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Chapter 32

“What the hell Roxy, what are you doing dressed like that? Why are you even hanging with this bitch? I thought you hated her. Have you lost a bet or something? Is she blackmailing you?!” Mona angrily exclaimed having arrived in front of her best friend. She was a 5’4” tall girl with raven black hair, a nice tan skin and dark brown eyes.

“I…, no she isn’t blackmailing me, she’s my girlfriend. True, I might have disliked her at some point, but we came to an uhm, an understanding. Look I really love Savannah and the more I’m with her the more I’m convinced she’s the one for me. So please just don’t make a fuss about it.” Roxy pleaded. She had never really admitted to loving Savannah but into defending her new life to her friends she guessed that must be what best described what she felt for her. 

The part about not being blackmailed technically wasn’t true, Savannah had used that video of her first spanking and her admittance to masturbating with her socks against he a couple of time. She now saw that it had been a necessary evil to help her discover the true depths of her depravity and she guessed she was happier because of it. That blackmail at the start had been for her own good, or at least she believed so.

“You love her? Come on Roxy have you had a good look at her? She is so beneath you that you should have filed a lawsuit against the school just for making you live with her.” Madison, a 5’6” tall snobby blonde who was obviously used to getting everything she wanted, whenever she wanted. 

An intense fire burned in Savannah’s eyes looking at this stupid blonde. God she instantly hated her. She would certainly pay dearly for her rudeness, but for now she held back her anger. She wanted to see how Roxy would respond.

“Madison?! Savannah is a wonderful girl and I insist you take that back, that was just plain rude.” Roxy exclaimed shocked. She couldn’t believe how her old friends could be this harsh and rude. One thing was certain though she didn’t want to have anything to do with Madison anymore. She had always known the blonde could be harsh, but this was just too much.

“No way, it’s the truth and nothing but the truth, if you’re honest with yourself you’ll see it too.” Madison just coldly said.

“Okay, she might have said it a little rude, but she’s right you know. What happened to Chad? I thought you were going strong with him.” Emilia, a 5’8” brown haired girl exclaimed trying not to sound too harsh, but wanting to voice her opinion as well.

“He broke up with me okay, and I really don’t want to talk about it. Now just please leave me alone. I’m with Savannah, I love her, she makes me happy and if you can’t deal with that then I guess our friendship just won’t work anymore.” Roxy broke down, tears welling up in her eyes as she suddenly surprised everyone by turning around and running away. The stress of today, the harsh reactions of her friends and the reminder of her breakup with Chad were just too much for her to handle right now.

“I don’t know what you have done to her but you’ll pay for this you bitch.” Mona said threathingly getting up into the face of the way taller Savannah before turning around and walking away with her head held high, followed by the rest of the group.

Savannah was completely pissed right now, sadly she couldn’t give these girls a well-deserved punch right now. She wasn’t just pissed at the three girls who had spoken up before Roxy ran off, but at the whole group of her friends. Oh they would feel her wrath and they would feel it good that much she sweared.

Despite how pissed she was her mind wasn’t focused on the revenge she would take. Instead it was focused on Roxy, it was clear that her poor girlfriend was taking things to harsh. Sure it had been her intention to embarrass her today, making her come out to everyone, but she had never intended for Roxy to break down. Normally she wouldn’t care, but for some reason she did care when it came to Roxy, the girl she had somewhat detested, cruelly moulded in a depraved toy only to notice that she had developed a soft spot for her.

The way Roxy had tried to defend her and how she had genuinely shown how deeply she actually cared about her. It had somehow touched Savannah who didn’t consider herself to be the sentimental kind. She wanted revenge on those girls, but most of all she now wanted to make sure that Roxy was okay.

Opening her app she tracked Roxy’s butt plug to the toilets down the hall where it didn’t take her all too long to find the stall Roxy must be in. It was the only occupied stall in the empty restroom, but first of all she had noticed by the soft sobbing coming from that stall.

“Hey Roxy, open up, It’s me Savannah.” She said, loudly knocking on the door of the stall while speaking in a rather commanding tone. For one of the first times since she had gotten those hypnotic socks she felt completely powerless and awkward. Her commanding tone might not have been the best choice, but she simply didn’t know how else to act. In fact she didn’t have the first clue on how to console someone.

When a response stayed out for a few seconds Savannah started banging on the door again. This time Roxy did open up, her eyes slightly red from crying, but most of all she looked scared. Scared of Savannah, scared that she would be mad at her for running away and not immediately responding when she told her to open up the stall door. Seeing Roxy look at her like that hurt.

