with the added can he was starting to feel some room again.

As he marinated in his regret for an entire day following it his resolve to resist Kimberly disappeared entirely, sure he still didn’t like the look of those clothes, but they were just clothes right? If they would please his Goddess then he’d wear them. It didn’t really mean anything right and it would be so nice to give his ass another rest. More importantly his cock would finally find some relief. All memories of the shame he had felt last time were by now overshadowed by his arousal. He had always had a high libido, but now that he was teased on a daily basis for a long time each time his libido had only increased. Satisfying his craving for fries and burger would be an added bonus as well.

By the time Kimberly arrived the next morning Kim was eagerly waiting for his Goddess on his knees. “Hello Goddess, I missed you so much. I have been thinking and I would love to get dressed in the outfit you brought for me. I would be so honoured to be allowed to look like you more by wearing your old clothes even if it’s a style you don’t wear anymore. Can I please wear the outfit you brought for me?” He begged in desperation, his cock leaking in anticipation of his orgasm he would surely get thanks to his pleading. He had laid it on thick not to leave anything to chance.

Kimberly was very pleased. This time he had only refused her for three days, not even half the amount of the waxing, it had taken time, but she was absolutely positive that his transformation would go faster now. She was positive that he’d soon realise that there was no point in refusing her anything. At this rate he would soon agree to take her suggestions enthusiastically the moment she gave them.

“My my, aren’t you excited Kim? How could I possibly refuse such genuine plea? I’m so going to enjoy putting that collar on you Kim, to make you officially my bitch, my sub slut, my lesbian lover. To officially make you Kim, my number one fan who wants to desperately look like me, but we both know you can’t mirror perfection. That’s what you want right Kim? You can’t wait to officially become my bitch now can you?” Kimberly asked making what he was asking for sound that much scarier, in order to test how badly he was bending to her will already.

Kim shuddered hearing what that collar would mean. He wasn’t quite sure that was what he really wanted, but then again his cock strained hard at the thought of getting to hump Kimberly’s feet while eating her pussy. Just the thought of eating Kimberly’s pussy was exciting. The more he thought about it the more he realised he was already Kimberly’s bitch, her lesbian lover eating her pussy on a daily basis. He certainly was submissive towards Kimberly as well. Everything he had done was in service to Kimberly after all. With all that taken in mind would it really be that bad to make it official? To wear the symbol that clarified his new position in life?

It was a decision that was made quickly he couldn’t wait to hump Kimberly’s feet like a bitch, so it was only right to let her collar him like one. “Yes please Goddess Kimberly, that’s exactly what I want, please collar me like the bitch I am.” Kim pleaded desperately.

“Oh my fucking god, you’re pathetic Kim, just look at you grovelling and pleading to become my bitch. I guess that’s the highest honour for someone like you, the best you can hope to achieve, become your idol and Goddess’s personal bitch.” Kimberly laughed loudly as she mocked him, this was absolutely fantastic.

For a short moment a look of worry crossed Kim’s face, what did she mean pathetic? Did she mean he was not worthy of even that? Seeing his worry Kimberly only laughed harder. Him being so pathetic wasn’t off putting to her, in fact she loved it. She had really done it, she had made the proud jock her personal bitch. Right now the incentive of reward probably still played a big part in it, but in time that part would disappear, in time Kim would submit to her whether he thought it meant reward or not.

“There’s a good little bitch Kim, oh I am so going to enjoy this.” Kimberly said as she walked to the rack of clothes and picked up the collar. Ceremoniously she stooped down in front of Kim and fastened the collar around his neck giving his head a pat as she got back up with a wide smirk. The way in which he kept looking at her with eagerness and lust was just precious. The metal ends of the collar had locked together nicely looking more elegant than a padlock while offering the same security.

“Now for the rest of your outfit. First lets get that mono glove off of you. I will let you off the chain for now and whenever I am present, but don’t get any stupid ideas.” Kimberly warned as she started unfastening the leather straps which had kept the mono glove tight and his arms strapped behind his back. It took about a minute, but finally for the first time during his stay here he had the use of his hands and arms back, more so there was no chain holding him back.

He felt like he should be celebrating this freedom, but as Kimberly eyed him closely he just submissively hung his head. He was very nervous and uneasy even thinking about standing up to his Goddess, it filled him with dread. Kimberly just smirked seeing his reaction. It was another big test of his conditioning and he passed. She was really starting to have cum severely under her thumb.

