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Chapter 5

“What’s the matter Lizzy? Why are you still so upset? I did change your diaper didn’t I? I even allowed you a little special something to remember or special sexy time together by didn’t I? So what is it?” Suzan asked with a mocking tone, knowing full well what was wrong, or more like what wasn’t wrong. 

About everything about her current situation was wrong for Lisa. She couldn’t even start to list it all, but the most directly upsetting thing right now was most definitely the fact that she couldn’t breath without smelling Suzan’s gross pussy. She tried wiping the juices away with her mittened hands, but to no avail.

“Oh I see it’s because you can’t get enough of mommy’s smell? Well that’s easily fixed, here let me help you.” Suzan smirked as she plunged her finger back into her pussy then to Lisa’s horror she plunged that same soaked finger up her left nostril, before repeating the same process for her right nostril. The nasty scent of Suzan’s pussy had just became a lot stronger making her crying worse. Unlike the moustache Suzan had spread under her nose earlier this was impossible to wipe away, she was stuck smelling Suzan’s pussy for god only knew how long.

“Hmm wasn’t that it Lizzy? Look if you don’t stop your crying I’ll just assume that it is the fact that you miss the feeling of a warm soggy diaper and since I need to pee I can give you that right away. Just keep on crying and I’ll get my cup.” Suzan said somewhat sternly as Lisa’s eyes went wide in shock. As horrible as the scent was she wanted to avoid having Suzan pee her diaper at all costs. That had been the single most horrid thing to happened to her, horrid enough to force her to choke back the tears.

“I knew it was more of mommy’s pussy you wanted. You love mommy’s pussy don’t you? Well that’s okay, mommy’s got you. Now let’s go have lunch shall we Lizzy?” Suzan asked throwing her bathrobe back on and picking Lisa up. It was an entirely wrong conclusion but what could Lisa say or do about it?

Once back in the kitchen Lisa was locked in the highchair once more, her arms stuck underneath the tray and helpless to do anything but wait for Suzan to pull her out again. With Lisa not going anywhere Suzan started cooking, a nice big steak and some baked potatoes to go with it. Once done she scooped it on a plate and started eating it right in front of Lisa, it would have made the girl’s mouth water under different circumstances, but with the constant intense smell of Suzan’s pussy stuck in her nose Lisa’s appetite was completely gone. 

Suzan didn’t really pay too much attention to Lisa during her meal, she just finished it, put everything in the dishwasher then got out a jar of something that had a vile green colour. It was something different than the bright orange mush she had gotten yesterday, but it looked just as vile maybe even worse. The texture and colour were no giveaway for what was actually in there. Ceremoniously Suzan tied the bib from yesterday back in place around Lisa’s neck and opened the jar of food putting in a plastic spoon.

“Now Lizzy, just like yesterday and this morning I’ll take out your pacifier, but I don’t want to hear a word from you now is that understood? In fact if I hear you speak that mouth soaping I have given you will taste like heaven. I still need to pee after all, I can always stick the end of the pee tube in your mouth, after all sticking it in your mouth or diaper makes no difference in the end. It’ll end up in your diaper either way.” Suzan said to a horrified Lisa.

“Like I said this morning mommy will help you soak your diaper enough to work to a change, but unless it is a punishment mommy won’t be the first to soil your diaper for you. Mommy can hold her pee a little longer, but if you speak up then I’ll put the pee tube in your mouth is that understood?” Suzan asked dead serious.

Lisa was horrified beyond belief, she knew Suzan was crazy for doing this to her, but this was crazier than she would have initially guessed. All she could do was nod her head and keep her mouth shut. After everything she hardly doubted Suzan would actually do something like that. Something she wanted to avoid at all costs. She also wanted to be able to hold her bladder till after Suzan went to the toilet. Most of all she wanted nothing to do with Suzan’s piss, but it looked like the best she would be able to do was keeping it down to a minimum.

“Good, then let’s feed you Lizzy.” Suzan smirked as she unbuckled the dummy’s straps from behind Lisa’s head and pulled the big penis shaped silicon bulb out of Lisa’s mouth, placing it on the table next to the jar. Lisa knew better than to speak up. Instead she just dreadfully waited for the first spoon of that baby food to be offered to her.

Just like last time Suzan used any known iteration of tunnels, cars, planes and trains to feed Lisa the vile green mush. While it looked a lot different than the orange mush from yesterday the texture was the exact same and even the taste wasn’t that different at all. Like the orange mush this tasted rather bland as well. Scared of Suzan’s threats Lisa didn’t put up any resistance, accepting every spoon instantly. Despite her efforts Suzan still made sure she was clumsy enough with the spoon to make it look like Lisa was a messy baby.

