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Chapter 6

The remainder of the day didn’t bring much change. When Magda had come back Lina and Zara had started cooking again. They were the first to eat just like they had done at lunch. Lina was the one sitting on Magda’s face during the meal this time though. That didn’t mean Zara couldn’t have any fun of her own though. She simply used her feet to play with Magda’s cock through her shorts, making the girl moan into her girlfriend’s pussy.

Zara massaged Magda’s cock to an orgasm before getting up to prepare the girl’s diner, the same mush of chicken strips and pee out of the blender as she had gotten for lunch. This time it was with Zara’s pee though while Lina would fill the drinking bowl. Magda didn’t like it any better than she did before, but when she was presented with the food she dug in nevertheless, not wanting to upset Lina and Zara like last time.

Dinner was followed by a relaxing movie, at least relaxing for Lina and Zara. They had made Magda strip so she could join them naked once more and had seated the girl in-between them, each moving a leg over Magda’s leg and forcing the girl’s legs apart. Each of them sat on one of Magda’s hands, trapping the girl completely as she was forced to massage their buttholes. Lina and Zara in turn were all over Magda, four hands touching and playing with the girl’s body all movie long, playing with her breasts, her cock, her butthole, forcing fingers in her mouth,…

Once the movie was over Lina and Zara guided Magda back up to their bedroom and went asleep. Zara this time wrapping her legs around the girl’s head while Lina put the girl’s cock inside her. At least this night sleep ended up coming pretty easily, she was simply exhausted. All the sex, the embarrassment and the general craziness of her day had left her physically and mentally drained.

For the most part Magda’s night was pretty peaceful until she got rudely awakened by a loud blaring alarm clock, followed by Lina and Zara stirring awake, moving their legs while she had no other choice but to follow with her head and hips. It was a Sunday for god’s sake. Why did they put an alarm?

Getting up Lina and Zara took Magda straight down to the kitchen. Where they relieved their morning urine straight in the blender and into Magda’s drinking bowl. It looked darker and smelled stronger than the pee Magda had been confronted with so far, but after mixing it with the chicken strips and placing it in her food bowl she didn’t dare decline it. just like the smell that nasty taste of urine was way stronger. It was especially offensive when Lina and Zara made themselves some incredible smelling coffee, eating at the table while she was forced to eat on the floor like some glorified pet, her sinful cock hanging between her legs as a firm reminder of why she was still here. It hadn’t shrunk one bit, but it hadn’t grown anymore either.

Magda was pretty surprised when after her breakfast Lina and Zara guided her right back upstairs, seemingly to get dressed which was so unlike them, at least unlike how they had been yesterday. Each disappeared into their respective walk in closets leaving Magda naked in the middle of their bedroom. Awkwardly the girl just looked around some while she waited for Zara and Lina to get dressed. They had been directing her every move so much that it was simply awkward when she wasn’t following one of their orders.

When they came back out of their closets both were dressed in full monochrome sports outfits. Zara wore a pastel pink sports bra, pastel pink spandex short shorts, knee-high pastel pink compression socks and even pastel pink sneakers. Lina wore the exact same outfit but in baby blue, judging from their very pronounced camel toes neither of them wore panties underneath. They were obviously planning a workout which made Magda nervous after her previous experiences at their home gym.

“We’re going for a run Mathew, and you’ll be coming with us. It’s good for your circulation and stamina, a nice warm up for your workout that’ll follow shortly. Besides running outside seeing something instead of just looking out of the window at the same spot for an hour is so much more fun.” Zara informed her.

A shocked look spread across her face. she didn’t mind running, in fact she kind of liked it, but her new hairdo along with the thing now hanging between her legs made her dread going out each and every time. She especially dreaded going out alongside Lina and Zara. Everyone in Neighbourhood always eyed them suspiciously, judging them for being lesbian, something neither cared about but Magda did, it would drag more attention to her, especially as to why they had a guy running along with them.

Seeing Magda’s shock Lina interrupted the girl’s train of thought. “Well Mathew, what are you waiting for, aren’t you going to move downstairs and put on the clothes we gave you yesterday? Was Zara not clear about you coming along? Or is it that you don’t appreciate us trying to help you stay in shape and healthy while you’re here?” Lina asked playing on the girl’s guilt Zara had created within her yesterday when she had put her back in trance.

“Uhm, n…no, that isn’t it. I was just trying to remember were my clothes were, but you helped me remember. I was also just worrying that I wouldn’t be able to put that bandage on.” Magda lied trying to keep Lina and Zara from feeling bad. Lying wasn’t a good thing to do, but she did what she had to, besides it must not be that bad as she had lied before, but never gotten a sinful cock for it.

