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Chapter 3

Last night Kelly had ordered another batch of the drug. She still had two capsules left, but due to the delivery time she rather ordered already. That way the next batch would certainly come in when this one was used up. It was quite expensive and she would most likely have to cut back to make ends meet with her current wage, but with a little luck she might be able to get a raise or some extra-legal benefits to compensate, getting Evelyn to fund her own downfall with company money. Now that would be poetic.

Walking into the office she dropped off her stuff at her desk and went straight to the breakroom to make Evelyn a coffee, not because she wanted to treat her boss, but because she wanted to test her latest command as well as deliver another batch of the drug with yet another command.

Kelly deliberately screwed up Evelyn’s normal coffee order, not in a big way, but a big enough way that would normally get her a rant. She put in one sugar and a normal dose of milk opposed to the no sugar and double milk Evelyn always requested. Everything was topped off by another dose of drug. Already anticipating her victory Kelly walked back over to Evelyn’s office with the cup of coffee in hand, entering without knocking.

“Good morning Evelyn, I was out at the breakroom and I thought why not make you a coffee as well while I’m at it?” Kelly asked trying to play nice in order not to give away her real intentions. She could see another cup of that coffee shop Evelyn loved was already on her desk making this test even more valuable. Apparently now that Evelyn was back to getting her own coffee, she was back at making her regular stop at the coffeeshop again.

“Oh thank you Kelly, you really didn’t have to do that.” Evelyn said, sounding truly grateful. Just like Kelly had expected she would, after all this was something extra she did for her boss. Leaving her other coffee alone Evelyn took a sip of the one Kelly had brought her instead, but before she could get out a compliment her eyes glazed over.

“Evelyn, I know other’s perception of you is very important, especially the perception of your bosses. Going forward this will only gain importance. What’s even more important than their perception of you is the perception your secretary has of you. As much as you strive to look good towards your bosses you should look even better towards your secretary.” Kelly said hastily before Evelyn would snap out of it.

A few seconds later Evelyn did snap out, having soaked up Kelly’s words. The first thing she did was start her compliment as if no time had passed between now and her first sip. “Mmm Kelly, this coffee is delicious. One of the best I’ve ever had for sure.” She lied taking another sip, eagerly drinking this cup Kelly had just made while her premium coffee was getting cold. 

Kelly knew full well it was a lie, no way the taste sensitive Evelyn didn’t notice she had messed up the order, besides she had often complained how these cheap beans the company used couldn’t compare to the ones in the coffeeshop yet now she seemed to prefer this one over what she claimed was the best coffee ever. Although Evelyn might not realise it Kelly was more than just happy for the compliment. It meant her drug delivery was secured and she could deliberately mess with her boss, screwing up her order.

“Thank you, after all this time as your secretary and being treated as your personal waitress for a lot of it I know how to make your drinks.” Kelly boasted rubbing in the fact that she had screwed up the order to see whether or not Evelyn would react to it.

The reaction she got was a rather surprising one Evelyn looked a bit embarrassed if anything, probably a combination of knowing that treating her like a waitress had been an unnecessary burden combined with the fact that she now wanted her waitress to have a good perception of her. “Euhm yeah thank you for bringing me my coffee so many times before.” She said a bit uneasily not really knowing how to properly react to this.

“Anyways, I think I better go to work now. Enjoy your coffee.” Kelly said. She couldn’t be happier with the results she was booking right now. This was awesome. She did wonder what the full extend of her latest command would lead to though. It might be fun to see how Evelyn would try to get Kelly to have a good perception of her. It probably wouldn’t be anything too drastic though, nothing completely out of the ordinary at least. Still she would most certainly get away with more. Now might even be a goodtime to try putting her feet on her desk again. She wondered how Evelyn would react to that now.

As the day dragged on Evelyn was back to fetching her own coffees, she actually asked if Kelly needed anything every time she passed her desk. After all as she explained it getting two coffees was pretty much the same effort as getting one. Kelly wasn’t that big of a coffee drinker though so she only asked one once and even then it was just because it was nice to have her boss fetch her coffee.

When lunch time rolled around Evelyn once again headed out to go fetch her own lunch while Kelly was back to the fast-food place across the street and back at her desk in no time. Having a full lunchbreak not filled with errands was so much more relaxing, especially being able to take off her ankle boots and put her feet up. She still knew from last time that Evelyn couldn’t stand either the sight or smell, but with her latest command she felt pretty positive that she would get away with it this time.

