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Chapter 6

Sunday started out pretty much the same as Saturday had for Lisa, stuck in her crib, not even able to make a sound loud enough to wake a still loudly snoring Suzan. Her diaper was already soaking wet and heavy but she needed to pee yet again. As much as she hated using a diaper she decided to just let it go this time. Fighting the urge was only making things difficult on herself and she really hoped that the diaper would be sufficiently filled for a change by the time Suzan woke up. The last thing she wanted was to face that horrid feeling of Suzan peeing her diaper.

Without a toilet or a very pressing urge to pee it took Lisa a while to get over her mental block of peeing herself, but eventually she managed, groaning as she felt her diaper grow warmer and wetter. She could feel her cheeks turn bright red the only luck she had was that there was no one here to witness her humiliation.

As horrid as her situation was there was light at the end of the tunnel. People might not have noticed she was missing over the weekend, but with classes and cheerleading practice starting again they would for sure. With a bit of luck she would be rescued tomorrow. All she could do now though was wait for Suzan to wake up and take her through her day. With her limited mobility and her mitten covered hands she was completely at the woman’s mercy.

While Lisa dreaded the day ahead of her she couldn’t wait for Suzan to wake up either so she could just get it over with. A wish she got about thirty minutes later when the snoring stopped and Suzan slowly stirred awake. It instantly made her regret wanting Suzan to get up as she eyed the woman nervously.

When Suzan got out of the bed Lisa quickly turned her eyes away in disgust. Suzan was completely naked and it grossed Lisa out. All she could hope for was that the woman would quickly put on some clothes. A hope that instantly got dashed as Suzan quickly appeared at the side of her crib still completely naked. “Good morning Lizzy, I hope you slept well.” She asked with a big smirk as she pulled the girl out of the crib.

Seemingly effortlessly Suzan pulled the girl out of the crib placing her on her hip like she had done so many times by now. All Lisa could do was whimper and groan through her pacifier as she felt all the liquid her diaper had absorbed by now being squished around. It was horrible, something she would never get used to at least that was what she hoped, she hoped she wouldn’t need to get used to a wet diaper.

“Is my little girl grumpy again, you do seem to have a bit of a morning mood don’t you? Well don’t you worry cutie. Mommy knows something that will cheer you up instantly, all she asks for is a little bit of patience.” Suzan said as she hummed a happy tune while walking down the hall and straight into the bathroom making Lisa both hopeful and nervous. This was the place she got changed into fresh diapers, but also the one where Suzan got way too touchy.

Once in the bathroom Suzan put Lisa down on the floor while sitting herself down on the toilet. Smirking down at the bratty girl she had taken control of she moved a finger deep into her hairy pussy, getting it nice and wet. It was glistening by the time she pulled it out leaving Lisa looking up at her absolutely mortified having to watch this was gross beyond believe, but nothing compared to the worry about what Suzan planned on doing with it.

That question soon got answered when Suzan lowered her hand towards Lisa’s face. It was the answer the girl had been expecting, the one that worried her the most as she tried crawling back. Suzan was too quick though with one swift motion she swept her finger between the girl’s pacifier shield and nose, leaving a sticky trail of her strong smelling pussy juices in its wake, making it all Lisa could smell once more. “There you are, doesn’t that cheer you up my dear Lizzy?” Suzan asked with a smirk, clearly expecting an answer out of the girl.

Mortified the only answer Lisa could really think of was to nod her head. Speaking was out of the question, and she had a bad feeling that Suzan might just make things even harder on her if she gave a negative answer. It brought a smile upon the woman’s face. “I knew it would Lizzy, you love your mommy’s pussy don’t you?” Suzan replied with a huge smile further taunting Lisa

“In any case mommy needs to pee, if you need to go as well I would say feel free.” Suzan laughed as she had her morning pee right in front of Lisa. Despite how disgusting that was Lisa was glad, at least she wouldn’t be using her diaper to pee again. She never wanted to suffer through a horror like that again. On the other hand she was afraid that also meant she wasn’t getting a change just yet. At least she didn’t have to go right now, not that it was any consolidation with how wet her diaper already was.

