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Chapter 8

Vince was shocked hearing Connor’s demand, his sisters room? He couldn’t let such a huge perv who had been hitting on his sister into her room. It was bad enough that he had gotten himself in this mess somehow, he wasn’t about to let it affect his family. He had to face this until he could get rid of the bastard. “This slut would love to share her own room with you my handsome Master.” Vince said, hating how he had to grovel and debase himself, still it was better than having Connor’s cock in his mouth or worse his ass.

“Tsshhh you really don’t learn do you slut, do what I ask when I ask it and do it passionately. Your opinion doesn’t matter for this holiday. The only thing that matters is keeping me happy so I won’t send out all those lovely pics and video’s I have of you, unless of course you want me to do just that and show the world what a cock hungry slut you are. Now show me your sister’s room!” Connor barked. He had never dared look at Valerie the wrong way knowing how sensitive Vince was when it came to his sister. He had always had a crush on her though and now he couldn’t wait to get familiar with her room and all her stuff.

“N…No, this slut is sorry, but she just can’t do it my handsome Master.” Vince tried again, he simply couldn’t do this to his sister. Yet at the same time he was scared of upsetting Connor even more so despite everything he kept obeying Connor’s other rules.

His continuous defiance was enough for Connor to lash out though. Sitting himself down on the toilet he drug Vince over his lap and started raining down spank after spank on his defenceless bottom. The hole in his panties ensured it was a bare bottom spanking even with them on. Vince’s buttocks were very firm with muscle, but they coloured red all the same. Only ten hard slaps in Vince’s butt was already burning rosy red, so were his cheeks getting spanked over Connor’s lap and unable to supress a moan as the spanks drove his plug against his prostate continuously.

“Just listen to yourself moaning while getting spanked, such a slut. Now if I ever reach one hundred spanks over one single issue then I’ll send out your video’s and pictures. You just got ten so be warned, you still have time to do the right thing, just let me know when you are ready. You know that if I were just to go door by door I would find it anyway right?” Conner sneered as he rained down ten more blows to Vince’s bottom.

The slaps were more painful than Vince would give Connor credit for. His ass felt as if it was on fire after only twenty spanks and Connor was right, he couldn’t really stop him from finding his sisters room. This was a battle he wouldn’t win, that much was clear. Using the small break Connor left him after the twentieth spank Vince spoke up. “Please stop my handsome master, I will show you the room.” Vince cried out, wanting to avoid more spanks.

“I? I think you know better than to address yourself as I!” Connor said firmly giving Vince’s sore bottom another harsh spank. He had no regrets doing it either. Vince had beaten him up in the past so if anything he deserved it. Only spanking was so much more fun than beating, especially spanking a sexy trap like Vince had turned himself into.

“This slut is sorry my handsome Master, she will show you the way to the room you requested, please don’t spank this slut anymore. She has learned her lesson.” Vince pleaded, he felt so pathetic doing this, but there was nothing he could do about his current situation. Overpowering Connor would only lead to more embarrassment or worse in the end. The million dollar question remained what the hell had he been thinking giving him to Connor so completely last night?

“Much better slut, let’s hope you really learned your lesson now, or well maybe not, I quite like spanking you. Now pick yourself up and show me your sister’s room.” Connor said with a big smirk as he roughly shoved Vince off his lap onto the down stairs toilet’s floor.

Utterly degraded Vince scrambled back to his feet, no easy task in these very tall heels at least now that he was home he would have access to his own clothes again and he was safe from prying eyes opposed to on the drive here. This relative safety was a blessing as well as a curse as Connor had only become more demanding. His sore red plugged bottom and the taste of piss in his mouth. Back on his feet Vince started mincing out in the hallway and up the stairs. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to show this perv his sister’s room, but he had no choice.

Connor just eagerly followed grabbing all their stuff along. He loved the way Vince looked in his short skirt and stockings. Sure his legs were a little too toned and his shoulder a little too wide to make a completely passable woman, but in this outfit he came pretty close. He certainly made one of the pretties traps Connor had ever laid eyes on.

A few seconds later they finally made it to the door of Valerie’s room. Vince felt sick having led Connor here, yet he pointed to the door and said. “Here we are my handsome Master.” Wasting no time at all Connor stepped into the room with a big smile on his face he was thrilled to see his crush’s room in person, a room that was now his for the coming two weeks.

