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Chapter 2

Entering their house Lina and Zara did their best to remain quiet. As much as they would like to wake up Magda right away, they couldn’t. Not just yet. Well technically they could, but their moment had to be just perfect. They still had a big surprise in store for Magda and they’d have to carry it out before they woke her up or the drug wore off completely. Instead of guiding Magda through a dream Zara would have to really put her under hypnosis this time. While It could be done without the drug, the heightened susceptibility would be a great help.

Slipping out of their heels both women tiptoed their way upstairs on their stockinged feet. Careful not to wake Magda up they entered the room. Both couldn’t help to admire the sleeping beauty on their bed, the innocent princess soon to be their perverted toy. God it was so hard to not just start playing with her right here and now.

“Hello Magda, sleeping feels quite wonderful doesn’t it? It’s so very relaxing, but if you want to you can grow even more relaxed. All you need to do is to listen to my voice, breath in… and breath out, let some of your worries and reservations escape with each breath out. Breath in breath out and become increasingly relaxed.” Zara said, repeating this over and over getting Magda from her sleeping state into a deep trance.

“Good Magda, what I’m going to tell you now will forever be branded in your subconscious. My words are your thoughts and those thoughts will become your believes. From now on you have a cock a very real cock grown out of your sins. Sins no amount of confession will wash away. The only ones with an idea of what to do are your neighbours Lina and Zara. They are experts on this issue and you will trust on their expertise to help you deal with your issue.” Zara spoke softly.

In the meantime, Lina had fetched the dildo about five inches long they were going to give Magda. It was a very special one they had bought from Chelsea. A very kinky minded and eccentric woman they had met at a party. Her story had intrigued them and when she told about her invention of that strapon you could just insert which transferred all feelings from the cock to the pussy it was in they had instantly been sold. They had exchanged all their strapons for Chelsea’s model. They had never enjoyed playing around with strapons more than when they discovered Chelsea’s model.

Now it would perfectly suit their goal of making Magda believe she really had a cock. The hypnosis would make sure she couldn’t distinguish it as being not a real cock. Even thought they had opted for a fiery red model to play on the sinful part. If Magda could feel the touches to the cock it would only further increase her believe that it was actually real.

“You can feel your cock growing from where your pussy used to be. It feels good, but oh so very wrong. You’re a girl, you’re not supposed to have a cock. I want you to remember this feeling very well.” Zara instructed while Linda gently slid the porous bulb part that would hold the strapon in place in Magda’s pussy, creating the feeling of making the cock ‘grow’.

“Whenever you feel your cock leaving your pussy you will fall right back in a very deep trance like you are right now. If it were to ever fall out on its own you will put your cock back in before snapping out of your trance. If either Zara of Lina take out your cock you will remain in a deep trance until they decide to give you your cock back.” Zara instructed as Lina pulled the strapon out again getting Magda to link it leaving her pussy to falling in a deep trance effectively creating a trigger.

“Remember this feeling really well Magda. It’s very important. Every time you feel your cock escape like it just did you will instantly fall in a deep trance. Now when you feel it grow again you will wake up.” Zara gently spoke installing the trigger for Magda to slip out of her trance. These two triggers would work perfect for what they had in mind. They would make sure Magda would never see herself without a cock anymore. It also ensured they would easily be able to put Magda under if the need arose again.

With the dildo laying between Magda’s spread legs Lina and Zara moved back downstairs to put their heels back on. It was time to put their discovery in scene and finally make Magda theirs. Now that she was in a deep trance she wouldn’t be woken up by the loud clicking of their heels on the hardwood floors upstairs. Instead she would wake up when that dildo got put back in place.

Taking a moment to practice their shocked faces Lina walked up to the bed and pushed the dildo back in place, quickly stepping back as Magda started to stir awake slowly. After all she was waking up from a deep trance and a hazy dream like state.

Magda’s head was still a bit cloudy as she started to stir awake. She had had such a weird and disturbing dream, disturbing but it had felt weirdly good as well. It had felt so real as well for some reason and she could swear it still felt real as she could still smell and taste those worn panties. It was highly disturbing to her now.