It took a while, but eventually Lisa had eaten yet another entire jar of baby food, although everyone who saw the picture Suzan took of it afterwards would argue that judging from the amount of baby food stuck all around her mouth and on her bib. Like yesterday the jar was quickly changed from the highchair’s table and replaced by the big bottle of formula. 

Lisa was already somewhat full from the baby food, but when Suzan pressed the tip of the penis shaped teat against her lips she accepted it anyways, just wanting this latest meal to be over with. With Lisa’s acceptance Suzan started working the teat in and out with a smirk. “My my, what a thirsty baby, so eager for her bottle.” She mocked As Lisa just tried to ignore it and just drink.

Once again it took Lisa a while to suck the entirety of this big bottle of way too sweet formula through the small slit at the end of the teat. By the time she finished the bottle her stomach was left bloated once more. These bottles had to be at least a pint and that while Lisa wasn’t used to drinking more than a small glass of water at a time and that while she wanted to keep her intake of liquids down to an absolute minimum.

“There you go Lizzy, such a good girl, eating all your food and drinking down a whole bottle like a good and healthy girl should. Now it’s time for your afternoon nap.” Suzan explained as she carefully wiped Lisa’s face clean with a wet wipe and took of her messy bib.

“You have been a very good girl and like naughty girls should be punished heavily, good girls should be rewarded and I know just the thing. I know mommy doesn’t have coffee right now, not that she would give you coffee right before you are about to go to bed anyways. Don’t worry though, mommy knows something so much better for you.” Suzan said mysteriously as she picked up the pacifier.

Then much to Lisa’s horror she moved the pacifier underneath her bathrobe. Lisa couldn’t see what was happening underneath it, but Suzan’s moans combined with the movement of her arm didn’t leave much to the imagination at all.

Completely horrified Lisa couldn’t stand it anymore. This was outrageous. The smell was sickening enough that she certainly didn’t want to know what Suzan’s pussy tasted like. She was about to speak up but Suzan interrupted her with a mean self-satisfied smirk. “I know how much my baby loves mommy’s pussy so instead of just a smell mommy is going to be generous and let her have a taste as well. That’ at least as long as baby is good, if she were to be naughty and try to talk mommy would be forced to wash her pacifier and take out the piss tube for her to suck on instead.” Suzan said as a clear warning that it was either tasting her pussy or drinking a bladders worth of her piss.

Lisa was shocked. She wanted nothing more than for this cruel woman to wash off her pacifier, hell she wanted without a pacifier and out of this mess. The price of a clean pacifier being drinking Suzan’s piss was way too high for her though. No matter how much she wanted to she stopped herself from saying a word, a single tear instead rolling down her cheek.

A few moans later Suzan pulled the now dripping wet penis shaped teat of the pacifier out of her pussy and out from under robe. “Mmm there we are, nice and extra wet for an extra good baby.” Suzan mocked moving the pussy juice covered pacifier straight to Lisa’s lips. It’s wet musky tip just pressed against her tightly clamped together lips though. She might not be allowed to speak, but there was no way she was going to accept that pacifier in her mouth.

Suzan clearly had other ideas than letting her reject that pacifier though. When Lisa didn’t immediately accept it, she just squeezed the girl’s cheek muscles painfully, forcing her to open her mouth. As soon as the opening was big enough she shoved the pacifier into Lisa’s mouth and quickly buckled it behind her head so it would stay there until she decided otherwise.

She had tried so hard to hold the pacifier back but it had been now use and now it was firmly stuck in her mouth with no hope of it being pushed out any time soon.  As bad as Suzan’s pussy smelled, the taste was even worse. The slightly slimy texture and tangy taste were horrid. No matter what she did she couldn’t get away from the taste or smell of Suzan’s pussy she might not have liked the smell of baby powder that seemed to stick to her, or the taste of that formula, but right now she was wishing for those back. 

While Suzan could see Lisa’s horrified expression she didn’t care all that much, as far as she was concerned the brat deserved it. Besides she also quite loved the idea of having another woman smell and taste her pussy. She was still too self-conscious about her lesbian urges to actually force herself on Lisa, but damn this was getting her so hot already.