Done with peeing Suzan went straight into the shower, something Lisa wished she could do with how intense the smell of Suzan’s pussy remained. Instead she could do nothing but sit there and wait. Sure she could crawl around a bit, but without the ability to stand or even open the door she was trapped in the room with this awful woman anyways.

Out of the shower Suzan dried herself and turned her attention right back to Lisa. “Alright my sweet little Lizzy, before we carry on lets see if you have earned yourself a nappy change already or if your nappy can handle a bit more shall we?” Suzan asked with a smirk looking down on the mortified girl. Without any hesitations she leaned down, unbuttoned the crotch panel of Lisa’s onesie and coped a good feel of the girls crotch, feeling how she was definitely wet, but not wet to the point of the diaper failing.

Having her crotch area felt up like that despite all the padding was a mortifying experience for Lisa, especially when Suzan used it to mock her while she buttoned the onesie back up. “My my, you’ve really wetted your diaper a lot already haven’t you? It seems like you really need that diaper don’t you? Well It’s a good thing I have you in one then, but your diaper isn’t yet near it’s capacity, I’m sure you can still get some use out of it.” Suzan taunted as she picked Lisa up and walked back to her room.

From there on out Lisa’s day just carried on in pretty much the same humiliating fashion as yesterday had. Suzan got dressed, carried Lisa out to the kitchen where she got trapped in a high chair and fed another huge bottle of formula. As much as she disliked the sickingly sweet taste of the formula, she craved it back when Suzan once again dipped the penis shaped teat of her pacifier deep into her pussy, before putting it back into Lisa’s mouth not even leaving her a chance to form a word.

Taken out of the highchair Lisa was taken along to the living room where Suzan put her back on one of her legs while she watched some television. As humiliating as playing with her blocks had been it didn’t even begin to compare to the humiliation of riding horsey on Suzan’s lap which is exactly what Suzan made her do, moving her leg up and down making the girls diapered grind onto her thigh. It felt gross, feeling the wetness squelch around her crotch, yet the slight stimulation it provided got to her rather quickly after being worked up and denied so long yesterday.

A big grin spread across Suzan’s face as she heard the first moans arrive. It was music to her ears being able to make the pretty young woman moan was such a turn on, a turn on that was only intensified by the fact that she was embarrassing the rich brat at the same time. She could do this forever which was how it felt to Lisa.

All morning long Suzan kept up this horsey play, only ever slowing down whenever Lisa was getting close to an orgasm. She just loved edging the girl too much to let get off, each time she stopped bouncing her leg just short of an orgasm Lisa’s protesting whimpers grew louder and more severe. It came to the point where she was certain where she to remove the girl’s pacifier she would beg her just to ride horsey a little longer so she could get off, despite the embarrassing act, the fact that she was stuck in a soaking wet diaper that was near leaking after having peed herself twice more this morning, or the fact that Suzan’s gross taste and scent was strong on her senses.

By the time lunch came around Lisa once again whimpered being left hanging right on edge, but all in all she was happy that this torment was finally over. Her pussy was throbbing in her wet diaper, begging for attention it couldn’t get. Completely red and flustered Lisa was once again strapped into the high chair, breathing heavily as her intense arousal didn’t even look to start cooling down.

Everything was going exactly as planned for Suzan, so overly aroused Lisa didn’t put up any fuss at all when she spoon fed the girl a huge jar of baby food, topping everything up with another huge bottle of formula. None of the food she got was very appetizing, but at least it removed Suzan’s pussy taste from her mouth, a victory that was rather short lived as her pacifier once again got shoved into Suzan’s pussy before going into her mouth.