“Don’t worry, we’ll help you out with that.” Zara replied cheerfully, so glad that her post hypnotic suggestions held. Following Magda downstairs they helped her dress and in no time they were all ready to head out, every step to the front door making Magda’s nerves rise.

Magda nearly had a panic attack when they took off straight towards her old house. The chance her dad would recognise her like this, especially given how he always looked away the moment he saw Lina and Zara was minimal. Non existing even given how much she had changed lately. Still just the sight of her old house gave her shivers. Despite the fear she just followed right behind Lina and Zara, not making a fuss as it was the best thing, she could hope for not to arouse suspicion.

It seemed to have worked, not surprising given the quick nature of a quick run by, that and the fact that her dad was probably already at church preparing for his morning lecture, but it remained a huge relief to Magda. Lina and Zara were just snickering as they kept running ahead setting the pace for their project to follow. Magda had passed their test with flying colours.

From Magda’s old house they just ran further down the street followed by a turn around the corner passing by the grocery store were Bree was just about to open up like she always did for about two hours before attending church. She nearly instantly spotted Mathew, the guy which had left quite an impression on her yesterday.

She wasn’t all to happy about seeing him with Lina and Zara though, the two lesbians which the neighbourhood had a collective hatred towards thanks to the preaching of the reverend. “Hey Mathew! How are you today? I thought you were staying here at your girlfriend’s place.” Bree waved dragging the attention of the three runners. She had the bad habit of being rather nosey and with her interest in Mathew she certainly wanted to figure him out. No way either Lina or Zara were his girlfriend, right?

Magda just prayed that Lina and Zara would keep on running ignoring Bree. After all they could expose yesterday’s lie which could expose her real identity which would be the end of her. She would never ever dare face anyone in the community ever again. Much to her shock Lina and Zara instead ran up the parking lot moving closer to Bree giving Magda little choice but to follow.

“Oh how sweet, did Mathew tell you he was staying with his girlfriend, I guess he’s just a little embarrassed about staying over at aunt Zara’s place. My sister is out of the country for a while so she asked me to keep an eye on my nephew. No Mathew doesn’t have a girlfriend, besides I don’t think he’s that into girls his own age, at least not if his internet search history is any indication. He’s into more mature women.” Zara instantly picked in giving Magda a new excuse and cover. She had sensed a certain interest in Mathew from Bree’s side and she would love to further fuel it.

Lina and Zara detested all the women in this neighbourhood for being so up tight and feeling superior to others just because they were faithful church goers. Oh it would be so sweet if they could corrupt even one of them and that using the reverend’s daughter. Surely Bree wouldn’t feel morally superior anymore if she cheated on her husband with a guy in the age range of her kids. Surely Bree wouldn’t just give in to those desires, but maybe she would if they made it very tempting.

The two of them were like a well-oiled machine when it came to this. Lina also instantly picked up on Bree’s interest in Magda and she knew exactly what Zara was trying to accomplish. “Yeah, that and redheads I don’t think there’s anyone living in this neighbourhood who’s Mathew’s type and not married yet, oh well guess we don’t have to worry about him having too many girls over or getting someone pregnant then. You know how horny teenagers are.” Lina shrugged, delighting in how both Magda and Bree turned beet red.

Magda couldn’t believe that they were talking to Bree like this exposing her as some kind of sexual deviant who did nothing more than watching porn even though it was all made up. What must Bree be thinking about her. Hell she doubted the word horny was something Bree would ever use with how prudish she was.

Bree was shocked by the bold declarations indeed. It wasn’t language she would ever use or insinuations she would ever make. Hearing them so openly was an afront and yet she couldn’t help but feel as flustered as she was shocked. Apparently she was Mathew’s exact type even thought the guy clearly would never admit it. Surely his aunts wouldn’t be lying about something like that now would they?

What shocked her even more than the fact that they used such language was the fact that she found herself getting some hope because of it. Her secret desire suddenly seemed a bit more realistic even though she knew it was completely wrong. She just couldn’t help herself from imagining what it would be like to be with Mathew. A thought she quickly shook to mutter “Oh” it was one of the rare moments were even Bree didn’t know what to say.

“In any case I think we need to get going again. We have a run to finish if we want to keep up with Mathew’s training schedule. My nephew desperately wants to buff up a little and we’ll help him as we can. Till a next time.” Zara said starting to get going again. This was unexpected but perfect, it would be fun to see how Magda would react if she had a cougar chasing her with a huge interest in her. It certainly looked like Bree was taking the bait, at least the seed had been planted.