“What on earth are you doing Magda? Are those my panties? What the hell Magda, I better hope you have a very good explanation for this.” Came a sharp shocked Voice Magda recognised as Lina’s. Her eyes shot wide open as she could see Lina and Zara standing around her, looking down at her with shocked faces.

Looking down on her body Magda realised why they looked shocked. She was laying naked in a wet spot on a very big bed, her arms were wrapped in a sheer nude and sheer black stocking. A film of Lina and Zara riding a girl’s hips and face was playing on the tv. Magda was shocked. Had she sleep walked and actually lived out her bizarre dream? As shocking as that thought was the most shocking thing of all was the fact that she had a real angry red looking cock standing right up. Unable to process it all Magda screamed. Only to noticed it was muffled by a pair of panties in her mouth and another one over it.

The more she came to her senses the bigger her shock became. Shock over having actually done all those very dirty deeds she had dreamed about but most of all shock that she had what looked to her as a very real cock. An angry red cock grown out of her sins. As fast as she could she pulled the panties off her face and out of her mouth which only resulted in her getting a taste and smell of Lina and Zara’s feet who’s stockings covered her hands.

Unable to process it Magda broke down crying. “I’m sorry, I’m so very sorry. I don’t know what happened to me. I just couldn’t help myself.” She said truthfully she thought it had all just been a weird dream, but she realised just how bad it must look.

“Awww sweetie, don’t cry It’s okay, we’re not mad, just very surprised. Especially about that cock of yours. Were you born with it or is it something recent?” Zara asked grabbing onto the cock making Magda gasp in shock as she could actually feel Zara’s grip. She hadn’t really come to terms with having a cock just yet and now actually feeling it made it that much more real.

“I… It wasn’t there when I arrived here. I must have fallen a sleep and now it is here.” Magda replied confused still not fully coming to terms with the fact that she had actually acted out her dream instead of just dreaming it despite all the evidence that it had really happened.

Lina joined Magda and Zara on the bed sitting at Magda’s other side. “Hmmm, I see. I think you have a case of what we call sinful cock.” Lina explained as she gave the head of the five-inch dildo a few squeezes making Magda moan much to her shock.

Magda’s shock only grew. She had never hear of it, but then again she had grown up with pretty much all material having event he slightest sexual tone censored to her. If this was a sinful cock then it wasn’t really surprising that it had grown now after the numerous sins she had committed during what she thought was just a dream. She felt very uncomfortable sitting between these two women, especially with them touching her cock after how she had been caught, and while she wanted to run away she didn’t dare to. Where would she go like this? She couldn’t go home to her dad with a cock between her legs, especially not a sinful one.

“You might be right Lina, It’s very rare but this could possibly be a case, like that one patient of mine who had it and who you helped search for a medicine for it.” Zara said establishing herself and Lina as experts in this field towards a clueless Magda.

“Indeed, to bad we weren’t able to help her. There is so little known about it and no real treatment for it. The only seemingly valid experimental treatment we could find was to look at the source, something like giving in to the desires that caused it.” Lina replied.

They had given Magda some how that they might know of a treatment before crushing that hope by saying it was very rare and no real treatment existed for it. She wondered what that experimental treatment entailed. Experimental or not she had to try it, god she would try anything if it could fix this issue.

“It would be wrong not to try and help her though. It might be a little hit and miss, but we should do everything in our power to help her get rid of this issue.” Zara said taking Magda’s chin in hand and turning the girl’s head towards her before planting her lips on Magda’s, forcing her tongue together with an ample amount of spit in the surprised girl’s mouth while giving the dildo a few quick jerks making her moan before finally pulling back, leaving Magda with a mouth full of their combined saliva.

“Mmm tastes a lot like your pussy Lina. Guess she put your panties in her mouth.” Zara giggled leaving Magda shocked and disgusted, forced to swallow the mouthful of saliva simply because she didn’t dare spit it out on the bed which she had already made a mess of when cumming.