With Lisa all taken care off Suzan started her own meal, smirking wildly as she slowly but surely saw the girl starting to dose off. What Lisa didn’t know was that her bottle had been laced with a sedative as well as a laxative. Soon she would be out for the next two hours at least. Not only that but she would surely mess her diaper she had kept to pee only this entire weekend, probably hoping she would be rescued soon.

It was something Suzan had also taken into consideration though, the weekend might have been safe to keep Lisa in her care, but if she didn’t show up in any of her classes or afterschool practices suspicion would arise and a witch hunt funded by her dad’s money would start. She had a way better plan, with all the blackmail material she made and the parental control app giving her full control and access to everything on her phone she would be able to keep the girl under control and doing her bidding.

Toying with her during the week would be fun, but nothing compared to spending Lisa’s fortune on all the nice things she had seen during her online search but hadn’t been able to buy. One thing was certain when next weekend arrived she would be more than ready to have even more fun with Lizzy. Right now all that was left to do was finish her meal and get the girl back home.

Chapter 7

Back in her apartment Lisa slowly but surely stirred with a groan she was having the most bizarre and disturbing sex dream ever. She was getting fucked silly by the cutest guy imaginable which was great and a huge turn on, yet there was a woman sitting on her face at the same time, grinding her pussy right on her face which somehow despite her disgust towards sex with a woman didn’t break the spell of her arousal.

Her pussy was sopping wet and for some reason so was her face. The wetness clinging to her face kind of smelled fishy, familiar and pretty gross, she could taste it as well due to something big and rubber stuck in her mouth. She realised with a disgusted groan that she was smelling and tasting Suzan, the events of the weekend crashing back to her quickly as she thought she was still in that stupid crib, having fallen asleep at noon for some reason. The room was completely dark and there was something wet on her face which was kind of odd, probably another one of Suzan’s nasty games

Reaching up to try and shove whatever it was off her face Lisa was really surprised when she found she could stretch her fingers. It felt amazing, so did stretching her arms and even her legs which she hadn’t been able to fully stretch all weekend. Enjoying this new found freedom Lisa pulled the wet cloth off of her face yet she also became aware of a loud crinkling noise and a really gross feeling, grosser than usual around her bottom.  With here eyes used to the dark she was pretty shocked but also ecstatic to see she was back in her own room.

Leaning over Lisa turned on the light, feeling so great to have her mobility and life back. After her eyes had gotten a moment to get used to the light she was shocked, apparently the wet cloth she had removed from her face was in fact a pair of Suzan’s huge soaked white cotton panties. Lisa wanted to scream, but she couldn’t the huge pacifier was still stuck in her mouth preventing her from making much noise. She was so used to having that penis shaped teat stuck in her mouth that she didn’t really notice it anymore.

Grabbing onto the pacifier shield Lisa tried to pull it out of her mouth, but she couldn’t, all she really did was pull at the back of her own head as it was where the straps connected. She remembered it was kept there with a simple buckle, one that had been impossible to remove with her mittens, but one she should be able to get off now. Reaching behind her head she tried opening the buckle, and she managed, but she couldn’t get it to open, upon a closer feel she could feel that a padlock prevented the straps from truly disconnecting. What was the meaning of this?

Throwing off the covers Lisa was in for an even bigger surprise in the literal sense, apart from being completely naked she was stuck in a diaper, just like she had been all weekend. This one was simply huge though, big enough to force her legs wide apart and all of it was stuck underneath a translucent pink pair of plastic panties, barely able to contain the diapers. The waist band and leg holes dug tightly in her belly and thighs, trimmed with pink lace ruffles. Just like with the pacifier though a chain ran through the waistband, padlocked in place making it and thus the diapers impossible to pull off.

She might be at her own place, no Suzan in sight, out of that hated onesie, but she was still very much stuck in her diaper and pacifier. What the hell was that bitch playing at? She couldn’t go to school like this tomorrow, there was no way of hiding it whatsoever and if she didn’t show up for a few days and get suspicious they would find her right at home like this. She couldn’t let anyone ever see her like this, she simply wouldn’t be able to live it down.