Magda was all too happy when the Zara and Lina started moving away again, ready to start running once more. Without saying a word herself she eagerly followed wanting to be gone from here as soon as she possibly could.

“Some muscle will look good on you Mathew, if you ever need anything my store is always open to you. Enjoy your workout.” Bree said somewhat dazed as she watched the trio run away. There sure was something about Mathew, and to think she was his exact type, it made her heart leap a little. Sadly she was already married otherwise she didn’t know if she would have been able to restrain herself from making an indecent proposal.

“Oh my god Mathew, did you see that? Bree was totally into you I bet she’s still standing there looking at your butt until you move out of view.” Lina said with a huge smirk, she doubted prudish Magda had noticed the signs of someone being into her and she knew for certain that it would make her very embarrassed and self-conscious to realise it.

If Magda could turn any redder she probably would. Unable to ignore Lina’s assumption she couldn’t help but look behind her to see if she was right. Worst of all it turned out that she was right, Bree was still standing there on the parking, now waving enthusiastically to her seeing that she looked behind her. Involuntarily Magda had given Bree yet another reason to believe that she, or at least she as Mathew was totally into her. Zara and Lina noticed as well, giggling loudly as they did.

Completely shocked Magda was grateful when Lina and Zara turned a corner taking her out of Bree’s line of sight finally. They couldn’t be right could they? No Bree was a married church going woman, married happily with a husband and kids, let alone the fact that she was way older than she was. This was completely wrong and immoral yet the more she thought about it the more she had to admit that Lina and Zara’s assumption made sense in a way. She was horrified to imagine it, but they might actually be right.

Horrified Magda tried not to think about it, surely a church going woman wouldn’t have ideas like that right? It wasn’t even only that that bothered her but the fact that another woman was into her as a guy and didn’t even realise she wasn’t a guy. She wanted to do nothing more than just forget about this whole thing, the sooner the better.

Zara and Lina had other ideas though, they weren’t going to let this slip at all, this was just too much fun and hilarious. Corrupting the reverends daughter was great, but using her to corrupt his other church goers was even better. “Oh yes, she was totally into you Mathew, I bet that if you had been alone she would have jumped you right then and there. She looked so horny and hungry for your cock that she would have probably ripped your shorts right off and impaled herself on that sinful cock of yours.” Zara teased.

“Most definitely , you have to watch out with those Mathew, cougars on the prowl are the most dangerous and feisty ones, especially when it comes to helpless young prey.” Lina joked. For the entirety of their 10 miles long exhausting run they kept making jokes and insinuations of what could have happened and what Bree probably wanted to happen. They kept filling poor innocent Magda’s head with naughty ideas, keeping her face beet red throughout their run while keeping her on edge with her performance setting a quite intense running pace.

At the end of their run they circled right back to Bree’s store, it was right before she was about to close to prepare to go to church. Most of the neighbourhood was probably already gathering there so the chance that there would be anyone in the store was pretty much non existing. A fact that only got confirmed when Bree was just heading out to close up the store.

Zara and Lina had given Magda very clear instructions on what she would need to go into the store for and what she should specifically ask for during the last mile, even making Magda rehearse. Magda had been very nervous about it, Bree being the last person she wanted to see after all the teasing she had endured during the run and the chance that she might actually be into her.

It was a relief to see Bree closing up the store, giving Magda hope that she wouldn’t have to carry out the orders she had gotten. Looking back at a sweaty Zara and Lina for confirmation she was sorely disappointment. “Well Mathew, go ahead and ask her nicely, I’m sure she’ll make an exception for you. You better get her to make one or we’ll be very disappointed.” Zara said playing in on the latest commands she had given Magda to make sure she would carry out their demand.

Nervously Magda started approaching Bree, she was soaked in sweat from her run, in fact that might play to her advantage. Maybe if Bree saw her like this she would be disgusted by her and would put the crush Zara and Lina had convinced Magda the woman had on her to a stop. The moment Bree spotted Mathew she stopped right in her actions and smiled broadly, a glint of lust in her eyes.

“Hey Mathew, how are you doing? Looks like you had quite the run no? Your aunts are certainly working you hard. So what are you here for? Did you see me and wanted to say hello once more?” Bree asked with a playful wink, trying not to insult Zara and Lina in front of their nephew so she wouldn’t ruin her chance. After this mornings encounter she hadn’t been able to keep Mathew from her mind, every quiet moment she had spend day dreaming about what she could do with such a young forbidden fruit, one she apparently had a chance with.