“Wha… Why, why did you do that? This is wrong Kissing a woman is wrong. I… I have to go.” Magda said in her intial shock being taken completely off guard. She might have had a very strange dream she apparently acted out, but in reality her look on things hadn’t changed one bit. Trying to get up from between the two women Magda was stopped in her tracks when Zara slipped the strapon out of her, sending her back down in a deep trance.

Hiding the strapon she got another one from their collection. The same shape and colour, but six inches instead of the five-inch previous one. Getting back in her position like before she had pulled out that strapon Zara slipped the new one in and as if activated by a switch Magda broke out of her trance and continued getting up as if she had never stopped her motion.

“Oh my, has that cock just become bigger? Zara was just trying to help you sweetie. Looking at the source means giving in to your deepest darkest desires. We figured as you masturbated with our panties watching that particular video your deepest desire had to be to become our slut. It seems that we might be on to something as since you denied your desires again that cock seems to have grown, or at least it looks that way too me like that cock has grown.” Lina said.

Magda looked down only to shriek out in shock as she noticed that her cock had in fact grown by what looked to be a solid inch. She couldn’t believe her eyes, was it true what Lina and Zara said? Could they be right with their theory? To her horror it looked that way, but that couldn’t be she didn’t desire them, not even secretly. Although she had dreamed of them and done all those naughty things with their dirty laundry. She didn’t know if she could trust her judgement anymore.

“So what is it going to be baby? Do you want us to help you by helping you live out your desire to become our slut or are you just going to ignore the issue until you wake up with a cock bigger than your leg?” Zara said fuelling Magda’s worries.

“Don’t worry babe, you don’t have to do anything, well nothing more than doing exactly as we say. We will try our best to find the most effective statement in the hope we can help you get rid of that cock or in the worst case stop it from getting any bigger. Alternatively we could help explain to your dad what has happened, show him the problem and the reason we think it happened. We should have everything captured on our home security system.” Lina added walking up to the shocked girl and putting a hand on her shoulder while grabbing her chin with the other.

“So what’s it going to be? Are you going to go or are you going to allow me to kiss you our little slut?” Lina asked as she moved Magda’s chin up before planting a long kiss on the girl’s lips pushing her tongue in just like Zara had leaving Magda with another mouth full of spit to swallow. She had just kissed the second person in her live and it was the second woman right away.

This all felt so wrong to Magda, but she absolutely couldn’t risk that cock growing any bigger, or worse even her father finding out about everything. She didn’t really like it, but if it was the only way to keep her sinful cock then so be it. After all if anyone should know it should be her neighbours.

“Good choice.” Lina said with a smile as she put a hand on Magda’s cock squeezing it tightly making her gasp, before using it to lead Magda back to the bed. “Now I be you are quite nervous about this, but we’ll try to make this a bit easier for you. A lot of nerves probably stem from the fact that you are naked while we are still fully dressed. Let’s fix that shall we? Open up the zipper of my dress will you?” Lina asked.

While getting these women naked wouldn’t calm her down at all she felt like she didn’t have a choice. She was terrified of getting an even bigger cock and so she unzipped the back of Lina’s dress making it fall to the floor as Linda stepped out of it in nothing but her heels and black lace lingerie. 

Giving Magda a good shove Lina made the girl sit down on the bed only to get on her knees behind her resting one hand over her shoulder on the girl’s breast, casually holding it while her chin rested on the girl’s other shoulder and her hand wrapped around her cock.

As if on queue Zara got up and moved in front of the sitting Magda. “Now sweetie, why don’t you do my dress next?” She asked casually as the blushing Magda reached up with her still stocking covered hand, unzipping Magda’s dress as well. Slipping it off her shoulders Zara made it fall down revealing a similar set of black lace lingerie as Lina was wearing. Her bottom was at about the same height of Magda’s head, two smooth cheeks framed by a pair of garters and split in the middle by a black lace thong.