Unlocking the highchairs table Suzan lifted the Lisa out of the chair and placed her onto the floor. “Now that you have a lot of mommy to enjoy it’s really time for your nap Lizzy.” Suzan firmly stated as she rose up to her feet, taking the leash attached to Lisa’s collar and walking to the bedroom at a steady pace, forcing the distraught Lisa to crawl behind her.

Once in the room Suzan lifted Lisa up again, placed her down into the crib, tucked her in under the cover and gave her a firm kiss on her forehead. With a swift motion she unclipped the leash from the collar as it would get in the way of sleeping. “Have a nice nap Lizzy, I’ll be coming back for you in two hours. Now don’t let me catch you trying to break free again.” Suzan said with a broad smile looking like she was about to leave before turning back around.

“Oh before I forget.” She said, returning to the side of the crib and unbuttoning the crotch panel of Lisa’s onesie, cupping her diapered crotch for a good minute before buttoning the crotch panel back in place and moving the covers over Lisa once more. “Still dry, guess mommy will need to use the toilet then.” Suzan said before definitively leaving the room, leaving Lisa alone in the dark with only her thoughts and the strong smell and taste of her pussy.

Lisa sobbed on for a good 15 minutes after Suzan left. She hated everything about her situation, but stuck in this ridiculous onesie, she had no other choice but to wait until she was rescued. She didn’t even try to escape the crib this time, she already knew it was useless and she didn’t want to be punished further, especially not with the wicked punishments Suzan seemed to like. She couldn’t sleep either though. She simply wasn’t tired as she never slept in the afternoon, her situation not helping one bit in that regard either. 

While Lisa was having a hard time alone with her thoughts in the crib Suzan was enjoying herself in the living room. Forcing the girl to smell and taste her pussy had been such a turn on. A turn on she just had to do something about and so with Lisa taken care of she took the panties the girl had worn to come here, brought them right up to her nose enjoying their subtle smell and fingered herself straight to an orgasm.

Suzan was getting off but in the meantime Lisa’s predicament only became worse. She could hardly deal with anything that was going on, but now the need to pee was rising as well. A need she knew she couldn’t fight forever. It would end up in her diaper sooner rather than later as she knew for sure Suzan wasn’t going to let her out of it. In the end she decided to just get it over with, to not let the pressure become to painful and piss herself no matter how much she dreaded doing so.

Groaning loudly Lisa filled up her fresh diaper, feeling it become warm and soggy all around her. She knew it was going to stay this way for a very long while as Suzan wouldn’t change her unless it was near leaking capacity. In fact she actually wanted to keep peeing at this point. If she could fill it fast enough to get changed before Suzan herself needed to pee again then maybe, just maybe she could avoid having to go through that horrible experience of Suzan pissing her diaper again.

Realistically she knew that she probably wouldn’t manage that as these things could hold a lot, but the small change that maybe she could was motivation enough. It was a small thing she could hope to win control over, but it was about as much as she could do in her current situation.

Eventually she managed to pee herself once more before the two hours were over. Peeing herself was horrible, but with that clear goal in mind she forced herself to do it the moment the need rose. It remained hard however, just peeing without a toilet felt wrong. It was something her body wasn’t used to so unless the need rose to high she really needed to force herself to accomplish it.

While Lisa herself ha no clue about the time past the end of her two-hour nap was announced by Suzan arriving back in the room. “Wakey wakey Lizzy!” Suzan screamed cheerfully. Lisa just groaned. She hadn’t even slept a minute during this whole horrid naptime, but then again as horrid as it was to be alone with her thoughts and the smell and taste of Suzan’s pussy. It was way preferable to being with Suzan.

Reaching down into the crib Suzan didn’t really care all that much about the girl’s groans. She just clipped the leash back in place and picked Lisa up. She didn’t place her on the ground like she had when she made the girl crawl here. Instead she placed Lisa right back on her hip, choosing to carry her once more. In doing so she felt the slight sogginess of the diaper squish when the girl settled in place. “Uh oh, did someone have a little accident? Well don’t you worry Lizzy mommy is going to help you earn a change as soon as she can go again.” Suzan said menacingly.

Walking into the living room Suzan sat down on the couch and place Lisa onto her lap. “Okay Lizzy, normally mommy would breastfeed you now, but since she doesn’t produce milk she can’t. Maybe mommy will take some supplements so she can feed her hungry baby in due time, but for now I’m afraid we’ll have to use this solely for bonding purposes. Don’t worry about getting hungry though mommy has a whole bottle of formula ready for after our sweet bonding moment.” Suzan said as she opened up the top of her robe, freeing both of her big sagging breasts.