Upon Evelyn’s arrival back at the office Kelly could clearly see the disgust written across Evelyn’s face. This time there was no anger to be seen however. Instead she saw a little unease and nervousness on Evelyn’s face, nervousness about how to handle this previously heated discussion again in a more friendly tone, not wanting to sound like a bitch to Kelly while also preventing the actions of her secretary rubbing off on her in a wrong way.

She knew fully well that she couldn’t forbid Kelly form doing this on her own time. While it wasn’t really socially desirable and while it probably got Kelly a lot of nasty looks from passer-by’s it wasn’t forbidden.

“Hey Kelly, I can imagine it mustn’t be nice to have to spend your lunchbreak out here in the hall. You know with all these people passing by, interrupting your peace. You know what, I have a small salon in my office you know that couch and table. I imagine it’s a way more comfortable place to eat, so why don’t you eat your lunch there in the future, I mean if you want to that is.” Evelyn tried to very carefully prevent Kelly’s smelly feet from ruining her reputation.

Her suggestion used the exact same idea Kelly had given her two days ago. The idea she had been so against because she didn’t want Kelly to stink up her office. This was just too good having every passer-by pull up their nose was annoying indeed and that couch would be way more comfortable to eat indeed. Besides the whole point had been to force Evelyn to take a whiff of her smelly feet in the first place. It might have been a petty thing to want, but if she needed to suffer by wearing heels then her boss who had demanded it should suffer in return.

“That’s a great idea Evelyn, thank you so much. You know what? I’ll just move there to finish my drink in peace, I know the break only last another 15 minutes, but it sure would be so much nicer to spend them there. You don’t mind me being there when you eat though do you?” Kelly asked with a sweet smile hiding the self-satisfied smirk. 

“No I don’t mind, I don’t mind at all, please be my guest.” Evelyn lied, Kelly could see that she wanted to be away from her foot smell as soon as possible, only to now realise that it would follow with her and smell up her office. Despite that her reputation with everyone else and the perception of Kelly were important enough not to complain about the smell and let it fill her office instead. 

Eagerly Kelly followed along with her drink, plopping down on the couch and throwing her smelly feet up on the table, wiggling her toes in the thick black nylon while she casually sipped her drink, just like she owned the place. Not caring about what her boss thought she just ignored Evelyn and scrolled through her phone for the remainder of her break.

Evelyn didn’t touch her food this whole time, her hunger was gone thanks to that nasty smell, but at least she wouldn’t look bad towards the rest of the office anymore. Deciding to enjoy her meal later when that offensive scent was gone Evelyn just started to work instead. Concentrating was hard though as she drew in the scent of Kelly’s feet with every breath. It was only a subtle scent as the couch was rather far from her desk, yet to Evelyn who was rather sensitive to smells and tastes it was too much already. 

Five minutes after her lunchbreak had ended Kelly eventually put her boots back on and got up. She had deliberately waited past when her lunchbreak ended to see if Evelyn would show her the door, but she didn’t. Of course complaining about a slightly extended lunchbreak wouldn’t be very good for Kelly’s perception of her, even if it meant she had to sit in this stench longer. A few minutes wasn’t anything outrageous either. It wasn’t like Kelly was extending her lunchbreak beyond an acceptable point.

“Ah, it’s so great to jus be able to air out my feet from these heels without being judged by every passer-by. I think I’m going to enjoy spending my lunchbreaks here. Anyways, I’ll be getting back to work.” Kelly said rubbing this new situation in a little before heading to her desk, smiling that Evelyn just sucked up her comments instead of bitching about the smell of her feet.

With Kelly gone Evelyn let out a sigh of relief, a little too soon though as the smell lingered for another 15 minutes before finally getting dissolved enough to be unnoticeable. Only then Evelyn decided to enjoy her lunch.

The more time past by after lunch the more ecstatic Kelly got. Unlike two days ago there was no retaliation for her smelly feet either. This latest command had been the most daring yet, but it had worked wonders so far. While these changes meant that she could probably go back to wearing flat shoes, she didn’t plan to do so anytime soon if only to be able to get her feet extra smelly to air them out in her boss’s office.

Now that the tides seemed truly in her favour Kelly left work feeling amazing. Tomorrow was Friday meaning there would be a weekend after the next dose she could potentially give her boss tomorrow. That would be a good thing though coming to work might be becoming a joy now that she could get back at her boss, but the user’s manual with these drugs had also warned that too frequent exposure might lead to the subject getting used to the drug preventing it from working. 