“Mmm, that ass looks delicious don’t you think? I think you should give it a kiss, a nice big peck on each cheek. So go right ahead.” Lina whispered in Magda’s ear while Zara shook her butt a little for emphasis, making her cheeks jiggle.

Magda couldn’t believe this was happening. These two women had just kissed her and now they wanted her to kiss a butt? Shocked she stayed right in place, not moving an inch closer to that butt. “Hmmm I think Magda wants to grow a bigger cock for real, maybe she is thinking about how much of a better slut she could be for us if she had an even bigger cock, how much better it would feel for us to ride it.” Zara teased.

The shocking realisation that her cock might in fact grow if she didn’t do this paired with Lina who was actively pushing the back of her head made Magda give in eventually. Letting Lina move her head forward it soon pressed against Zara’s soft warm butt cheek. Now that she was this far she might as well kiss it and so she did, unable to suppress a moan when Lina give her cock a few jerks while rolling one of her nipples between her fingers.

“Delicious isn’t it? I’m not one to kiss ass in a figurative sense, but you have to admit, it’s hard to resist not wanting to kiss that ass right? Those cheeks were just made for kissing.” Lina said while Zara gave her ass another jiggle while it was pressed against Magda’s face. She then turned around so instead of facing her ass Magda was facing her pussy. It was close enough for her to be able that distinguishing scent that had been on the panties she had put over her face.

“Go ahead Magda, I bet you can’t wait to get a real taste and smell of pussy after what you did with our panties. So slide of my thong and give my pussy nice kiss. If you do a good job it can get very wet and tasty for you.” Zara said smirking down at the pretty young blonde that was theirs now. Magda didn’t really dare to refuse, afraid of her cock growing. Reaching up with her stocking covered hands she slid the thong down Zara’s legs in complete disbelieve. 

She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. She couldn’t believe she was staring straight into a pussy so close up. Hell she had never thought she would see another girl’s pussy. Especially not this up close and personal. Zara’s pussy was perfectly shaped with just a little strip of blonde pubic hair sitting above it. 

This time Zara didn’t wait for Magda to give in to her worries of growing a bigger cock though. Unable to hold herself back any longer Zara just stepped forward, pressing her wet pussy against the girl’s face while Lina made sure she couldn’t move her head back even a little. Bucking her hips a little Zara rubbed her sopping wet pussy against Magda’s face, moaning loudly as she did. “Mmm get that tongue out baby, show me just how badly you want to taste me.” Zara moaned.

Hesitantly Magda stuck out her tongue and Zara instantly took advantage of it by running her pussy right over it, getting their toy a good taste of her juices fresh from the source. Lina’s constant jerking of her cock made her moan like crazy while this was happening. She felt a weird pleasant feeling build deep inside her, a feeling she only knew from that dream she had before as that had been the first time she had ever masturbated.

After a few more humps against Magda’s face Zara moved her pussy down all the way from the girl’s forehead to her chin leaving a thick trail of her juices. She didn’t stop there though, she kept moving down until she sat down on Magda’s lap, her pussy hungrily swallowing the girl’s strapon cock as she couldn’t help but moan. Magda was too perplexed to say or do anything. She hadn’t even been able to get over the fact that she had kissed a girl, let alone kissed a girl’s ass and licked her pussy. 

While straddling Magda’s cock Zara unclipped her bra and throw it off, the revelation of her big beautiful breasts only shocking the girl further. Especially when those breasts started shaking lewdly, bouncing up and down as Zara bounced on her cock. This was all so wrong and fucked up to Magda, but got Zara’s pussy around her cock felt better than anything she had ever felt before much to her shame.

Magda didn’t get much time to take in the view as after a few seconds of this she got pulled down so her back was flat on the bed. Before she could react Lina who had taken off her own bra and panties was straddling her chest so all Magda could see was her butt. Leaning back a little Lina moved her butt till within an inch of Magda’s face. “Kiss it you dirty little slut. Kiss it while you fuck my girlfriend.” Lina demanded.

