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Chapter 4

When Hannah woke up early once more the next morning her mind instantly went to the problem of eating. She had pretty much made up her mind that she would have to eat naked again. Since that was the case she could just as well just strip out of her pyjamas and head straight to breakfast. If she couldn’t eat clean she would have to wash her torso anyways, so she might just as well save her shower for after breakfast as well.

It felt a little awkward stripping out of her pyjamas to head out to the kitchen, but in the end it didn’t really matter. Nerissa living here as well had completely slipped her mind yet again. As far as Hannah was aware in this very moment she lived here all alone and so it didn’t matter all that much how she went dressed.

On her way to the kitchen her nipples hardened, the air in the apartment was a lot cooler than it was underneath her warm covers after all, especially when she was completely naked. Not caring all too much Hannah prepared her yoghurt bowl with fresh fruit and took place at the table. When she ate she quickly lost herself in the count of her chewing.

Nerissa got up and into the bathroom at her usual time, she was very excited over how she would find Hannah. She was absolutely positive that it was bound to be good, but to make the contrast and the shame for Hannah even bigger she really wanted to be dressed and ready for work herself. Oh the look on what she imagined was a fully naked Hannah in front of her while she was dressed all business like would be priceless.

Arriving in the kitchen Nerissa could already tell that Hannah was naked from her back. She would love to make a comment about it now, but she would wait until the right moment. After all if everything went well Hannah shouldn’t notice her presence until she ‘caught’ her. Proceeding to put that to the test Nerissa went ahead and made herself a coffee, the machine roaring rather loudly while a completely oblivious Hannah just kept stupidly chewing her yoghurt as if nothing happened at all.

Taking her coffee Nerissa took place on the chair right in front of Hannah who was chewing, her gaze fixed in the distance. A huge smirk broke out across Nerissa’s face. This was simply too perfect, way better than she had hoped for even. The spilled yoghurt which was covering her chin, mouth and chest looked very obscene. If you thought away the spoon and bowl, it looked more like Hannah had served at a glory hole or something like that, the thick white yoghurt could easily be mistaken for sperm on her naked body. The only thing that was missing for some reason were the brown contacts, but she guessed that Hannah might have skipped going to the bathroom first this morning so that would explain it.

Unable to help herself Nerissa took a quick sneaky picture with her phone before putting it down and speaking up. After taking a casual sip of her coffee and just after Hannah had swallowed her latest bite she said. “Nice tits Hannah, I like the style. That spilled yoghurt looks pretty amazing on you as well. It kind of looks like you stepped straight out of a porn movie. If you keep this up like you did today and yesterday I might even be tempted to take advantage of you at some point. I mean there’s only so much overly obvious teasing a girl can take.”

Nerissa’s calm and casual tone stood in sharp contrast to the lewd and highly inappropriate situation. Instantly Hannah’s face turned beet red and he hands shot up to her breasts, trying to cover them despite it being way too late. Hannah felt completely confused but above all very embarrassed and oh so dirty.

What the hell was happening to her? This very same thing had happened to her yesterday when she cleared her plate and now this morning? Hell being caught like this the second time was so much worse than it had been the first time. She hadn’t even been able to make up a proper excuse or explanation the first time around. All she had done was deny Nerissa’s assumption that she was trying to seduce her. Being caught like this yet again and so soon at that only lend credence to Nerissa’s previous assumption.

All she could do was evacuate as soon as possible, hide whatever was left of her modesty which was no easy feat. She didn’t have anything on underneath the table either so getting up would only lead to exposing herself even more. It was what she needed to do though, so covering her breasts with one arm she slid another between her legs, got up and made a run for the bathroom as fast as she could. Her yoghurt bowl was nearly empty, but she wasn’t about to finish it. All she wanted was to be out of Nerissa’s sight as fast as possible.

Much to her added horror Nerissa hadn’t even looked that shocked anymore. Instead she had kept on eyeing her with a lustful stare while calmly sipping her coffee. It creeped her out, was Nerissa really into her? God did she lust over her? Hannah sure hoped not, but it seemed that whatever Nerissa felt towards her, she had only encouraged those feelings by how she had let herself get caught not once but twice.