That was the last thing Kelly wanted. With how expensive this stuff was I might even be best not to use another dose tomorrow, giving any tolerance Evelyn might be building against it time to decrease while giving her time to think about a perfect next command. She couldn’t afford dosing Evelyn every single day so moving forward she would have to be more careful about her commands so she wouldn’t run into trouble like she had with the drinks. Putting that one right securing her delivery method had cost her one dose of the drug which was a very costly mistake.

No tomorrow she would just leave Evelyn alone, enjoying the changes she had already caused while thinking her next move through. One thing was for sure though, she would wear the same tights again tomorrow. Kelly had always hated doing laundry, but with how much her feet tended to smell in nylon combined with her ankle boots she had always been too self-conscious about people being able to smell her feet even when she wore her boots. To prevent this she always wore a fresh pair of tights, but with the prospect of stinking up Evelyn’s office tomorrow she planned on wearing the same pair of tights she had been wearing today.

While Kelly had gone home right on time Evelyn stayed about an hour later than usual. Constantly fetching her own coffee and her own food required time. Time she otherwise spend working and as her work needed to be done there was no other option but staying later. Mike probably wouldn’t be to happy about it, but if she tried making this a one-time thing by working harder during the day he probably wouldn’t make a fuss about it either.

What she regretted most of her entire day was giving Kelly permission to eat in her office, basically using her office space to air out her feet. They smelled disgusting, but for some reason she felt like she shouldn’t offend her secretary as much as she had before when she had put her feet on her desk. It had led to her choosing to offer up her sense of smell in favour of her reputation.

Chapter 4

Kelly carried a big smile on her face as she made her way into the office. Today was a rather warm day and with her feet packed up in these thick tights, combined with her ankle boots her feet were bound to get even smellier than they were yesterday. With permission to eat in Evelyn’s office she wanted to smell the place up as much as she could. 

Wearing yesterday’s tights gave her a real head start and while Kelly usually was one to do the least possible effort this time she walked a bus stop further and got off one stop earlier than usual when commuting to work. Together they made her have to walk a mile more to make it to the office, but if that would translate to a smellier office for Evelyn then it was more than worth it.

Walking into the office she first went to the break room where she made a coffee for herself and just filled a cup with water for Evelyn. It was more than just screwing up her usually coffee order, just to see how far she could push this command. Since she had had to make this command, wasting a dose of the drug on it, she might as well try and abuse it to the fullest.

Smirking broadly Kelly made her way to her desk dropping of the coffee she had made for herself before heading into her boss’s office, more confident and happy than ever before. Her grip on Evelyn was only growing and it was the best thing that had ever happened to her. “Good morning boss, I brought you a coffee.” Kelly said placing the coffee cup filled with water on the desk.

“Oh Kelly, good morning. Thank you for the coffee.” Evelyn said in a very friendly tone, not using the short to the point tone she was used to anymore. Taking a sip of the water Evelyn was shocked to find out that it tasted like nothing, well like water more exact. Surely it had been a mistake right? 

Whatever the reason was Evelyn felt like she shouldn’t affront Kelly. Instead she just took a sip and complimented her secretary. “Mmm thank you Kelly, this coffee is amazing. One of the best I ever had. You didn’t have to bring me anything although I do really appreciate it.” Evelyn said hoping her secretary wouldn’t bring anything anymore.

“I know, I was just grabbing something for myself as well and I thought why not bring something for my boss as well? I know how you always demanded a coffee first thing in the morning. Anyways, I’ll be going to work.” Kelly said with a big loving how it had worked. She was certain there was no way Evelyn hadn’t noticed it was just water yet she had enthusiastically drunk it and keep drinking it like it was her favourite coffee. This could certainly prove fun to play around with more. Maybe she could wash her feet in a bucket of water and give that to her boss sometime.

Walking out to her desk Kelly thought that it might be taking things a little too far though. Serving her boss her foot water would be rather nasty and extreme. It would serve as grounds to be fired on if it were too much for Evelyn to take and compliment her on. With how everything had hold up she doubted Evelyn would snap out of it and the thought of her boss drinking water she had washed her feet in was hilarious. It was something to consider or at least dream about.