How this could help her issue was beyond Magda, but then again she hadn’t even known a sinful cock was a thing. Clearly Lina and Zara were the experts. After all they had known that her denyal would lead to her cock to grow. Something she wanted to avoid at all costs so moaning loudly from the pussy massaging her cock she started kissing Lina’s butt. This was all so unreal and although the pussy around her cock felt great it was nowhere near close to how she had expected losing her virginity and nowhere near something she would have ever considered doing.

After a few kisses to her butt Lina moved a bit further back hovering her pussy over Magda’s mouth before sitting down. “Mmm get that that tongue in my pussy just like you put my panties into your mouth baby.” Lina moaned, grinding her sopping wet pussy on Magda’s face, using it as nothing but her personal toy.

She didn’t have a single clue how to please another woman with her tongue and she didn’t want to learn either. She just wanted her cock to stop growing so following Lina’s command Magda just stuck out her tongue. It seemed to be all that was needed really as Lina eagerly used it to rub her pussy over while Zara kept riding her cock.

Lina’s taste quickly mixed with Zara’s from earlier while Magda’s own moans increased. It wasn’t long before the girl screamed into Lina’s pussy, the sound completely muffled as she had her second orgasm of this evening and the second orgasm of her life. God it felt so intense, but so wrong. Not that the two women on top of her seemed to mind much. They just kept riding her face and cock until they had orgasms of their own, soaking Magda’s crotch and face in their juices.

God it felt great to get out all that tension and arousal that had been building since they had watched Magda play with herself from their car. Even thought they had came hard. Neither Lina nor Zara showed any interest in moving off of Magda any time soon. Instead they just sat still on her face and cock, catching their breath.

After a few minutes waiting underneath these two women, having no option to even try and move, or even just protest. It finally looked like Zara and Lina were getting off of her, instead all they did was switching place. Magda remained just as stuck, only now she had a different pussy with a different taste and smell on her face. Girls were not supposed to be with girls her father had taught her, yet the only male part she had ever seen in her life was her own. Other than that she had only seen the pussies of Lina and Zara, up close and personal.

In their switched positions Zara and Lina rode Magda’s face and cock to another orgasm each before finally getting off the thoroughly used Magda. She was truly exhausted. Did it help? Was her cock gone now? Apparently not, but at least it hadn’t grown again. 

“Good, I think it will be best if you stay with us tonight Magda, just to monitor what that cock of yours does. In fact we won’t let you choose. You are staying with us for your own good.” Lina said before flipping Magda on her stomach. Sliding the stockings of the girl’s arms she quickly used them to tie her wrists together behind her back.

Lina then crawled over to her side of the bed, swiping all the dirty underwear laying there off the side before unclasping her garters. She had already lost her heels during their usage of Magda. “Now why don’t you slitter your way over here and help me out of these stockings? I know I tied your hands behind your back, but you can just use your teeth instead. I’m sure you’re pretty used to having your head in between a woman’s thighs by now.” She said casually with a big smile.

Magda was shocked at Lina’s tone and request. She wasn’t used to having her head between a woman’s legs at all, not in the slightest. It was something she doubted she could get used to, after all it was a very unnatural thing right? The only reason she did this was to stop her cock from growing. It was that exact thing that motivated her to crawl forward now and inch closer to where Lina was laying.

She had only just been able to crawl in between Lina’s legs, her face once again within inches of a pussy as she got ready to grab onto the stocking top on Lina’s inner thigh with her teeth when Lina stopped her. “These are very expensive stockings, so if you damage them you will get harsh spanking young lady.” She warned sternly.

Shocked Magda couldn’t quite figure out how to go about this. As much as she wanted to avoid her cock growing she also really wanted to avoid getting spanked. Not only would it hurt, it would also be embarrassing beyond believe, having to be spanked by this woman in what she could only guess would be a sexual way.

In the end she decided that her safest bet would be not to use her teeth at all. It would be hard working the stockings down without using her teeth since she couldn’t use her hands, but it was all she could do for the best possible outcome. Getting in very close to Lina’s thigh she wiggled her tongue underneath the stocking top, blushing as it got another moan out of Lina. Curling her lips over her teeth she clamped down on the nylon fabric and started moving down Lina’s leg.