If Nerissa hadn’t lusted over her before she sure did now and she must probably think Hannah was more than into it as well, not that Hannah could blame her for it considering what had happened. Still it felt so very bad as that wasn’t the case in the slightest. The thought of being with a woman made her skin crawl and yet she had exposed herself to Nerissa twice.

Things only got worse as Hannah got into the shower. When she stared washing herself her attention was brought to her pubic bush. It was a part she usually just went over without thinking much about it, but when she trailed over it this time Nerissa’s words from yesterday instantly sounded through her head.

For some strange reason she thought back to how Nerissa had suggested she would look better with her pussy shaven smooth. Even though encouraging Nerissa even further was the last thing she wanted to do, she couldn’t stop thinking about how she should probably shave her pussy, how it was a good idea to shave it for Nerissa. The thought of doing anything remotely sexual with another woman was a cause of worry and yet shaving her pussy for Nerissa seemed like one of the most important things right now. Nerissa’s opinion on how her pussy should look just seemed so valuable right now for some unexplained reason, especially unexplainable with how she never ever wanted Nerissa to see it in the first place.

What the fuck was wrong with her? Frist exposing herself to her roommate yet again, now she was thinking of how she should shave her pussy for her roommate. If she wasn’t so certain about how she felt about women Hannah would start to think Nerissa had been correct in her assumption that she wanted to seduce her. It made no sense to her at all, but she couldn’t shake the thought of actually shaving her pussy despite getting out of the shower and willing herself not to do it.

While drying herself it only seemed weirder and weirder to her that she thought about shaving her pussy. It was something she had never ever wanted to do. In fact she was against all that elaborate personal grooming, shaving being the worst of all as she saw her pubic bush as a sign of womanhood. Trying to put it out of her mind Hannah simply carried on in her routine, putting in her brown contacts and brushing her teeth she finished up in the bathroom.

Out of the bathroom Hannah quickly went into her room to dress into her outfit for today, a burgundy skirt and blazer over a black blouse, black sheer pantyhose and burgundy leather heels. Dressed to impress she headed back out into the living room which was right next to their open kitchen. It was a moment she had dreaded ever since rushing to the bathroom. Most of all she just wanted to avoid Nerissa for the rest of her life if possible, but since she was her roommate that simply wasn’t possible.

Despite how much Hannah wanted to avoid a confrontation she felt like she couldn’t just rush off to work and ignore what had happened. She had to give some sort of explanation, not that she could explain it, but just ignoring this would only make things worse she feared.

She was right as in her moment of contemplation before rushing off to work Nerissa shouted her ways. “Awe, I think you looked way better with your breasts out Hannah, you won’t be able to seduce me with all those clothes on.” She laughed.

Hannah instantly turned beet red once more. “Look Nerissa, I don’t know what I was thinking, I really don’t, but I don’t want to seduce you or anything at all, I swear. You have to believe me, I am not into girls at all, I never have been, today and yesterday were just two huge unexplainable mistakes.” Hannah’s tone was desperate it was the best she could come up with and she knew it didn’t explain anything at all.

“Sure, well I swear that it really looks like you want to seduce me big time, you don’t just end up naked at the table or in the kitchen where you know your roommate is without having some kind of motive. I mean it could have been that you were just like a naturist or something, but I doubt you would have waited so long then. I think you have just always been into me but never dared admit it. Now you’re just trying to tempt me into making a move although I admit, it’s strange that you choose to go about it this way, just confessing your feeling would be way less bold than what you’re doing. In any case. Have a nice day.” Nerissa replied.

Completely stunned Hannah just stood and stared at her roommate for a while. What Nerissa said made no sense and at the same time it made so very much sense. The fact was that she couldn’t make sense of it herself and no matter how horrid Nerissa’s explanation was, it was a way better explanation than she could give.

Eventually Hannah just gave up and rushed out of the door with a quick goodbye. The longer she stood there the less certain she felt. Maybe her client meetings would help distract her. A distraction that was very much needed with how she kept thinking about shaving her pussy for Nerissa.