Lisa was horrified. This woman was getting crazier with the minute, clearly having such free reign to do with her as she wished was having a bad influence on how daring she was when it came to using her, but there was little she could do about it. “Just like with your lunch mommy will remove your dummy, The rules still apply though. You will remain quiet and you will immediately accept mommy’s nipple into your mouth. If you don’t I’m afraid I’ll have to get the piss tube for that mouth of yours next time I need to pee. That also applies in case I would feel teeth.” Suzan warned again getting another groan from Lisa. She wanted to shake her head no, but the threat of the pee tube was a potent one. 

Feeling quite certain that Lisa was going to obey Suzan removed the girl’s pacifier putting it next to her on the couch before lifting up one of her breasts offering the nipple to the girl’s mouth. She could see a reluctant hesitance in Lisa’s eyes, but a few seconds later that transformed into a blush as she girl took her nipple into her mouth. Reluctant but obedient, just like Suzan wanted. Not that Lisa had much of a choice. It seemed that it finally became clear to the girl that her will was law here that with how the onesie physically impaired her paired with Suzan’s sheer strength advantage, she couldn’t put up more than a slight resistance at best. The punishments Suzan proposed were hard enough to make her give up on that resistance which was futile anyways.

“Mmm there you are Lizzy, that feels great. I really want to feel you suck though and while you do I think you should also flick that tongue against my nipple, that would feel so good.” Suzan moaned, obviously getting off on this. The fact this clearly had a sexual aspect to Suzan only made this harder Lisa, but after a few seconds of consideration she gave in. It was either this or something worse.

With Suzan supporting her back and holding her head pressed against her saggy breast Lisa had little choice other than giving her what she wanted. Suzan’s nipple felt weird and stiff in her mouth, she was obviously turned on. The taste was slightly salty from a hint of sweat and while it was less repulsive than the pussy juice covered penis shaped nipple of her dummy, the fact that this was physical contact made it worse. 

Suzan was in heaven feeling the slight suction and the soft velvety tongue flicking across her nipple. This was the furthest she had discovered her lesbian fantasies up until now and it brought her all kinds of exciting thrills. While she could imagine just how great this same action would feel on her pussy, but she was too self-conscious to go for that just yet.

Instead Suzan took the girl’s pacifier and plunged the penis shaped teat deep into her sopping wet pussy, right between her legs underneath Lisa’s diapered bottom. Lisa was shocked feeling the hand movements underneath her, with Suzan’s moans she had no illusions about what was happening. The only thing she didn’t know was that it was happening with her pacifier once again. Over the course of the next fifteen minutes Suzan masturbated herself to an orgasm with Lisa’s pacifier while the girls sucked on her nipple only to then have her switch breasts and repeat the exact same thing.

Two orgasms later Suzan just let Lisa recline back away from her breasts. Lisa was all to happy to let go of Suzan’s nipples, she was less happy when the penis shaped teat of the bottle was nearly instantly offered to her, but then again she didn’t protest. She just hoped that with this bottle she would have enough liquids in her system to earn herself a diaper change without Suzan’s help. 

Suzan just smirked as she witnessed how Lisa eagerly started drinking. She didn’t know what had gotten into the girl, but whatever it was, it pleased her. Despite Lisa’s eagerness it took her nearly half an hour to finish the bottle. Her mouth was already a little tired from sucking on Suzan’s nipples so sucking out her formula she needed frequent breaks.

Once the bottle was empty Suzan placed it aside and reached under her bathrobe to pull the pacifier out of her pussy. Offering it to Lisa’s lips the girl didn’t know where that pacifier had come from. She couldn’t smell it with the scent of Suzan’s pussy still strong in her nose. It wasn’t until the tip was already slid in her mouth that Lisa realised it was fresh out of Suzan’s pussy once more. It was too late now as Suzan simply pushed the pacifier deeper and buckled it behind Lisa’s head once more, filling her mouth with the strong taste of pussy once more.

“There you are sweetie, all nice and fed again. Now while your hair looks very cute mommy had an idea to make you even cuter while you were sleeping.” Suzan said much to Lisa’s terror. What the hell could that mean? Whatever it was she was already quite certain that she wouldn’t like it. Not that it seemed to matter as Suzan just placed her on the floor and led her to the bathroom by her leash.