Making matters worse her stomach soon started rumbling loudly, making her realise in horror what that unfamiliar feeling around her bottom was. While she was out she had messed herself, and judging by the cramps she was about to do it again. She had to stop this, she simply couldn’t, peeing herself had been horrible, finding out what mess she was sitting in was even worse, but adding to the mess while wide awake was a thought she simply couldn’t bear.

The cramps only kept growing worse however and there simply was no way out of her diaper any time soon as far as she could tell. It was a losing battle she lost about five minutes later as there was simply no stopping her bowels from evacuating, adding to the nasty mess between her legs at her bottom. Completely mortified Lisa just stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes, feeling completely disgusted as she felt the warm mess spread around.

As horrifying as it all was she realised she needed to get out of this literal mess as soon as possible. People were going to find her anyways, if they did everyone would find out about this most embarrassing position. Maybe just maybe she could do damage control and ask a friend to come get her out of this mess, a pair of bolt cutters should do the trick but she didn’t have any and going out was no option. There was only one problem, Lisa wasn’t really close enough to anyone to trust them to help her out and keep this a secret. She had many friends, but that was mainly because she threw the best parties and that she was hot. Thinking about it she didn’t really have a true friend, something she had never cared that much about until now.

Her preferred people to hang with were ass lickers, doing her bidding and following her in the hope some of her popularity would radiate off on them. While they did a lot for her that would instantly stop if they saw her like this. They would instantly lose all respect for her and thus the will to help her out.

Maybe just maybe she was forgetting someone? Scrolling to her phone contacts to make sure wouldn’t hurt right? Worst case scenario she could text an external service from across time to do the job, two quick snips along and a hefty pay should do the trick to get out and keep that person quiet, maybe that was even a better option she thought as she picked up her phone from her nightstand, a look of absolute horror crossing her face as her new screensaver was a picture of Suzan dressed in only her support tights, a pair of white cotton granny panties and a heavy duty white bra. It looked gross. Quickly opening her phone she was greeted by similar pics in different positions for every background.

Going to her settings to quickly change that awful screensaver and background Lisa was shocked when a message appeared. “Asking Mommy for permission.” Followed up with a message. “Permission denied. What the hell was this supposed to mean? What had Suzan done to her phone? She had a bad feeling she was the so called mommy from the message, a feeling that quickly got confirmed. As a call from “Mommy” arrived, Suzan being the woman in the caller ID picture. It was a video call and Lisa didn’t really want to answer it, the last thing she wanted was to ever see that horrid woman again. Maybe she should though, so that bitch could explain what the hell was going on.

Much to her surprise her phone suddenly picked up itself, Suzan’s face lighting it up in an unflattering selfie angel while she could see herself with the pigtails and pacifiers, nearly showing her nipples as well on the outgoing video. Embarrassed beyond believe she tried ending the call, the least she wanted was to put something on, but despite touching her screen it didn’t end. Another message just showed up. “Permission denied by Mommy.”

“Now that isn’t nice Lizzy, mommy’s hurt you want to reject her call, especially since I am pretty sure you will want to hear this. By now you’ve probably found out about your locking predicament as well as the fact that your phone isn’t really yours anymore. Well I explain in a minute, right now what’s most important is that the keys to your plastic panties and pacifier are both hidden in your apartment. I can help you find them of course, but then you need to listen and stay in vision of your phone.” Suzan explained with a smirk, loving the blushing look she got back from Lisa who couldn’t really answer with the pacifier in her mouth. Her silently staying on screen was enough of an answer though.