Wiggling back without the use of her hands while also keeping a hold of the stocking top was hard. It took Magda nearly five full minutes until she had finally managed to move down to Lina’s ankles, moving the stocking completely off of Lina’s foot. As a result she had to move her nose and lips along the side of Lina’s foot, catching a whiff of her subtle foot scent that wasn’t really powerful since they basically just sat in the car the entire time.

Letting the stocking drop out of her mouth on the bed Magda lay down at Lina’s right foot, ready to wiggle between the woman’s legs again so she could do the other stocking and get this done with. Lina clearly had other plans though as she just pinched the girl’s nose between her toes keeping her in place. “Stop right there young lady. First you’ll give each of my toes a gentle kiss and then you get to do the same for the other stocking.” Lina said with a smirk releasing Magda’s nose and dropping her foot down again so the girl could do her kissing duty.

Her face bright red Magda planted a soft kiss on each of Lina’s red painted toes. She blushed deeply as while doing this she had a great view of Lina smiling down on her. This was so wrong not to mention gross, but what choice did she have?

After being done with her kissing job Magda finally got to move onto the second leg repeating the process. If she had thought that meant the end of her torment tonight she was wrong as Zara had cleared her side of the bed, having removed her garter belt and heels as well. “Magda, my stockings need removing as well.” Zara said in a sing song voice. She made no attempt to move any closer or to make things easier on Magda, she just smiled as she oversaw the gorgeous naked girl they had been lusting over this long, wiggle over the bed towards her. It was such a sexy sight to behold.

Magda repeated with Zara’s stocking what she had done with Lina’s. Only this time when she was about to start kissing the toes of Zara’s foot after removing the first stocking Zara took things a little further. “I want you to suck them in your mouth one by one, take it in completely, then get off it and continue on to the next toe.” Zara said with a smirk looking closely and moaning slightly as Magda took toe after toe into her mouth. They had a slight salty sweat taste, but that wasn’t Zara’s problem. She enjoyed having her toes in the young girl’s mouth.

When Magda moved on to the next stocking it went wrong. She took the stocking top between her lips like she had done three times before, but when she started pulling it down a loud tearing sound was heard. In shock she let the stocking top snap back in place. How could this have happened? The answer was quite simple Zara had used her nails to create a small tear just underneath the reinforced top when Magda was still busy with Lina. A tear that would rip further if there was tension applied to it. She just really wanted to give her a good spanking before they concluded their day. That pretty bottom was just so inviting.

“Uh oh, guess it’s spanking time you naughty girl, ruining my stockings like that.” Zara said enthusiastically, getting up in one swift motion before sitting down on Magda’s back would couldn’t wiggle to safety fast enough. 

Zara didn’t need to trick the girl to spank her. She could have just spanked her because she wanted to, but setting her up just like they had set her up to become their toy in the first place was just so much more fun.

Sitting down on Magda’s back Zara moved her legs in between the girl’s tied back arms and her torso, completely trapping her. With a swift movement she slid her feet, one bare the other still covered by the stocking underneath Magda’s face, forcing the girl to inhale her subtle foot scent as she couldn’t really move her head away from Zara’s feet, not from a lack of trying either.

“Mmm yeah keep that up baby, your face wiggling on my feet makes for a great massage. Oh and while you keep that up make sure to grind your nose in my arches. That’ll feel great. If you do a good job I might have mercy on your bottom.” Zara moaned, motivating Magda to keep it up. Zara had not even started the spanking yet, but Magda already knew she wanted the lightest possible punishment so frantically she started rubbing her face into Zara’s soles massaging them.

“Good, now let’s see what we have here shall we? Zara asked cupping both of Magda’s butt cheeks. They felt great in her hands. Unable to stop herself Zara parted the cheeks revealing Magda’s puckered butthole. With a wicked smile Zara drug her tongue through Magda’s butt crack, over her butt hole before coming down on the girl’s hole again circling it quickly with her tongue. 