Now that Evelyn mainly left her alone, only bothering with work related stuff and not being so hard on the delivered work the day actually flew by. In no time the lunch break was there and as Evelyn went out to grab her fancy lunch Kelly moved back to the fast food place across their office building. A few minutes later she walked back into Evelyn’s office.

Getting comfortable on the couch Kelly kicked off her shoes and aired out her by now very smelly feet. The tights were damp with sweat and heavily laced with the scent of her feet. It was way more intense than it had been yesterday and quickly filled up the office space much to Kelly’s satisfaction. Sure it smelled but with it being her own smell it didn’t bother Kelly all that much. She knew that it was going to bother Evelyn though. God she already couldn’t wait to see the woman’s face when she came back from grabbing her lunch.

As the lunchbreak carried on Evelyn stayed away way longer than she should have. The break was nearly over by the time she finally arrive and that without her lunch. Evelyn had opted into eating her lunch at the restaurant she ordered from this time. After yesterday’s assault on her sense of smell there was no way she was going to eat in her office.

Arriving back at her office Evelyn instantly noticed that her call had been the right one. Although she hadn’t thought it possible Kelly’s feet smelled way worse than they had yesterday. Maybe it was because they actually smelled worse, maybe it was because it was the first day Kelly probably spent her entire lunchbreak in here opposed to the end of her break yesterday. Maybe it was both.

Whatever the reason the fact remained that Kelly’s feet smelled terrible and her office was filled with the stench to the point where it made her eyes water slightly and she really had to suppress herself from gagging. It made her pissed that Kelly had made her office stink that much. Yet the thought of making a remark on it or even just gagging which would be a natural response given the circumstances filled her with worry. Sure a remark would be justified, but she couldn’t bring herself to make it. She had to look good towards her secretary which meant just sucking it up.

Deep down Evelyn regretted having given Kelly permission to have lunch in her office, even though she was more convinced than ever that it had been the right call. She could never live down the shame of the space around her office door smelling like this. What would people think if they passed by? No as horrid as it was to come back to an office smelling like this it was preferential to the whole hall to her office smelling like this and having every passer-by walk through this stench and judge her for it. It also wouldn’t be fair not to let Kelly air out her feet as she had explained how it helped her so this was the only option. It wasn’t a good option, but it was an option.

Kelly just sat back on the couch, her tights covered feet up on the table as she wiggled her toes happily. The look on Evelyn’s face was priceless, more than worth the walk from an to the bus stop. Airing out her feet was something she had never dared until recently and even for her it was a bit embarrassing to do it outside first, knowing others smelled it as well. Now that it had led to this she couldn’t be more satisfied though.

Better yet was the fact that Evelyn didn’t even seem to dare complain about how much her feet smelled. She could see how her boss quickly made her way to her desk, trying to get as far away from the source of the stench as possible, she could see how her face had a look of disgust plastered on it, but there were no complaints.

“Thank you so much for letting me have lunch here in your office Evelyn. It’s so much more comfortable to sit here on a couch and put my feet up on that small table than it is to at my desk. It’s so annoying when I have to lift my feet up that high, but I really need to air them out a little cause the warmth in these shoes gets unbearable.” Kelly spoke up, unable to pass up the opportunity to covertly taunt Evelyn. While this might seem like a genuine thanks it was definitely a taunt knowing what she knew. Evelyn didn’t know that though which made it all the better.

“Uhm yeah, it’s nothing. I’m glad I could be off help in making your lunchbreak a little more relaxing.” Evelyn said somewhat nervously. She wanted to complain, she wished for Kelly just to leave, but she needed to tread carefully not to afront her secretary. Inside she was screaming though, at her desk the smell was just as bad as it had been at the door.

“You’ve certainly been of great help Evelyn. It’s so nice to have an understanding boss like you. God if I had to decide on raises you’d surely get one or hell even a promotion.” Kelly said rubbing Evelyn’s ego a little by confirming that her image towards her secretary, which had been important ever since her latest command, was a good one. It was not just a reward of sorts, more like a motivation to keep being a good boss.

“If only I could do this to my morning and afternoon coffee breaks as well, god that would be even better. It would be great to give my feet some regular breaks instead of just one long break in the middle of the day.” Kelly quickly added, laying out the bait for her boss.