“A…are you okay?” Savannah awkwardly stammered not knowing how else to handle this situation. For once she felt like a fool. She had always been insanely confident except for now when Roxy needed her. Hell why did she even care so much it was not like Roxy was anything more than a toy now was she? She might not want to admit it, but over time Roxy had become so much more. She had made the girl feel like she needed to be with her, but now she realised that somehow the opposite had become true as well. Savannah needed Roxy as well. 

Much to her surprise Roxy nearly jumped up and hugged her tightly upon seeing that she wasn’t mad at her. Awkwardly Savannah wrapped her arms around the girl as well. “Maybe we should just go home, this was enough trouble for a day. It was great of you to defend me like that Roxy, you definitely earned yourself a reward. Tell you what, at home you can spend as much time with my feet in your face as you want, or I could fuck your butt some more if you want that instead.” Savannah said completely clueless that Roxy might have other needs than the perversions she gave her.

“Th…thank you Goddess. Could we maybe just, I don’t know watch some television together or something?” Roxy shyly asked. Orgasms were so great, especially with how horny she constantly was, but this hug made her realise just how affection starved she was. 

Savannah was great in the sense that she satisfied all her deepest perversions and more. It was just that their relationship seemed to be only that, sex and serving. Now more than ever however Roxy realised how badly she craved to just cuddle for a bit, but she didn’t really know how to ask for it, at least not so literally, fearing her Goddess would get mad.

“Sure thing Roxy, we can just go and watch some television if that is what you want.” Savannah said obviously clueless to Roxy’s real intentions and needs, but she was trying the best she could to be there for Roxy right now. As much as it was against her very nature she might have to let Roxy take the lead on this one.

“Let’s get out of here though, I’m sure there are much better places to be than a public restroom.” Savannah said as she broke the hug and took Roxy’s hand to lead them back to the dorm. Just watching television sounded boring to her, but if that was what Roxy needed right now then so be it.

Back at their dorm Savannah smiled broadly. Immediately upon entering Roxy stripped down to just her stockings and went to fetch her collar so she could lock it around her neck before getting down on all fours. Despite being distressed Roxy was still trying hard to be the perfect pet for her Goddess and Savannah couldn’t ask for anything more.

“Mmm such a sweet sexy pet you are. Come let’s go look for something to watch.” Savannah praised suddenly feeling a lot better and way more confident. At least this was a situation she knew way better. Kneeling down she picked up the handle of the leash attached to the collar and led Roxy over to the couch.

As Savannah sat down, Roxy instantly crawled up beside her and took a blanket to put over them as she rested her head against Savannah’s shoulder. Savannah started going through the channels waiting to see if there was something on that Roxy liked. It was only then she noticed her girlfriend wasn’t all that interested in the television after all. She suddenly realised it was some affections Roxy was really after by the way the girl had cuddled up closely against her.

Somewhat awkwardly Savannah wrapped her arm around her nearly naked roommate holding her tight as she left the television on some random gameshow. It took a surprising amount of will force to keep herself from letting her hands roam to Roxy’s sensitive spots, but Savannah realised this was something Roxy really needed right now so she forced herself to keep her hand in place.

It took a while, but eventually Roxy did notice her Goddess’s discomfort. She realised just cuddling wasn’t really her Goddess’s style at all, but she was very grateful Savannah had indulged her need. Strange as it might sound. She herself was starting to grow a little restless right now.

Just some affection was something she really needed from time to time, but laying here with Savannah she kind of missed the feeling of being completely dominated. It had been a constant for so long and her pussy throbbed just thinking about it. They had only been cuddling for about ten minutes, but she was aching to serve her goddess once more.

Mischievously Roxy guided Savannah’s hand to her bare breast while placing her own hand on her Goddess’s inner thigh, obscenely close to the gusset.

Savannah’s smile instantly broadened. She instantly knew what Roxy was hinting at and she couldn’t be happier. Cuddling just felt nearly unnatural. Taking the lead for some hot perverted play however was right up in her wheelhouse. 

“Oh Roxy! You horny slut! Now feel what you have done!” Savannah said sharply forcing Roxy’s hand further up, pressing it into the gusset of her tights which were slightly damp after the excitement of showing Roxy to her friends. While she forced Roxy to feel her wet pussy through her tights and panties, she gave the girl’s nipple a hard pinch making her yelp in pain. 

While it hurt and she was genuinely nervous about the tone Savannah used, there was also going a big thrill of arousal straight to her pussy. It was all scary, playing with fire, but at the same time she just loved it in a way. She loved getting to live out what she believed were her own perversions. Despite them being originally forced on her they had really become her own perversions.