In the bathroom Suzan picked Lisa up and placed the girl down on the closed toilet seat. With a swift tug Suzan unfastened the bows holding Lisa’s hair up in two fluffy pigtails letting it fall loose once more. She then took a hairbrush and carefully brushed it all down all around Lisa’s head, front and back so it blocked her view as well. Lisa didn’t know what she was planning, but she had an increasingly worse feeling about this.

Her bad feeling got confirmed when a pair of scissors moved right above her left eyebrow, snipping off a big strand freeing her sight on that eye again. Lisa instantly knew what Suzan was doing, but it was too late now there was no other option then letting her finish now or it would look completely ridiculous. She didn’t dare to move either, afraid that it would make Suzan slip with the scissors and fuck up her hair even more.

As Suzan carefully snipped away strand after strand of hair all Lisa could do was look on in horror to her image in the mirror at the other side of the room. In about a minute time Lisa saw how years of growth went to waste, dropping on the floor as a pair of very juvenile straight bangs took its place. It was the first visible thing she couldn’t just undo when she got out of here.

While it wasn’t an uncommon hairstyle for women to have it would certainly make her look more juvenile which would remind her of her horrible time here. It would require a lot of time to grow out to the point where she could go around with a normal haircut again. Suzan was very pleased with the result though, taking a step back to admire the result. “Aww you look so very precious Lizzy. That new haircut is so you. Now all that is needed is to put those pigtails back in.” Suzan said before doing just that.

Now that Lisa’s hair was looking cuter than ever, Suzan put the girl on the ground again and started pulling her along by her leash back to the living room. There Suzan sat down on the couch with one of her soap opera’s again. Instead of telling Lisa to play with her blocks though, she picked the girl up and placed her onto her right thigh, legs hanging off of both sides while she pulled the girl’s torso close to her, wrapping her arm over the girl’s breasts to do so. With the force of Suzan’s arm Lisa was forced to recline back against her maid’s body, not feeling at ease at all.

Paying no further mind to Lisa Suzan started lightly moving her right leg up and down. Not enough to qualify as a bounce as it didn’t send that shockwave coursing through Lisa’s body like riding horsey had. Instead it just kind of squeezed the soggy diaper against her crotch into a rolling motion working from her back to her front. Other than making her cringe with how that soggy diaper was pressed against her it didn’t make Lisa feel much at all.

“Not at first at least. Over time the rolling pressure Suzan’s slight up and downward motions cause resparked the arousal Lisa had so shamefully grown before when Suzan had been cleaning her pussy a little to thoroughly. At first Lisa didn’t think much of the slight sensation she was feeling, but as Suzan persisted it only grew stronger until the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Lisa was definitely getting aroused and there was no stopping it as much as the thought of getting aroused in her soggy diaper disturbed her. Her worries only grew as the sensation was growing strong enough for her to start having problems holding back a moan. A moan that eventually did escape past her pacifier much to her horror.

Suzan didn’t say anything about it though. She just smiled to herself and kept going. For a moment she had been afraid that her plan didn’t work after all. Lisa had held off for so long, but that first moan told her all she needed to hear, especially when a second one followed a few minutes after, confirming her thought.

Satisfied with what she was achieving Suzan kept on going relentlessly as Lisa’s moans kept on growing in frequency and sound. Lisa was mortified, she couldn’t believe that she was getting turned on in her soggy diaper, but there was no escaping the purely physical stimulation. No matter how much she tried to hold her moans back there was no escaping Suzan’s grip.

Over time Lisa grew ever more aroused to the point where she was nothing but a quivering moaning flustered mess as the soggy diaper crinkled against her pussy, the taste and smell of Suzan’s pussy strong on her senses. If this didn’t end soon then surely she would end up cumming, she was dreading the thought of actually cumming in her diaper, but then all of a sudden the stimulations stopped completely. 

As relieved as Lisa was her pussy was throbbing, obviously craving more. She was so close that not cumming at this point left her whole-body longing. Slowly but surely her moans died down to the point where she was just breathing heavily, her face still very flustered.

With a smirk Suzan let Lisa cool down a bit before leaning forward, forcing Lisa to move along as she placed the girl’s phone on the salon table, leaning it against a vase so the camera was pointing straight at them. Lisa instantly realised what was happening, she wanted tot scream, but with the pacifier stuck in her mouth there was no protest possible. 

Smiling broadly Suzan leaned back in her recliner, taking Lisa with her as she just started moving the girl back to the edge of an orgasm. With how turned on Lisa still was she was reduced back to a moaning mess nearly instantly, right until the point where she was about to cum again, only to be left longing once more.