The room itself was very spacy and definitely feminine. It’s walls apart from one were painted white with two stripes of Lime green running through the entire room at hip height. The wall to the right where the bed stood against was painted a bright lilac colour with those same green stripes. The bed itself was a huge two person bed covered in white satin sheets the sheets as well as the pillows had Valerie stitched on in a cursive lilac script. Two nightstands stood at it’s side.

On the wall opposed to the bed there was a huge full length mirror on the right next to the big window offering optimal light. The mirror doubled as a sliding door for the walk in closet behind it. In the middle, lined up with the foot of the bed there was a big flatscreen television. Behind the now open door to the hallway there was a big desk. The final piece of furniture was a well-lit vanity table next to the window at the other side of the walk in closet. Fuzzy rugs were strewn across the hardwood floors of the room that was bigger than the living room at Connor’s house. The door through which he had just entered was painted bright lilac, while the door in the lilac wall next to the head of the bed leading into the bathroom was painted white.

Connor was amazed at the sheer luxury of this room, he never had a television in his room, the one in their living room was positively tiny compared to this one. He also still slept in the single person bed he had slept in all his life which together with the closet took up pretty much all of the space. There was no desk in his room. The most exciting thing about this room however and that was quite literally was the scent. The strong flowery scent of Valerie’s perfume filled the room instantly making his dick grow rock hard. It was a scent he had occasionally smelled when Valerie passed by in the hallway, but now it was overpowering.

Smiling broadly Connor walked into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. Feeling right at home Connor wasted no time as he stripped out of all his clothes, his rock hard standing at attention. These satin sheet simply felt amazing on his bare bum. Vince was horrified seeing the naked Connor sitting on his sisters bed. Even more worrying was the fact that Connor’s cock was hard yet again and he had a bad feeling he would be the one to take care of that.

“Get your ass in here slut. Despite how amazing you look in that sexy Christmas elf getup I think it’s about time you got out of it. I mean after all the fun you and I had yesterday we and that outfit both are in for a good clean up, so you may strip for me, take care of my cock and show me to the bathroom, now make it sexy for your handsome Master.” Connor grinned, his dick twitching as he ordered his bully to strip.

Vince didn’t know how to feel about this, invading his sister’s privacy by entering her room felt awkward. On one hand he was glad to finally get out of this outfit, but he didn’t like having to strip for Connor one bit, never mind making it sexy. He was glad he would finally get to clean himself up however, and Connor for that matter. As much as he hated it there was no getting out from under his cock sucking duties. At least they would get a little better if it was cleaned up.

Mincing his way into the room just before the bed Vince awkwardly started swaying his hips a little as he pulled off the hat while the bells all over his outfit run loudly. He tried to mimic the sexiness he had seen in some films, but was failing miserably. Connor didn’t really mind though, if anything it was amusing to him, especially the way Vince cringed as he tried to be sexy.

Following the hat, the jacket dropped, then the dress did, followed by the heels, the panties and finally the stockings. The outfit reeked of both his and Connor’s sweat. It was in deed in desperate need of a washing. Down to only his corset Vince struggled to reach the bow that tied off the laces. Connor loved watching him struggle for a bit before speaking up. “If you can’t reach it on your own you can always ask your master for some help.”

Too stubborn to ask for help Vince struggled with the corset for another minute before finally giving up. Resigned to his fate Vince turned his back to Connor and asked. “Can you please help this slut out of her corset my handsome Master?” He asked with a slight groan.

“Of course I can slut, it’s my pleasure.” Connor grinned pulling loose the bow as Vince let out a deep sigh of relief. That corset had been crushing his waist for nearly 24 hours now, it was such a relief to finally let that pressure off. As he slid out of the corset his torso was left with deep red marks from the boning.

Now completely naked it was very obvious that Vince wasn’t a girl. His lean but toned muscular body showed in all its glory. It was a huge contrast with his gorgeous face with it’s plump lips and heavy makeup along with very long hair. His head very much looked like a sluttier version of his sisters, and while his body was muscular it looked kind of cute as well with how it was completely smooth, a big emerald gem sitting right between his red butt cheeks and his cock hidden by the silvery metal cage. Paired with the dainty touch his immaculately painted nails provided, the long acrylics making his hands look rather effeminate, it made for a strange sight. A weird contradiction, apart from his muscles there was nothing manly left about him, he looked manly yet completely emasculated, a contradiction that Connor loved. Even naked he was very into Vince’s new look.

The small hope Vince harboured that Connor would be repulsed by his muscular build now that it wasn’t camouflaged in the slightest got dashed nearly instantly when Connor directed a wolf whistle at him exclaiming. “Hot damn, one sexy trap indeed you’ve made my cock as hard as that muscle of yours so get down and start sucking slut.” He directed.