The moment Hannah disappeared from view Nerissa burst out laughing, everything about this morning had been perfect, the look of a naked Hannah, with her messy chest. The look of shock and embarrassment, the sheer pleasure of confusing her even more than she had already been. Everything was working out better than she could have dreamed off, and she had a feeling it would only get better as well.

While Hannah had rushed to the bathroom she had noticed that her roommate hadn’t shaven herself down there like she had explicitly suggested yesterday. With how well everything else was panning out she was pretty much sure that it bothered Hannah though. Either way it was something to keep track of. Nerissa thought as she quietly finished her coffee before leaving for work herself. She wondered how Hannah was doing though, and more importantly how she would find her roommate when she came back home.

Hannah’s morning was the absolute worst. While she did her client meetings, they were barely able to distract her from what had happened or worse the fact that she should shave her pussy. In fact that last thought distracted her from her client meetings to the point where she nearly asked one of her clients whether or not she should shave her pussy. Luckily she had managed to keep that question to herself just in time all though she doubted that no one noticed something had been off.

By the time she could go home it was like a huge weight dropped off her shoulders. Finally she was out of the public eye and back in the privacy of her apartment. One of the first things she did however was to strip and head into the bathroom. The constant thoughts about shaving her pussy were maddening to the point that she figured out if that hair bothered her so much she should just get rid of it.

Positioning herself over the toilet she just went ahead, grabbed her razor and got done with it in a few quick motions. As the bush of curly hairs disappeared and the milky white skin that had never seen the light of day underneath appeared Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. She felt much better now that her pussy was completely smooth.

At least she did for a few moments. In no time she looked horrified seeing how she looked so smooth and alien down there. It was a view she hadn’t had since the moment she had started growing pubic hair, and now it was back. The fact that she had shaven her pussy for Nerissa only made things that much worse for Hannah. Nerissa’s explanation was starting to make more and more sense. Why the hell would she shave her pussy on Nerissa’s suggestion if she didn’t want her roommate to know? One thing was certain, she didn’t plan to let her find out, although she wasn’t so sure she would be able to stick to that plan. She hadn’t consciously meant to be found naked this morning either.

After shaving her pussy Hannah didn’t bother putting on clothes, it was lunch time and since she had once again made a mess this morning she guessed going naked was her safest bet. Heading into the kitchen she prepared her lunch, once again zoning out as she ate, once again making a mess. This time apart from the embarrassment of having made yet another mess while eating nothing note worthy happened. She was very much alone at home this time after all.

With lunch over it was time to get back to work, Hannah sadly came to the realisation that she had lost a lot of time eating. Giving her torso and the table a quick clean Hannah got dressed again and headed into her home office to start working.

Just like yesterday it didn’t take very long for a light headache to appear and Hannah knew very well how to handle it by now. Yesterday she had found out that ignoring it only made the headache worse and that consequentially she needed to masturbate way longer to make it disappear. Masturbation on its own was more than embarrassing enough already. If she had to do it, then she wanted to make it as quick as possible and so shoving her chair back Hannah tried not to think too much about what she was about to do and moved her hand under her skirt.

In no time at all her hand found that special spot through her pantyhose and her panties. Closing her eyes Hannah slowly but surely rubbed her headache away with her hand between her legs. Her arousal had only just climbed enough for the first moans to make their way out when Hannah was relieved to feel her headache had disappeared completely.

Despite the disappearance from her headache Hannah couldn’t seem to stop rubbing her pussy. It just felt so good, way too good to stop. It felt so good even that the amazing feeling at her pussy over rid the shame she felt, not by much, but she simply couldn’t help herself she had to keep rubbing.

As Hannah continued rubbing her pussy through her pantyhose and panties her moans continued growing louder. After yesterdays edging and the fact that she never really masturbated the feelings quickly grew way more intense to the point of her rapidly approaching an orgasm. As her arousal took over the shame of masturbating slowly faded.

It didn’t take long however to be replaced by a new way worse shame. Much to her horror images of Nerissa started flashing before her eyes as she was getting so very close to her orgasm. It was horrible. Was her roommate right? Was she really a secret pervert trying to seduce her? The fact that she had been caught naked twice, had actually shaven her pussy on Nerissa’s suggestion and now this really all pointed in that direction.