Magda who was expecting a stinging slap yelped in surprise when she instead felt a warm wet tongue on her butthole. Zara’s tongue didn’t stop there either instead Magda’s yelps only increased when Zara wiggled her tongue inside. “Hey Lina, come over here, you have to try this, this slut has a delicious butt for sure.” Zara laughed.

She didn’t have to say it twice as soon after Lina moved in between Magda’s legs and gave her butt a good lap herself. While Zara and Lina were licking and prodding her butthole with their tongue, Magda was stuck massaging Zara’s soles with her face.

After a few minutes the women finally pulled back from her by now slick with saliva butthole. She was nearly certain that that spanking would follow now, but instead she heard some whispers behind her back and all of a sudden Zara got off her back. Nearly immediately she was pulled up to her knees by Lina behind her.

Sitting on the bed in front of Magda Zara smiled reaching her still stocking covered foot up to the girl’s cheek and stroking it gently. “You know Magda, me and Lina were thinking that it wouldn’t be right to spank your bottom for what that face of yours did wrong, spanking with our hands wouldn’t be right either You wronged my stocking and by extend my leg. So we have decided, well let me just show it to you it will be easier.” Zara said with a big smile before suddenly slapping Magda’s cheek with her stockinged foot. She then slapped the girl’s other cheek and then the first one and so on until each cheek had received five slaps from her foot.

“That was it, now let’s get ready to sleep.” Zara said to the shocked girl as she just slipped off her stocking herself throwing it off the bed. Lina moved Magda down on her side and Zara instantly wrapped her legs around the girl’s hips, sliding her pussy down on the girl’s cock making her moan while she kept her pinned in place with her legs.

With Zara having a good hold of Magda Lina let go and, in her turn took place facing Zara. She slid one of her thighs underneath Magda’s head letting the girl use it as a pillow. Only to then clamp her other thigh down on the other side of Magda’s head. Her hips were trapped between Zara’s thighs and her head between Lina’s.

Worse even was the fact that her head was moved up so far between Lina’s thighs that whether she wanted to or not, her face was forced in the woman’s butt crack. Something Lina was very well aware of when she wiggled her butt cheeks against the girl’s face. 

“I hope you’re comfortable Magda, cause you’ll be there for a while. More exactly all night. Now I want you to lick my butthole until I fall asleep. If you stop and I’m not sleeping yet then I guess I’ll just have to pinch your nipple. Now good night.” Lina giggled puling the cover over her and Zara bringing Lina in the dark.

All the butt in her face didn’t even give Magda a chance to reply or protest. Every word was muffled by Lina’s bubble but, not that Lina seemed to care for an answer at all. Instead she leaned down a bit and pinched Magda’s nipple when the girl didn’t immediately start licking. 

It really hurt, but Magda’s scream wasn’t even heard as it was muffled by Lina’s butt. She really wanted to go home, but she simply couldn’t locked between these two women’s thighs like she was. Instead she resigned to her fate and started licking, moving her tongue up and down Lina’s butt crack, over her butthole. It was nasty and disgusting to Magda, but she didn’t have a choice.

In fact it only got worse as things became really warm under the covers and both she and Lina’s butt crack started sweating heavily. The salty sweat taste attacked her taste buds making her stop licking. A misstep that got corrected quickly by another hard pinch to her nipple. “Keep licking slut. Oh and wiggle that tongue of yours inside my butthole. I want to feel it in me.” Lina said sharply.

Zara giggled hearing her girlfriend. “Hihi, lucky you. Next time she sleeps here I get to have her eating my ass all night.” She commented making Magda nervous. The last thing she wanted was to spend another night here. This was terrible enough in and of itself. Especially the way the inside of Lina’s ass was a real offence to her taste buds. Knowing that another nipple pinch wasn’t far off she kept going dutifully though.

While Magda had the longest most disgusting night of her life ahead of her Lina and Zara slowly drifted off to a wonderful sleep. Zara with Magda’s cock in her pussy and Lina with Magda’s tongue wiggling around deep in her bottom.


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