With a loud groan Vince lowered himself in between Connor’s fat thighs. He might have been relieved from those painful heels and the uncomfortable corset, but his situation hadn’t improved a whole lot as he once again wrapped his plump lips around Connor’s big stinking cock.

Where Vince groaned Connor moaned taking a hand full off the guy’s long hair to start forcing his head up and down his cock. Damn he would probably never get over how much better a warm wet mouth felt compared to his hand. Luckily that wasn’t something he would have to give up soon. While his hand bobbed Vince’s head up and down his cock, her foot slid under the guy’s crotch. It took a little bit of searching, but eventually Connor found the base of Vince’s plug with his toe. Grinning broadly he started applying and easing up the pressure against the plug, the top of his foot pressing into Vince’s balls.

While Connor was having the time of his life Vince was struggling. Handling Connors cock was starting to get easier for him, but he wasn’t all too happy about the fact that he was getting good at sucking cock. Easier or not it still stank. Then there was Connors foot, the pressure against his balls wasn’t too bad, but the manipulation of his plug was. Much to his shame it felt quite good pressuring his prostate, so good that it eventually got a moan out of him again while Connor used him as his personal cock sleeve.

It took but a few minutes for Connor to cum yet again, filling Vince’s mouth with yet another one of his sticky loads his bully was forced to swallow before Connor let him off his cock, an opportunity Vince didn’t let pass at all, moving off his head up as fast as he could, a mixture of cum and drool connecting the tip of Connor’s slowly softening cock with his plump red lips. “Such a good slut, judging from your moans you liked that nearly as much as I did. Now show me the way to the bathroom will you?” Connor taunted.

His cheeks burning bright red Vince got up from his knees, he couldn’t believe how sensitive the inside of his bottom was that simple manipulations of the plug were enough to get him riled up. Moaning while sucking cock had been embarrassing, but it didn’t compare to the embarrassment he felt when his cock actually tried to grow in his cage, or right now, noticing a drip of precum hanging off the end of his chastity cage.

Connor might have promised him that he wouldn’t fucked him until he begged him to, something Vince had been glad about, at the moment however he was mostly worried. He usually got off at least once a day, with his cock off limits and the teasing of the plug getting him riled up, he was worried that he would eventually grow aroused to the point of desperation. His last orgasm had been from Connor fucking him this morning and he realised full well that was the reason Connor had even made such a deal, his cock would be Vince’s only way of relief, he just hoped that he would be strong enough to resist as his arousal kept growing.

“The bathroom is in here my handsome Master” Vince softly said, mortified as he saw Connor had also noticed his drop of precum at the tip of his cage. Trying to ignore the bastard’s smirk Vince opened the door next to the bed showing the fancy marble bathroom with another door at the other end, a door that led into his room as it was a bathroom he shared with his sister. Most of the surfaces were dominated by her products however as he only really had a toothbrush, a razor and a bottle of soap that doubled as shampoo in there.

It was a fully equipped bathroom with a sink, a two person jet tub, walk in shower, a bidet and a toilet. On the door entering from Valerie’s room there were two hangers one was occupied with an elegant powder pink silk bathrobe. One of the hangers on his door held a black terrycloth bathrobe.

Following close behind him Connor entered the bathroom marvelling at the sheer luxury, he grinned broadly as held up the enema bag and dildo nozzle Vince had bought, much to the feminised guy’s shock. “You forgot to take this slut, how the hell do you think you’re going to get squeaky clean without it? Oh I know you left it on purpose didn’t you? You didn’t want to wash my superior out of that juicy bottom of yours now did you? Well, I insist you have an enema every morning and evening you can start by showing me how you do it right now. Then if you want my seed up your ass all you need to do is ask. I wouldn’t deny you a good shag you sexy slut.” Connor said with a wink as he threw the enema kit to Vince.

Vince was mortified taking the enema bag, he couldn’t wait to get Connor’s cum out of his ass, but not like this, especially not in front of Connor. The thought of giving himself an enema was bad enough, doing it in front of another person was down right mortifying. Connor didn’t look like he planned to give him some privacy however, or that he had much patience left for that matter. Trying to stall Vince walked over to the bidet, filling the big rubber bag as slow as he felt like he could get away with.