While Hannah came to this shocking embarrassing realisation, she still couldn’t stop herself from rubbing her pussy. She was on the very edge of orgasm and yet she couldn’t get over it. images of Nerissa kept flashing in front of her, the embarrassment stayed, but the orgasm stayed out.

The longer this went on the more frustrated Hannah grew. She couldn’t stop rubbing herself, it just felt too good, but she really wanted to get off. An idea popped into her head, maybe some little extra stimulation would do? Some visual stimulation maybe? The images of Nerissa were pretty clear in her mind’s eye, but maybe a real image would work better. Still she couldn’t do that could she? She couldn’t masturbate to a picture of her roommate could she, it was so very tempting though.

For a while Hannah managed to keep herself under control, she managed to keep herself from searching some pictures to get off to. The ever-growing frustration and desperate need to get off were making it harder and harder to keep her resolve though.

Until eventually in the end she gave in, with one shaking hand she pulled out her phone, the other still busily rubbing her pussy. Fumbling a little she opened up her social media and pulled up Nerissa’s account, opening up the last picture she posted. Staring at the picture on her screen she nearly instantly managed to get over the edge. Screaming loudly in sheer pleasure, she shook in her chair, soaking through her panties, pantyhose and even her skirt to the point where her juices soaked in her chair.

It had been such a long time since Hannah had last orgasmed and the feeling was all overpowering. It took her a few minutes to came back down to her senses, and when she did the intense shame of what she had done started to set in.

Not only had she masturbated herself to an orgasm, way longer than was needed to relieve her headache. She had done so looking at a picture of her roommate. In one swift motion she shut down her phone screen, she couldn’t stand the look of Nerissa looking up at her through the phone screen, staring right at her as if she had just witnessed what Hannah had done. The picture had been one showing off Nerissa’s figure in a very revealing session. It had been a paid add with a plus size sportswear company, one where she had been wearing nothing but a grey and pink pair of spandex shorts, and a matching sports bra.

Hannah simply couldn’t believe what she had just done. She kept staring at her black phone screen for what had to be at least fifteen minutes, her whole office smelled like pussy, her hand and entire crotch area sticky with juices. She couldn’t believe she had literally masturbated to a picture of her roommate. What the hell was wrong with her? Did she really have a secret crush on Nerissa? She quickly tried to shake that thought out of her head, wiping off her hand she went back to work, trying to distract from what had just happened.

Resuming her work after what had just happened was pretty hard, but eventually she managed to get back in the flow. It took about another hour for a new headache to start kicking in however and while she knew it would only get worse if she didn’t masturbate, she didn’t dare to not after what had happened an hour earlier. For a while Hannah managed to keep herself from masturbating, but eventually just like she feared the headache only grew worse. Worse to the point where she could get nothing done anymore, and she remembered all too well that masturbating was the way out.

Hesitant and embarrassed she slid her hand between her legs once more. Her crotch was still so very damp from last time. The cold pussy juices felt gross, but once she touched her pussy she was unable to stop yet again. After last time it was pretty clear she needed some sort of visual stimulation to get off. Since she didn’t want to be forced in the same predicament where she couldn’t think clear and just pulled up the first image that came to mind, Hannah decided to go look for some masturbation material right now. It was embarrassing, but everything would be better than rubbing it out to Nerissa yet again.

Opening her phone the screen was still frozen on that image of Nerissa which both made he shudder in shame and moan at the same time as a strong surge of pleasure coursed through her seeing that picture. With a few quick taps she went away from Nerissa’s profile and went to some male athletes she followed.

She still felt bad and like such a perv for masturbating to these men, but they aligned way better with the kind of partner she imagined herself with. Hannah had always seen herself with a man who took working out and eating healthy just as seriously as she did. While she did follow a few of her crushes masturbating to them just felt so very wrong, furthermore much to her shock it didn’t do anything for her.

Browsing those profiles Hannah didn’t find a single picture that aroused her, not until finally her eye stumbled across one of the pictures the current man’s profile, she was browsing was tagged in. It was a picture of him posing at a convention with a fan, a blonde who looked a bit the same like Nerissa body wise. For some reason it was that woman in the picture that really drew her attention.