Almost Immediately there after Savannah threw the blanket off of them and spread her legs. “Down on the floor you naughty bitch, you’re going to take the edge off of the problems you caused. Then your ass is mine to take out the rest if my pent-up arousal.” Savannah spoke firmly, she was back to using her tone that left no room for protest.

That tone clearly came way more natural to her, as did the way in which she was acting right now. She was back to using Roxy like nothing but a sextoy yet Roxy knew now that Savannah did in-fact care about her as well. She had had her doubts if Savannah had really loved her, but now those doubts were erased. 

Being treated as Savannah’s toy was scary though. She never knew what would be coming.  Well Savannah would cum in a moment, but after that she wasn’t sure what having her ass would mean. Would it mean a hard spanking? Would she get fucked hard? Her pussy didn’t really seem to be able to decide which one it liked best. She however hoped that she would get fucked. Sure Savannah tended to be rather rough, but a fucking meant an orgasm and she was craving one already.

Without hesitation Roxy got off of the couch and on her knees in between Savannah’s legs. Smirking Down Savannah got slightly up from the couch, only to push her tights and panties down to her knees to reveal her damp hairy pussy.

A strong whiff of musk combined with sweat reached Roxy’s nose. Yet without even being told she locked her lips onto her Goddess’s pussy and drove her tongue in, getting an oh so familiar taste of Savannah’s pungent pussy. It remained slightly gross, but that in an of itself was a turn on as Roxy brought her Goddess to a quick orgasm with her tongue.

To her surprise Savannah didn’t push her away to make her ass hers. Instead she grabbed a tight hold of the girl’s hair and held her head even tighter to her pussy. “Before I take your ass Roxy, I really need to pee badly.” She warned her petite roommate who couldn’t move her head even an inch away. 

Savannah loved the contrast. Only a few minutes ago she had been cuddling with Roxy and now she was already using the girl’s mouth as a toilet. She didn’t wait long after her warning to start either. As soon as the words had left her mouth, she started to relax her bladder and seconds later a powerful stream of piss was pouring into Roxy’s open mouth.

There had been a slight moment of panic within Roxy. She wanted to pull away actually, but with Savannah Holding her so tightly in place all she could even try to do was to keep up and swallow as best as she could. Her pussy throbbed wildly as her belly filled up with one mouthful of piss after another for the second time today.

Once the pee stream finally stopped Savannah released Roxy’s head at last. It was a freedom Roxy used to lick Savannah’s pussy completely clean of any droplet of pee that might remain. Savannah gave her girlfriend a minute before getting up and pulling her panties an tights back in place. “Stay right here Roxy, I’ll be right back.” Savannah said with a smirk to the confused girl.

Just like that Roxy was left alone with her thoughts for a moment, thoughts that instantly ran wild. Although she had loved cuddling with Savannah for a change, she was ashamed to admit that being forced to drink her pee had been more fun. Sure it still grossed out by it, but at the same time that was what made her pussy drip beyond believe, being forced to do something so dirty and depraved. It even satisfied her perversion for a while as the pee sloshing around in her belly served as a constant reminder. Kind of like when you had drunk too much water.

Then there was the issue of her friends, if she could even call those friends anymore. It had hurt to see that Savannah’s friends which she had always considered to be a loud obnoxious bunch were actually way better than her own. They had been very supportive and accepting of her and the relationship she had with Savannah which was kind of surprising given that they knew the kind of relationship they had.

Her own friends on the other hand had been judgemental and very rude from the moment they found out she even had a relationship with Savannah. They didn’t even know the kind of relationship they had yet. Had her choice in friends really been that bad? She feared so, it did make one thing clear though. She’d rather just distance herself from them to hang with Savannah’s friends instead. She just hoped they would leave her alone because she couldn’t stand having to answer another line of questioning like they had fired at her today.

In fact she was really looking forward to hanging with Savannah’s friends again. She didn’t know them very well yet but they seemed like a fun bunch. Wednesday could certainly prove to turn out fun. Sure Roxy felt awfully nervous about her perversions being exposed, but paired with the positive reactions she had gotten from them today it also gave her a thrill to think about it.

Roxy’s thoughts were interrupted as Savannah re-entered the living room. She couldn’t help but be a little confused as literally nothing had changed. Savannah had been gone for a couple of minutes, but she hadn’t changed clothes, she didn’t have anything with her and with a blush Roxy realised that She couldn’t have gone to the toilet either. What did she get up to then?

Savannah just loved the confused look on her girlfriend’s face. Chelsea’s claim that a lot of trans men wore a dildo like this as a prosthetic had got her mind turning. Admittedly the thought of having a real cock to ravage her girlfriend with was hot. Even hotter was the fact that she had actually been able to feel what she imagined it was like having a cock when she had used this dildo on Roxy’s ass.