“Good, let me explain your phone first. I’ve installed the harshest parental control app in existence it mainly gets bad ratings for being so strict, but a naughty baby like you needs a firm hand don’t you? The app allows me to take full control over your phone and all it’s functions even access to all the apps on it. I can put time limits on your apps, or lock them and every change in your phone needs to get approved by me. I am honestly hurt that you tried to change mommy’s don’t you dare try again or you will be punished, besides it won’t work anyways.” Suzan explained to the horrified Lisa.

“Before you think about just buying a new phone or doing anything rash or stupid you will want to have a look at the album ‘Baby Lizzy’ I made. It holds so many fun memories of our weekend as well as how I first caught you, all saved in the cloud with a link ready to send to all your contacts if you are really naughty, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that shall we. Also since I have control of your phone including your banking app you wouldn’t be able to make such a big purchase without permission anyways. If you are a good girl however and have proven that you are sufficiently reraised into a better member for society instead of the bitch you have been so far you can earn your freedom back. Until that time you are my baby Lizzy and I’m your mommy.” Suzan said making Lisa realise the horrible severity of her situation. This couldn’t be happening this was crazy.

From what she remembered the pics and videos that had been made could more than ruin her. She couldn’t even bribe someone to help her out and pay back Suzan since Suzan was in charge of her expenses apparently. She really was stuck until the time Suzan let her go. The best she could hope for right now was to keep this all a secret until that time. At least there was light at the end of the tunnel, all she needed to do was convince Suzan she had changed. She just had to.

“Good, now I imagine you want to get out of your diapers and that pacifier by the time you need to head to class tomorrow, the triple diaper will be impossible to hide no matter what you wear and so will that pacifier. Like I said the keys are right there in your apartment they are tiny though so I don’t think you will be able to find them without my help, you are free to try though. If you want a tip all you need to do is give the crotch of my panties a deep sniff and I will give you a little task to carry out.” Suzan said with a huge smirk.

“Oh also, my only requirement is that you keep your phone with you and focused on you at all times during your search. You’ll find a something to help you with that on the floor next to your bed.” Suzan said making Lisa all the more worried. The task and requirements Suzan had laid out for her were horrid but as gross and embarrassing as it would be it was still her best option, better than anyone finding out about her predicament.

Blushing fiercely Lisa threw her legs over the edge of the bed and reached down, blushing fiercely as she saw what in all essence was a pink leather collar. It was special in the sense that where usually a tag would sit there was a metal arm sticking out from it with at the end a holder much like that of a selfie stick. It would allow her to keep her phone focused on herself at all times, hands free in the most embarrassing way.

As embarrassing as it was Lisa quickly picked it up and fastened it around her neck, placing her calling phone in the holder. She didn’t want to wear a collar, but she had to, the mush in her diaper felt absolutely horrid, more so now that it was cooling down. It was also starting to get itchy, like a rash was developing. The soon she could get out these horrid things the better which sadly meant indulging Suzan.

“There’s a good Lizzy.” Suzan cooed at the girl with a huge smirk, now having a full view of her head down to her mid torso, the diaper was out of view, but the gorgeous young woman’s perky breasts were in full view. Alone at home Suzan let go of her inhibitions. She had changed into a bathrobe, no panties and she was gently working her sopping wet pussy with a couple of fingers. The pretty college girl that was Lisa had awakened something deep inside of her, something she didn’t even dare to fully let out when Lisa had been awake and with her. Nowt that she had a perfect view of the young woman and she couldn’t see what was going on at her end that inhibition was gone.

As much as she wanted to avoid doing tasks for Suzan the woman was right, finding two tiny keys in her huge apartment would be impossible without some hints. Reluctantly she picked up the huge pussy soaked panties which had been put on her face when she woke up and gave them a loud audible sniff signalling she wanted a hint.

It was horrid and embarrassing as Suzan instantly cooed. “What a naughty girl, loving Mommy’s scent so much? Well your first little task is going to be a fun one then. I want you to put those panties on your head again, put your pigtails through the leg holes. Then you can play with your nipples until I say stop.” Suzan’s first task came. It was a horrid task, but what choice did Lisa have? Hurrying on she put the panties over her head and started sniffing the wet with juices crotch audibly while she started rolling her nipples between her thumb and index finger.