Unable to help herself a moan escaped her lips. For some strange reason it was this girl that did it for her. That couldn’t be right? She wasn’t into women, and especially not into people who didn’t put the work in she did which was kind of obvious from the shape this woman was in. Those assumptions of what she found attractive were slowly starting to crumble after first masturbating to Nerissa and now to this woman she didn’t know at all.

Masturbating to this woman’s profile she had randomly stumbled across was felt even more shameful and creepy than masturbating to those men she followed. Still it did feel better than masturbating to Nerissa way better and so out of curiosity she clicked through to that woman’s profile. Scrolling through her feed, Hannah found out much to her shame that pretty much all of this woman’s pictures were turn-ons.

Feeling very guilty she continued rubbing her pussy to this woman’s pictures, going as far as to give her a follow. In one of her pictures she posed with a friend, a brunette who looked like she was about the same body type. Two of these girls in one picture gave her an extra surge and so she clicked through to that woman’s profile.

During her entire nearly twenty-minute lasting masturbation session she went from profile to profile whenever she found a woman resembling that body type which for some reason turned her on greatly. Her masturbation set her on a spree of visiting and following profiles until she came in another spectacular but shameful climax yet again.

This time she was able to get over the shame a little quicker, purely because she hadn’t masturbated to Nerissa or anyone she knew. It was only slightly better though. In any case she went straight back to work, trying to forget about it as fast as possible.

Another hour later when the headache started again so did her masturbation and just like last time she hopped from profile following every woman she came across which slightly resembled Nerissa’s body type. It happened two more times after that as she needed to work a lot of over time to make up for all the time she lost masturbating herself to orgasm after orgasm.

Hannah was still busily working and masturbating in her office when Nerissa came home. A smile instantly broke out across her face, she could hear Hannah moaning from the living room and it was just too precious, another sign that her commands were really taking hold perfectly. Out of sheer curiosity she opened up her own social media and went over to Hannah’s profile. Would she leave traces of what she masturbated to? Nerissa certainly hoped as she wanted to know whether or not that part of the command took hold as well.

She could always barge into Hannah’s office, the loud moans certainly gave her enough grounds to do so, but Nerissa wanted Hannah to screw up herself, to let her expose herself instead of invading her privacy to catch her. After all the impact of being caught in an area where she should expect to be caught was so much bigger.

Besides one look at Hannah’s social media told her all she needed to know. Hannah never followed many people, only clients, people she knew and the odd health and fitness influencer. Her following number had spiked big time though. It was pretty clear that Hannah had been rather busy, she followed nearly a hundred more profiles than Nerissa remembered seeing before.

When she checked out which profiles Hannah just started following, she was pleasantly surprised. All profiles were of plus size models resembling her own body type, but there were also a lot of way smaller profiles Hannah didn’t just follow the models with big follower counts, but what Nerissa could only assume was any profile she came across and ‘liked’ thanks to her command.

With a big smirk Nerissa went to work ordering herself a pizza. She then changed in something comfier, her opaque work tights with an oversized t-shirt long enough to cover her bottom. Today was Friday which meant it was cheat day for her. It wasn’t really helpful for her progress, but slow and steady wins the race, right? Besides fast food was too good to ban out of her life. She’d rather progress slower than to never eat junk anymore.

The moment her pizza arrived Nerissa retreated back to the couch and started eating. She had ordered an extra large one, more than she could eat, but it was intentional. She wanted to save a few slices to feed Hannah with when she was under.

Nerissa was long since done with eating by the time Hannah left her home office. She had overworked big time probably because of all the distractions Nerissa couldn’t help but think. At this rate she might ruin the business she had so carefully build. Now that would be a pity. Maybe Nerissa could help out on that front somehow. Maybe she could work herself in and lighten the load from Hannah. It was food for thought over the weekend. For now she couldn’t wait until Hannah came out to eat so she could get her tripping once more.

Hannah was quite exhausted coming out of her office finally, juices were running down her legs as she got up. Her chair was soaked, so were her panties and even her skirt. It was mortifying. She had worked herself to five orgasms over the course of the afternoon and as a result she had had to overwork big time. Her whole office smelled heavily off pussy, so much that the contrast with the fresh air out of her office was huge. Embarrassed she went to her room where she hung her clothes to dry before she would discard them in the hamper. Changing into a pair of leggings and a sports bra she got in a quick workout in her room before heading out to the kitchen to cook.