It was no use as Connor’s eyes remained focused on him. There was no way out of this. Resigning to his fate Vince walked to his door, as far from Connor as he could to hang the enema bag off one of the hangers, the dildo nozzle attached to the tube coming from the bag falling down on the floor. Mortified he got on all fours with his back towards the door and his ass high up in the air. One swift motion later the big butt plug slathered with cum from the multiple loads Connor had put up his bottom, plopped out of his now slightly gaping hole only to be replaced with the tip of the dildo nozzle. Keeping just the tip inside Vince released the valve with a squeal as the water started flowing inside him, filling him up.

Seeing Vince on the floor with the tip of that dildo up his butt giving himself an enema was so hot to Connor, he loved how low his bully had fallen and that in a big part thanks to him. Connor still didn’t know what had gotten into Vince yesterday, but he was certainly going to make full use of it, making Vince pay him back for all the hardship he had caused, he would never bully again.

Walking up to the kneeling Vince Connor moved in behind him and put his foot up at the base of the nozzle, slowly but forcefully pushing it all the way in, making Vince moan and groan as the dildo felt weirdly pleasurable running over his prostate, but the huge amount of water being deposited in his bowls starting to feel very uncomfortable. “There we go, much better, a hug slut like you should always take as much of a toy or cock as possible.” Connor said keeping it in with his foot and giving the enema bag a squeeze for good measure when he noticed Vince wanted to say something.

Every time Vince tried speaking up Connor gave the bag another squeeze, the sudden intense burst of water to his already very full bowls making Vince groan and shut up. Just like that Connor kept Vince pinned in place with his foot on the dildo until the bag was empty. Once the last bit of lukewarm water made it into Vince’s bowels Connor spoke up. “There we go, going off your groans I bet you’re dying to relieve your bowels, now before I let you up I want you to suck that plug of yours clean. It’s bad enough that you are going to wash away all that delicious cum inside you that you wouldn’t want to waste more now would you slut? When I let you up I want you to keep that plug in your mouth while you relieve yourself and shove that plug right back up your butt when you are done. That plug should be either in your mouth or your butt, now do so or you’ll be sorry.” Connor said waiting for Vince to follow through before keeping his word and moving his foot of the dildo nozzle.

It was a down right mortifying experience for Vince, nevertheless he didn’t hesitate to suck on that plug, his stomach was cramping up badly and he could take it no more. At least thanks to yesterday’s enema, the plug only really tasted of cum. A taste that was still strong in his mouth from all those blowjobs anyways. True to his word Connor took his foot off the dildo allowing Vince to finally take it out and make a run for the toilet where he quickly emptied his stomach with a great sigh of relief, the torrents of water seemingly never ending.

While Vince was busy relieving himself Connor had a look around, especially at all the feminine products. He gave each and everyone of them a good sniff before drawing the bath throwing in an ample amount of bubble bath solution. The room quickly filled with an intense flowery smell resembling the scent in Valerie’s room, but not completely, it was a combination of products that caused that smell.

Just now Vince got off the toilet again, having put the plug back up his ass, something that was way easier than it should have been. It was very clear to him that he was no longer an anal virgin. “Ah, good you are done. While you were busy I went ahead and drew you a bath. You need to soak for at least half an hour. If you stop earlier than that you will get punished. I also put some products on the edge of the tub for you. I want you to read them and carefully follow the instructions on each and every one. I know what they smell like so I’ll know if you don’t use them.” Connor directed the groaning guy before stepping into the walk in shower himself, having a quick wash with Vince’s soap.

Vince was surprised, but relieved that Connor didn’t decide to get in the tub with him like he had expected. Then again he guessed Connor didn’t want to smell like a flower shop, neither did he, but given how he looked that was the least of his worries. Without protests Vince lowered himself in the bathtub, the warm water feeling kind of nice and relaxing.

Connor’s shower ended up taking only five minutes, five minutes after which he quickly dried himself and took Vince’s black terry cloth bathrobe from the hanger, putting it on before disappearing into Vince’s room without another word. Vince just groaned seeing that fat slob wear his things. He also worried what Connor was doing in his room, but he didn’t dare get out of the tub.

That was the last Vince saw of Connor, he heard him moving around in his room, the hallway and his sister’s room, but Connor never re-entered the bathroom. Finally after all this time Vince had some time alone again. It took a while, but eventually he felt certain that Connor wasn’t returning to the bathroom, it allowed him to fully relax.

Using this rare moment alone Vince took the time to study his caged cock a little closer. The tight hard metal prevented him from growing even semi erect, being tight even while his cock was limp. The ring sitting behind his scrotum was too tight to push his testicles through as well. Without that option he couldn’t slide his scrotum through the ring to free his cock. It was pretty clear that the only way out of it was to unlock it. He didn’t even dare touch the plug afraid that it would feel weirdly good again.