Suzan quickly muted her own mic as she started rubbing her pussy faster than before, the sight of Lisa playing with herself while sniffing her dirty panties was just so hot, her own private show, god she had already been so worked up in anticipation so an orgasm probably wouldn’t take her too long.

Lisa was mortified, doing this while she saw Suzan making all kinds of strange faces she didn’t want to know the cause of through her phone screen. It was very disturbing, even more disturbing was the fact that she could feel her pussy react to the attention to her nipples. After a morning of edging, her arousal had never fully went down and now it was reignited full force once more. She managed to hold back for about three minutes, but eventually she couldn’t stop her moans from arriving.

These moans were enough to make the already overly aroused Suzan tip over the edge, in no time at all she erupted in one of the most amazing orgasms of her life. It took a long time for the orgasm to fade and then some until Suzan recuperated, all this time Lisa dutifully kept sniffing and playing with her nipples. It got her rather worked up again much to her dismay, but there was no way she could cum like this. As horrid as her weekend had been she really needed a cum, but she couldn’t stuck in such a thick diaper.

Finally coming down from her high Suzan spoke up again. “There’s a good girl, your tip comes in the form of a game of hot and cold. Right now you are ice cold sweetie.” Suzan said enjoying the look of shock on the girl’s face as she instantly pulled the panties from her head and jumped up, a bit reluctant to participate in such a game yet eager to get started.

Jumping up on her feet for the first time since arriving here, Lisa found out that this search was going to be way harder than anticipated. Unlike with the onesie she could stand, but her overly filled enormously padded bottom was heavy, shifting her point of gravity awkwardly while simultaneously forcing her legs wide apart. Taking a few steps it quickly became clear that she couldn’t walk with anything but a severe waddle, a sight that made Suzan laugh. As ridiculous as it was she refused to crawl.

The wide legged waddle made Lisa awfully slow, prolonging her predicament with Suzan literally constantly laughing in her face while using the camera’s on her phone to navigate and say warmer or colder. Where necessary. All in all it didn’t take all that long until she shouted “Red hot!” when Lisa arrived right at her front door. There were still a lot of possibilities where the key could be hidden, but Lisa wasn’t about to ask anymore help that would require her to act out any more tasks for Suzan.

It took her nearly half an hour of searching every nook and cranny in the income hall, but eventually she found the small key hidden in one of her many pairs of shoes. Reaching up behind her head she managed to unlock the padlock holding her pacifier in place after only a little bit of fumbling around. It felt so good to finally pull that awful large penis shaped teat out of her mouth and really stretch her jaw. Dropping that awful pacifier to the floor Lisa waddled to her bathroom as fast as she possible which wasn’t really fast. With how full her diaper felt she didn’t dare remove the plastic panties unless she was standing in an easy to clean thing like her bathtub which was exactly what she did.

Reaching down to the padlock on the panties she was horrified to find the key didn’t fit, instantly her shocked face was greeted by laughter. “Oops, guess you need another key to open that one Lizzy, do you want to find it or do you want to stay in your nappy a little longer?” Suzan taunted.

For a moment Lisa looked like she was about to burst out in anger, and to be honest Suzan was looking forward to it, it would look so cute with her hair tied off in two pigtails with huge floppy bows. She also looked forward to taunting her about her tantrum and punishing her for it. Just in time though Lisa realised lashing out now wasn’t a good idea. Not while needing Suzan’s goodwill to get her out of this mess.

Taking a moment to calm herself Lisa eventually tried being polite. “Suzan, could you please tell me where the other key is?” Lisa asked really having to try her hardest not to lash out at this bitch now that she was away from her and out of her full control.