Since there was no one around she also felt flirtier than she had earlier, the risk of getting caught giving in to her shameful desires was near non existing. Well technically Zara and Lina were looking but Bree didn’t really care about them. No one in the neighbourhood really talked to them either way and they were very openminded when it came to sex. Hell she could have sworn that they actually had tried to get their nephew to make a move on her earlier, giving away those specific details of his life.

“Uhm well, I’m looking for something to drink and I was hoping I could still buy it even though you’re already closing up. I was wondering if you had some ginger peach juice in stock or something. I love ginger peach juice.” Magda said, repeating what Zara and Lina had told her to ask for. Innocent Magda was to naïve to realise what she was essentially asking. She only thought she was asking about a spicy fruit drink. The possibility of a peach meaning a booty and by extend pussy not even occurring to her. The spice ginger just so happened to correspond with Bree’s natural hair colour.

The double meaning wasn’t lost on Bree at all though and as a result she looked shocked, shocked that Mathew who looked so shy dared pose such a direct question. Unless of course Zara and Lina had set him up to ask just that. She certainly wouldn’t put it past them. Not that she minded in this very instance.

Quickly recovering from the shock Bree’s expression changed to a broad. “Well as you can see I have already closed up, but I’m willing to open back up on one condition I want a tip.” She replied teasingly making a slight insinuation of her own even though she had no where near the guts to follow up on it, especially not at her store.

She couldn’t help but roll her eyes when Mathew failed to pick up on her own tease though. Instead he just pulled the money he had gotten out of his pocket. “Uhm well I guess you can keep the change after the purchase. I hope it’ll be enough to make it worth your while to open up your store again.” He said nervously showing her the money.

“Oh.” Was all Bree said sounding rather disappointed in him. “I was hoping for something more substantial, something more enjoyable than some pocket change.” She carried on.

It came as a relief to Magda, she had done her best and even though Zara and Lina would be disappointed, she didn’t feel too bad about it knowing that she probably couldn’t have done any better. “In that case I guess I’ll…” She started saying when shoving the money back in her pocket and turning around to leave again.

Before she could finish her sentence however Bree interrupted by clutching the front of his chest, her hand touching her breasts squashed beneath the bandages without taking note luckily for Magda who suddenly became very nervous. “I meant something like you silly, but since this isn’t really the time or place I guess a kiss will have to do.” She exclaimed pulling Magda down by her shirt and planting her lips firmly on the shocked girl’s who she thought to be a guy. Rather aggressively Bree wiggled her tongue into Magda’s mouth to turn the kiss into a full on make out session.

When she finally released Magda the girl had a very shocked look on her face. She couldn’t belief that this had actually happened, especially not with such a demure faithful woman. She had kids a husband, hell she knew the whole family from church and now they had just been entangled in a kiss. This was so unreal.

Zara and Lina were smiling broadly after what they had just witnessed. Their plan to corrupt Bree as well was working wonders and poor Magda now had to deal with a horny cougar who only knew her as a guy named Mathew, at least as far as she was aware. Magda was stuck having to play along in order not to blow her cover.

Bree had a huge smile plastered on her face as well, she had never kissed anyone but her husband like this, not before today at least. It was wrong, very wrong, she knew it was wrong but it had also felt so great, great to the point that she didn’t have a single regret about what just happened. Instead it had awakened something deep inside her, a deep insatiable lust for more. Feeling more excited than even on her wedding night Bree opened her store back up and went to the coolers at the back coming back with a bottle of peach juice and a bottle of ginger ale. “Here this is the best I can do, you can keep the money, now I need to get going though, but we’ll definitely meet again.” Bree said sending Magda back to Zara and Lina with a playful smack on her bottom.

Opening up the store and looking for something that would answer Mathew’s request just like she had never gotten the double meaning had taken some time. Enough time that she would be late for church, but she didn’t care. Perhaps it had been wrong to do this, but she had never felt more alive before. If she had to choose, she would do it all over again.

A stunned Magda made her way back to Zara and Lina with the bottles in hand, still unable to believe that this had actually just happened. Zara and Lina were right in the process of laughing their asses off. “See Mathew, I told you you had to watch out for those cougars or you would get pounced. Just look at you growing up so quickly NEPHEW.” Lina laughed.

“Pounced, I think Mathew got straight up devoured and you know what they say, once a cougar has a real taste of sweet young flesh she’ll definitely be back for more. Hell I even dare to bet on it that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Bree, luckily Mathew’s stamina seems to be quite good.” Zara laughed as she picked the pace back up and with Lina ran back to their house, Magda carrying the bottles as she ran behind them.