In the end Vince ended up soaking in the tub for nearly an hour and a half. Gouging time was really hard without a clock or anything and after Connors warning he certainly didn’t want to get out of the tub early. Besides he wanted to stay away from Connor as long as he possibly could, until he was worried Connor would punish him for taking too long. The products Connor had put out for him to use were his sister’s shampoo, conditioner, soap and a hydrating body lotion for after his bath.

Bathing and especially washing his hair was a way more tedious time consuming task than Vince was used to Just shampooing up his long hair took longer than his usual shower, as per the instructions on the bottle he had to do it twice followed by the conditioner. Once out of the tub drying his hair as well as applying that lotion all over his body proved to be another time consuming task. In the end he managed to get it all done as per the instructions on the packaging, the various products all had a strong flowery scent to them, a scent that now permeated his body coming very close to the scent in his sister’s room. Waxed and now hydrated his body felt silky soft to the touch, something he wasn’t all too happy with. The worst part of it all however remained the fact that even after this thorough soak his makeup remained flawless, rubbing in the fact of how permanent it all was. At least he could brush his teeth to get rid of that cum taste which he was grateful for.

All this time alone in the bathtub had given Vince time to think, he really needed to make a stand here, and he hoped that reclaiming some of his old self would help him get through to Connor. A first step in the right direction would be to get back into his old clothes. Done with his bath Vince tried to enter his room, only to find the door locked leaving him no other option than to leave the bathroom through his sister’s room where he feared Connor would be waiting on him. The only option left to him to cover up was his sister’s silky bathrobe, that or her pink towel which he had already used refusing to use his black towel Connor had dried himself with.

Neither option was really good, but the bathrobe won out in the end simply because it covered more of his body, that and it was a subtler pink. The silky fabric remained horrible to wear however especially because he considered it one of Valerie’s intimate items. Donning the bathrobe, his white blond hair still damp Vince walked into his sisters bedroom, smelling as strongly of flowers as the room itself. The simple silky garment was a big game changer in his overall appearance, covering up his toned torso in favour of powder pink silk.

“Ah there you are slut. I was nearly worried you had drowned. Gouging time isn’t your strong suite now is it? I have to say your look as spectacular as before though, that tattooed makeup is amazing, It gives you that permanent fuckable look.” Connor grinned winking towards his horrified bully as he lay on Valerie’s bed in nothing but the black bathrobe that belonged to Vince, his hard cock poking out in the middle, watching some television.

While Vince was getting cleaned up Connor had done some exploring and redecorating, only having grown more excited with every passing minute. Unpacking had been easy. He didn’t plan on wearing anything but a bathrobe all break long. The suitcase he had brought mainly held all his gifts he had gotten from Vince. The brunt of it toys which were stuffed in Valerie’s night stands.

Aside from a beanbag, videogame console and a stack of games which Connor had moved to Valerie’s room and connected to her television there was nothing of interest to be found in Vince’s old room so he had locked both doors leading to it. All it held was all Vince’s clothes and his personal stuff none of it he would need.

The more interesting things were found here and in the master bedroom, Valerie had some toys hidden away in her room and so did Vince’s parents all of which Connor had moved here for later use. There were a couple of interesting things he couldn’t wait to use. The biggest treasure of all proved to be Valerie’s walk in closet. It held so many sexy and cute outfits, a lot of them Connor had secretly masturbated to after seeing Valerie wear them.

That bitch had certainly been right to call him a pervert, yet he didn’t deserve all the rumours she had spread, and he certainly didn’t deserve Vince’s wrath over false acquisitions. Invading her privacy was a nice secretive revenge, if only she knew he had been fondling her panties, oh Connor would love to see the look on her face. He had bigger plans though Vince would get to model all those cute outfits for him and while he did Connor would make a whole lot more pictures and video’s with how closely Vince resembled Valerie, wearing her clothes and being in her room he bet Valerie wouldn’t like taking her chances of those video’s and pictures leaking. He would kill two birds with one stone.

Connor had it all planned out. First he would get to enjoy his Christmas break in this luxurious house with his personal trap servant serving his every whim and perversion, realising all his fantasies, while simultaneously getting rid of the two biggest nuisances in his life. This was so awesome. “Why don’t you walk round the bed to the vanity table slut? I laid out your outfit for you.” Connor said with a big grin, enjoying the sight of his sexily feminised bully.


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