“Now let’s help you into the rest of your outfit shall we my bitch?” Kimberly asked, not waiting for a reply as she walked back to the rack and brought back the entire outfit in her arms. First up she pulled out the panties and bra to get Kim dressed. It was easy to fit around Kim as the garment hung loosely being too big for him. Even in these past three days he had visibly fattened, but not enough to fit into her clothes just yet. That would come though and probably sooner rather than later.

While the bra could keep itself up by its straps, the panties couldn’t they would just fall off but luckily the tights that followed could keep them in place. While the tights were definitely plus size, larger than regular tights they were very stretchy so despite him not being as fat as Kimberly just yet the soft opaque nylon clung tightly against his skin.

The nylon material felt very sensual on his smooth skin. It also instantly made his legs look very feminine. Their alternating hot pink and black stripes were a real game changer for his look, it also further enhanced the meaty look of his legs opposed to the previously muscular one. The pants part of the tights clutched his developing belly tightly, accentuating his rolls as well as creating another one hanging over the elastic waist band of his tights as it clung to his skin. Looking down at his legs and belly Kim was starting to feel fat and effeminate for the first time. It came as a huge shock to him.

Following the underwear Kimberly pulled the t-shirt over his head and the skirt up his legs running into the same problem as with the panties. The skirt looked like it wouldn’t stay up on it’s own, the waistband being not tight enough. That’s where the aesthetic corset came in handy. While it had no boning to actually help shape a figure, it could still be tightened so it would cling to the wearers figure. In Kim’s case it was pulled tight enough to cling to his growing belly while overlapping the waistband of the leather skirt so it could stay up as well.

Kim was mortified sitting there like Kimberly’s way too large fat dress up doll, but he didn’t dare object to his Goddess, not with everything that was on the line. After all he had begged for this and he doubted Kimberly would let him back down now. All protesting now would achieve was getting punished and denied instead of rewarded anyways.

Finishing his look Kimberly put her old leather jacket on him along with the dark purple leather boots. The boots unlike the rest of the outfit were a size too small and somewhat uncomfortable for Kim, but Kimberly didn’t really care. Standing up she just enjoyed her handy work. She was very pleased with the results she had achieved. This outfit was a huge step forward in making Kim look like a knock off version of herself. For now it didn’t all fit quite right, but the accessories made it fit good enough. It would be hilarious to see him grow further into the outfit to the point where it was getting a little on the small size. That was sure to destroy whatever was left of his ego by that time, not that she planned to leave much of it.

Seeing Kim in one of her outfits like this certainly sent a surge of arousal through Kimberly, he was turning in what he had bullied and laughed at. More importantly he was certainly turning into Kimberly’s type, a less butch version of herself. The biggest distraction from that look was his hear. While pudgier and while his hair had grown a little Kim still looked pretty much like the bully she remember. It was the area she planned to focus on next.

“There you are Kim, wow, can I just say you look spectacular. You are looking so much more like me already. At least the old me that is from when I went through my more girly phase, just how I’d like my bitch to look. We definitely have work to do yet, but for the first time I’m starting to see how you can really come close to my perfection.” Kimberly announced as Kim looked at her somewhat horrified.

Was it true? He definitely didn’t like what he was seeing when he looked down. His belly, the striped tights, his skirt. It definitely felt weird and he couldn’t believe he was looking down at himself. He really didn’t want to turn into a fat emo girl and yet it looked like that was exactly what was happening. Maybe right now it was a blessing that he had no way of truly having a good look at himself.

At the same time however he realised that his cock was straining harder than usual in its cage and he was scared to imagine why that might be. His entire sexuality had been revolving around Kimberly for so long that he was afraid to admit that looking at her really turned him on, was it the thought that he was starting to look like her that turned him on? Or was it the way the nylons felt on his legs, the material felt so sensual, especially with how his meaty thighs rubbed together. Apart from the nylon it could also be the feeling of the leather he associated with Kimberly’s lap which he had been bent over so many time. He was scared imagining any of the above could turn him on and he hoped it wasn’t the case, but most likely it was a combination of all those factors that turned him on so much.

“In any case Kim, I’ll be going to fetch your meal, be a good bitch and behave while I am gone. Maybe you can make a curtesy for me when I return. I would love that. Now just let me put you back on the chain so you don’t get any stupid ideas.” Kimberly said with a huge smirk as she unlocked the chain from the mono glove and locked it onto his collar instead. Then with a last look back at him to really savour the internal struggle visible on his face she disappeared.


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