“Oh, uhm I guess if that would make your work experience even better then I’d have no objections. I mean whether you spend your coffee break here, at your desk or in the employee lounge really is the same to me.” Evelyn said only slightly hesitant. She was flattered that her secretary held her in such high regard, and she was desperate to keep it that way even though she knew she just effectively condemned herself to even more exposure to Kelly’s nasty foot smell.

“Really? That’s great, thank you so much boss, you’re the best. Anyways I just noticed lunch break ended like a minute or so ago so I best be getting back to work. Have a nice day.” Kelly said with a big smile as she put her ankle boots back on and walked out of the office much to Evelyn’s relief.

Kelly might be gone now, but it didn’t really make much of a difference at all. The air in her whole office space was simply thick with the scent of Kelly’s feet, a scent she couldn’t just escape from or make disappear. Just like yesterday she would sadly have to wait for it to wear down over time. Although with how strong the scent was this time she had little hope that it would disappear quickly at all.

Back at her desk Kelly was very pleased. Moving out of that office made her notice just how bad the smell in there had been. Evelyn had just sucked it up though and even given her the opportunity to air her feet out two more times during the day, stinking her whole office back up again. The only slight disappointment was that Evelyn had stayed out during her lunch break, only giving her a few minutes to enjoy the disgusted look on her boss’s face. She should think about something to prevent that, not that it was a pressing matter though, she had just made up for that time by securing her coffee breaks.

Over the course of an hour the smell of Kelly’s feet slowly went down to a level where Evelyn barely noticed it anymore. All that time she had been forced to breath in that foul air though and after just about half an hour with what she thought to be clean air Kelly arrived back into her office with two coffee cups, one she place on Evelyn’s desk, the other she took to the couch where she instantly kicked off her shoes and put her feet back up.

Kelly was pleased when she had re-entered her boss’s office. It still had a very slight foot scent although he only reason she was probably able to tell was because of the fact that she just came out of the clean outside air. It meant she was just in time to refresh it. “Here you go Evelyn, while I was in the break room I thought I might as well bring coffee for you as well after I just made some for myself.” Kelly said enthusiastically as she feet started smelling up the office space again.

Immediately Evelyn stopped what she was doing and took a sip of the drink Kelly had brought her. This time it was definitely coffee, but a really weak kind, almost like someone had used the same coffee twice. It was exactly what Kelly had done. She had just ran Evelyn’s coffee without bothering to change the ground up coffee in the filter first. 

Nevertheless Evelyn praised her. “Thank you very much Kelly, you really didn’t have to do that. It’s delicious though.” With that said she drank down the cup of weak coffee in rapid succession, it nearly made her gag as its scent mixed with the renewed scent of Kelly’s foul feet. She simply couldn’t fathom how a person’s feet could smell this bad but it wasn’t like she could ask that without offending her secretary. Instead she just focused on her work.

On her usual coffee breaks Kelly had only been allowed to quickly grab a coffee and head straight back to work to be able to deal with Evelyn’s sick work load. Being able to take her short 15-minute break like what a coffee break should be like though was a huge relief. 15 minutes in which she had nothing better to do than to watch her boss grimace as she smelled up her office once more. She could definitely get used to this.

As her break ended just like at lunch Kelly put her ankle boots back on and headed out, leaving the office smelling like her feet once more. It wasn’t as bad as it had been after lunch, but it was still pretty bad. This time the scent dissolved faster as well much to Evelyn’s relief.

When the workday ended Kelly just left for home like she was getting used to by now. Since Evelyn wasn’t as demanding anymore she could afford to just do her hours and not get any shit about it. She was very pleased knowing that she had basically forced her boss to smell her feet all afternoon long. Well at least for most of the afternoon and tomorrow with her morning coffee break she would managed to keep Evelyn’s office smelling like her feet most of the day.

Evelyn didn’t even notice her secretary leaving. Ove the thirty minutes after her secretary’s coffee break the smell of her feet had slowly dissolved allowing her to fully focus once more. The loss of focus from when the smell had been the worst combined Kelly just doing less work than she used to required her to work about an hour late. It didn’t even allow her to get more work done than used to although she had always done more than she had had to do. 

After her long and rather disgusting workday, being exposed to Kelly’s foot smell so much it was finally time for Evelyn to head home as well. She would probably get some shit from her husband, being late yet again, but it was nothing she wasn’t used to. Oh the sacrifices she made for her career. Only one more day and it was weekend. Not that she was looking forward to tomorrow at all. Evelyn used to live for her work, but she hated having to smell the nasty feet of her secretary so often.


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