For some reason Hannah had a subtle craving for something fatty or something sweet. She couldn’t really explain it, it had been ages since she had eaten unhealthy fats and processed sugar, and she had never craved it, but the urge was definitely there. In any case she wasn’t about to give in to those urges.

“Hey Nerissa.” She said as she saw her roommate on the couch, the half-eaten pizza in front of her. She was just being polite, but it felt so very awkward after this morning and even worse after she had masturbated to one of her pictures. Luckily that was something Nerissa couldn’t know.

While she cooked her meal Nerissa once again came with the routine suggestion for Hannah to use those mushrooms which Hannah did. With the meal prepared she headed to the table and somehow completely forgot about Nerissa despite having interacted with her moments before. She stripped completely naked and started eating.

Nerissa just smirked. Now was not the time to catch Hannah, no now she would wait for Hannah to start to trip, a few moments later that time arrived. Getting up from the couch Nerissa took place at the table in front of Hannah, ready with todays commands. She would keep it simple this time.

“Hello Hannah, I’ve heard you discovered the joy of masturbation and orgasms, it feels good doesn’t it? Of course it does. It feels too good to ever go a day without. You need your daily orgasm or you won’t be able to function or sleep. If you haven’t had an orgasm all day then you’ll need one before you are able to sleep from now on.” Nerissa said, with the weekend around the corner she doubted that Hannah would need to masturbate for her headaches depending on what she planned to do. This command would ensure that she masturbated no matter what.

Another issue Nerissa wanted to deal with was the fact that fattening up Hannah didn’t go as planned. She was pretty certain there must have been an urge for Hannah to eat a cheat snack at this point, given how every other command had worked, but it clearly wasn’t urgent enough. No she needed to change something drastically, to make sure Hannah would be less active and start eating more. As it stood she still worked out and ate healthy some how some way she had to make sure that she started lazing around more and eat more snacks.

Then an idea hit her, given how often Hannah masturbated in her office tying those two together would do the trick she guessed. If not then she could always re-evaluate. “Alright Hannah, you have found out how lovely masturbating is, but I’m also sure you noticed how intense it is and can be. It’s intenser than most workouts, in fact you are convinced that masturbating is the best workout. When you masturbate you won’t need to workout anymore. Workouts of such calibre are of course deserving of a reward, a little snack, perfect to celebrate such an intense workout and regain some energy. Whenever you reach an orgasm, you will feel the overwhelming need to snack on something fatty or sweet. You will feel too exhausted from masturbating to do anything else. The only way to regain enough energy to do anything is to indulge in a fatty or sweet snack.” Nerissa said excited to see that command in practice.

After quickly going over the instructions to forget about the mushrooms Nerissa used the rest of Hannah’s trip to throw away her healthy meal and feed her what remained of the Pizza, a way bigger portion and way fattier than what Hannah usually ate.

Once the pizza was devoured Nerissa cast a quick look under the table only to smirk as she noticed Hannah had indeed shaven her pussy completely bald. Putting Hannah’s empty plate back in front of her Nerissa disappeared to her room. The commands she had given now were bound to have a huge impact. It might have been cruel and a bit much, especially after the harsh day Hannah had probably already had, but she hadn’t been able to help herself. Above all else it had been so very exciting.

With the amount of masturbating and eating Hannah would do and how she would fatten up consequentially, she was bound to become just a horny cow. Oh Nerissa couldn’t wait to see it happen, but for now she had done enough. She would leave the catching Hannah for tomorrow she thought as she went to her room. Hannah could use the small reprieve. She had more than enough on her plate as it was.

When Hannah came back to her senses a while later she noticed her empty plate and cleaned up. Not bothering to put her clothes back on she went into her room and off to bed after asking herself multiple time what the hell was happening to her. Was she really into women like Nerissa? The thought made her shudder and yet she had undeniably thought of her while masturbating. After her hard week a quite weekend in would be a real blessing.


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