Magda was the only one not laughing sadly Bree being back for more was exactly what she was afraid of. She was also quite certain that it would be happening whether she wanted it to or not and that Zara and Lina would only encourage her further. What the hell had she gotten into?

It was a thought Magda couldn’t shake for the entirety of the trip back to Zara and Lina’s home, and to think that this woman she had just kissed would soon be joining her husband and kids in her father’s congregation. One thing was for certain, it was a secret that should never get out. Even when she would be cured of her sinful cock and that gone from Zara and Lina’s house she should never think or speak of this again.

While Zara and Lina were ecstatic about the events which had just unfolded, it did give them another thing to worry about. Yes they wanted to encourage and push things further till Bree was full on cheating on her husband with Magda, but in order to do so they would need to ensure that Bree didn’t see through the deception of Mathew actually being a girl with a dildo they would need to hypnotise her a little first. With the flaming red plastic cock and the fact that Magda had breasts there was no other way.

At least no other way to keep Bree believing in Mathew being a genuine guy. With how smitten Bree seemed with Mathew she might not even care, but it would be a dangerous bet. They guessed the woman still had some reservations about cheating on her husband, she definitely was against lesbian relationships so cheating with a woman might be taking things too far for her. That and the fact that she could figure out that Mathew was Magda and endanger their whole plan when Magda didn’t got to school or return home tomorrow.

One thing was for sure, they’d need to have a talk with Bree to asses the risk and to hypnotise her. Maybe it was best to just hypnotise Bree and question her that way to see whether it was necessary to keep the illusion alive or not. They’d have to do so sometime soon though, cause with how excited Bree seemed they guessed she would be back some time soon.

In that regard they were right for certain. Bree had rushed home, changed in her church going outfit, an elegant yet prudish mint green dress, shimmering nude coloured pantyhose and a pair of mint green low heels. She couldn’t help but wonder whether or not Mathew would like to see her in this outfit. Probably not, maybe though if she exchanged her pantyhose for stockings, and if she wore a dress that reached above the knee rather than below it. Switching out dresses would be not done for church, but if she opted for stockings rather than pantyhose the look would pretty much be the same.

With that in mind Bree quickly slipped out of her pantyhose, slipping on a pair of hold up stockings in their stead. She didn’t bother putting on any panties either. It made her feel sexy, risky, excited. Just the way she had felt when she had kissed the forbidden fruit that was Mathew. Too bad she hadn’t been wearing something like this for Mathew to show him a real ginger peach earlier, one that has been juicy ever since.

Going to church she was way to late, quietly slipping into the free seat next to her husband, whispering a short excuse about a client who just entered before closing time which seemed to satisfy him. Meanwhile the reverend was wailing in the front, preaching about how everyone could take lessons from his oh so perfect daughter who sadly couldn’t be with them cause she was helping out the poor and homeless like some kind of saint. Bree couldn’t care less about what he was saying, her mind was entirely on Mathew, and how great it had been to kiss him. God kissing Mathew was more excitement and more satisfying than sex with her husband had been for years. Sure she had loved the man, but her life was rather dull and boring, she was bored of being the good housewife. Mathew brought excitement into her life and she wasn’t going to give it up any time soon.

Thinking about him she wondered what Mathew was up to right now to the point where she grew a little restless in her chair. Restless thinking about how he was probably jerking off thinking about their kiss. Oh how she would love to be there for him right now. Providing some live visual stimulants so he wouldn’t need his stupid porn anymore. The more she thought about Mathew probably stroking his big cock the more her thoughts drifted to riding that cock silly. God she would blow that young innocent guy’s mind.

Bree might be a faithful church going lady, but she sure had an appetite when it came to sex, an appetite that had been awakened in full now that she had shared that kiss with Mathew this morning, the first of many she hoped.

While the preach went on, sitting behind her husband and kids Bree’s mind was working full force trying to figure out an excuse to go and see Mathew again. Waiting till he needed something from the store was no option anymore it would take too long and they would have no privacy, no if she saw Mathew next she wanted it to be without having to worry about being seen. That pretty much left only one option and she didn’t really like that one. It would mean she would have to pay Zara and Lina a visit.

At their house their nephew certainly had a room right? She didn’t really look forward to pay the lesbians a visit, but if it meant seeing Mathew again, and probably having some fun with him then it would be more than worth it. Maybe she could make something for him, tell her husband that she was going to greet the newest member of their community, show him the hospitality of their church so maybe the lesbian’s nephew would see the light. Yeah that ought to work as an excuse Bree thought with a smile, glad she had figured it all out and that the congregation was coming to an end so she could soon give life to her plans. This was going to be magnificent.


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