“Hmmm, I think you can ask nicer than that. Why don’t you try again calling me mommy this time? You can refer to yourself as baby Lizzy and a big smile some excited jumps and some hand clapping would be a nice touch as well.” Suzan taunted, having way too much fun with this power trip. Lisa hadn’t asked many tips yet so Suzan hadn’t been able to really give her as many tasks as she wanted. She had at least expected her to ask one more tip once she found the general area instead of just tearing the place apart, but oh well she had definitely had her share of fun even if the next warmer colder game would go pretty much the same. For a moment she thought about just changing plans for the next round, but if the same happened then so be it.

Forcing herself to perform this stupid show Lisa excitedly jumped up and down, her perky breasts bouncing, just like her pigtails while the full diaper felt horrid. Nevertheless she smiled brightly and clapped her hands. “Please mommy, can you give baby Lizzy another tip please?” She asked forcing herself to sound exited.

It had been really hard putting up this show which made Suzan’s answer even harder. “No Lizzy, mommy told you how you could ask for a tip right when you woke up, you might be able to talk now, but that rule still stands.” Was all she said. Lisa wanted to punch the woman in the face so badly still with her current predicament she still forced herself to keep it in, just waddling back to the bedroom she put Suzan’s dirty panties who were slowly starting to dry back to her nose and gave them an audible sniff.

“Good girl, since your mouth isn’t occupied with that gag anymore you can once again use it for whatever you want. A great first thing to put in there again would be Mommy’s panties now would it not? I know it’s your favourite taste and smell in the whole wide world, put that gusset right on your tongue and shove as much of the fabric in your mouth as possible. Then we can play another game of warmer colder.” Suzan said with delight as Lisa groaned.

Nevertheless she carried out the task, the taste of Suzan’s horrid pussy way stronger on the panties than it ever was on her pacifier. It was an indignity she had no choice but to suffer through if she wanted out of this diaper anytime soon so she just swallowed her pride and tortured her taste buds for the cause.

This time the game led her into the second bathroom which doubled as a laundry room. Once in there it didn’t take her all that long to find the second key. It was in one of the places she thought to look fastest, underneath the washing machine. This room didn’t have a bath, but it had a shower cabin which would severe just as well. Pulling the panties out of her mouth and discarding them on the floor she waddled into the shower unable to wait to get out of this mess.

“Good job Lizzy, mommy is proud of you. Now remember this, you are to keep your plastic panties, ribbons, pacifier and mommy’s panties which aren’t to be washed. Otherwise you are free to do as you please until mommy calls on you again. Have a nice evening. Bye!” Suzan spoke throwing Lisa a kiss before shutting off the phone. Lisa had heard what she said, but she was way too busy unlocking the plastic panties and working them down over the bulk to pay Suzan any attention at all.

As she stepped out of them and threw them out of the shower cabinet there was a fain increase in smell, but nothing compared to the stench of her very full diapers when they followed soon after. Seeing it was even grosser than feeling it as she quickly discarded them in a nearby plastic bag, took off her collar and turned on the shower and standing under it scrubbing herself clean for an eternity.

She spent hours in that bathroom showering, washing her face, her body and her hair over and over again till she was pretty certain the dirt she was still feeling was a nasty memory she just couldn’t scrub away. Her long shower was followed by countless of tooth brushings to get the taste of Suzan out of her mouth. Once she was finally done she gathered everything she needed to save, locking it away here in the guest bathroom and discarding the used diaper in the garbage container outside the building.

Heading back up stairs Lisa headed straight to bed, just hoping to forget about her horror of a weekend. Her bald pussy, the light rash and the worrying arousal she simply refused to take care off so soon after this whole ordeal were the only yet firm reminders of what had happened. Of course there was also the tons of evidence on her phone, but she refused to even look at that thing, the screen saver of Suzan in her lingerie being the last thing she wanted to see. Sleep didn’t come easy, but eventually she dosed off.


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