Leaning forward again Suzan picked up the phone and checked the footage, very pleased with the results. Another perfect bit of blackmail material. With this footage Lisa would be in a real bind if Suzan claimed that the girl had pressured her, the poor maid into playing out her perverted fantasy under the threat of getting fired. With a few swift clicks she locked the video under the parental control so Lisa wouldn’t be able to remove it, and sent herself a copy for good measure.

The remainder of the afternoon was spend edging Lisa over and over again as she watched her soaps. Adding to Lisa’s mortification her lunch bottle and post nap bottle continued making their way to her system, forcing her to pee her diaper three more times, all during Suzan’s stimulation of her pussy, getting increasingly turned on while her diaper got increasingly soggy. This continued for nearly three devastating hours after which Suzan picked up the overly flustered, overly aroused Lisa who had just been edged without a single orgasm and placed her back into the highchair.

“Alright Lizzy, it’s time for your dindins again.” Suzan said not bothering to warn Lisa again seeing how out of it the girl still was from the sheer hyperarousal. She wanted to get this over with before Lisa’s arousal would subside too much and she would become a little more reluctant again. Tying the bib behind the girl’s neck Suzan started spoon-feeding Lisa another jar of baby food followed by another bottle. It all went down rather easily as the girl’s mind was too foggy to act on anything but autopilot. With the bottle completely empty Suzan dipped the girl’s pacifier in her pussy once more and strapped it back behind her back before enjoying a meal of her own.

Slowly but surely Lisa’s mind was coming back, her body still ached for an orgasm, but the fog was starting to clear up. Her diaper was extremely soggy at this point. Soggy enough that she was hopeful she might have made it to get changed before Suzan needed to pee again.

That hope was dashed as Suzan walked up to her after doing the dishes and felt up the front of her diaper only to comment. “Oh oh, that diaper is nearing capacity. It’s not quite enough to change yet, but don’t worry mommy is ready to help you again. With mommy’s help I’m sure you’ll be ready for a change and luckily so as it is nearing 7 o’clock or in other words your bedtime. I don’t think that diaper would hold a night with a bedwetter like you after all.” Suzan exclaimed as she fetched the pee tube, sticking it right in the top of Lisa’s diaper straight over the girl’s pussy before peeing Lisa’s diaper once more. Lisa could do nothing but cringe and grunt in her pacifier as she felt the warm wet piss flow over her overly aroused pussy, someone else’s piss at that. It literally was the worst.

This time however it didn’t look like she would have to soak in Suzan’s pee for long as Suzan immediately rechecked her diaper and said. “Just like I thought, now you’re ready for a change Lizzy.” Smiling broadly she then pulled Lisa out of the highchair and placed her down on the floor, the overly full diaper extremely heavy and soggy, forcing her legs apart as Suzan pulled on her leash to lead her into the bathroom.

The change itself pretty much went like last time, Suzan got completely naked much to Lisa’s horror and soon Lisa’s shaven pussy and bottom got exposed as well as Suzan opened up the soiled diaper. She then wiped Lisa’s bottom and front completely clean, saving her pussy for last as she spend some extra attention down there, now consciously looking into the girl’s eyes as she played with it through the wet wipe, quickly reducing the already highly aroused girl to a series of moans right until she was about to cum then stopping again. An ample amount of powder later Lisa was strapped into a fresh diaper and carried of to her crib where she got tucked in.

“Good night Lizzy, see you tomorrow.” Suzan said kissing the girl on her head and leaving the room, leaving her alone, highly aroused with just her thoughts and luckily a clean diaper. Not that it would probably stay clean for long as the need to pee was rising already, groaning loudly she ended up peeing herself not even 15 minutes later, her big diner bottle having made its way through her system. She had tried to hold out this time, wanting to at least sleep in a dry diaper, but she couldn’t hold it any longer. Not that she would have been able to hold it until she was about to sleep anyways, being put to bed this early caused her to remain wide awake for hours to come.

Just when she was drifting off Suzan entered the room and like yesterday she masturbated quite loudly, only a couple feet away from Lisa who had been craving an orgasm herself. While it would have been possible to achieve while Suzan was out of the room she couldn’t face the embarrassment of actually getting herself off in a diaper, especially not knowing Suzan had an infrared camera in this room so she would be able to spot it. Instead of embarrassment she faced the sexual frustration.

In the end Lisa ended up peeing herself a second before she finally managed to drift off to sleep, already dreading what tomorrow would bring. It was not something she really wanted to think off at all.


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