That wasn’t enough anymore though. Up until now she had treated this dildo as nothing but a dildo, a sophisticated one for sure, but a dildo none the less. With how real the thing felt when she wore it she wanted more. She wanted to really treat it as a cock for a change. Right now she just wanted to think of this dildo as her cock and so she had put it on under her panties and tights, neatly tucked along her thigh like she imagined a guy would tuck his cock for more comfort.

“Give me your hand Roxy.” Savannah said with a big smirk, grabbing her roommates hand as soon as she reached it out. The confusion only grew, but was dispelled just as quickly as Savannah placed her girlfriend’s hand on her inner thigh, right where the dildo was positioned.

“Mmmm that’s it, grab on to your Goddess’s cock, give it some gentle strokes, show me how much you want that cock buried deeply into your butt you nasty slut.” Savannah said with a moan. Talking about the dildo like it was a real cock was turning her on greatly, and the thing was good enough so she could Roxy’s hand on it. Sure she felt the slight pressure in her pussy and on her clit. She couldn’t feel the softness of the nylon or the warmth of Roxy’s hand, but this was close enough. 

Roxy had been shocked at feeling the dildo underneath Savannah’s tights, she hadn’t noticed her girlfriend wearing it. When she started calling it a cock it only got weirder, but Savannah seemed to love it so she rolled with it. Just like Savannah had asked Roxy gently rubbed up and down the length of the dildo through the nylon material. It made Savannah moan, and if she was honest she kind of got turned on by it as well. 

“That’s it you little slut, stroke that cock. Now fish it out and start sucking. Make it nice and wet because your spit will be the only thing to lube it up when I ram my cock up your butthole. Maybe you’d like that though, taking a badly lubed cock up your butt.” Savannah moaned, massaging her breasts through the front of her dress.

Mesmerised Roxy rolled up Savannah’s dress and worked her hand into her tights. A few seconds later the pink silicon dildo plopped out of the if her tights. Its hot pink colour was a bit of a distraction from playing that it was real, but Roxy made up for that by putting on a performance, trying to please Savannah as much as she could.

Gently she wrapped her hand around the cock and gave it a few light strokes while planting a sloppy kiss on the tip. This was her first time sucking a cock, but she imagined this would look hot. While planting the kiss on it, she opened up her lips and let it slide between them, slowly but surely taking it deeper in her mouth before having to stop with a gag only half way down it’s 8 inch length. 

Having reached her limit she pulled back and bobbed back down, she continued on bobbing her head up and down as Savannah watched with a smile. The pressure change felt great, it was just a pity she couldn’t feel the silk wetness of Roxy’s mouth. Nevertheless it looked hot and felt great.

After a couple of minutes of this, Savannah pulled out of Roxy’s mouth, picked her up and threw her onto the couch. Before the girl could react Savannah was on top of her, pinning her down while the tip of the dildo pressed right against her bleached butthole. “Are you ready to take my cock my little bitch?” Savannah whispered into Roxy’s ear, getting a loud moan in return.

Savannah was just about to plunge her cock in when a sudden loud knock on the door was heard making both girls look up in shock. The shocked look on Savannah’s face worried Roxy. It told her that it wasn’t someone Savannah was expecting this time which made her all the more worried about who could be at the door and why.

“Stay right here Roxy, I’m going to open up the door.” Savannah said cursing to herself, just when things would get really fun this happened. Who the hell could be at the door? She worried it might be Roxy’s friends and she was nowhere near ready for them. Not yet at least. Standing up Savannah tucked the dildo back in her tights and rolled her dress back down before heading to the door already irritated.

Opening up she was met by a pretty girl with dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes, she looked skinny and about 5’6” Tall. Savannah immediately recognised the girl as one of Roxy’s friends. She hadn’t said anything, but she had been with the group that approached Roxy after class which immediately made her anger boil back up.

“Hello, Savannah right? Pleased to meet you, I’m Helena, one of Roxanne’s friends. Look I’m really sorry about how the others, especially Madison treated you, but can I please come in? I need to see Roxanne and it’s urgent.” The girl said nervously looking around as if she was expecting to be followed or something.

Her reaction had managed to completely catch Savannah off guard. She had expected threats or profanities to be thrown her way. Ones she would have instantly countered by shoving the girl out and telling her to fuck off. Instead what she got was a sincere apology. 

“Uhm yeah sure, go ahead she’s in the living room.” Savannah answered not even thinking about the fact that Roxy was naked or locked in her collar in her confusion. When she did realise the mistake, she had just made it was too late to stop Helena as she had already slipped past her and into the living room.

Roxy had heard the entire conversation from the couch. It was kind of good to hear that she still had friends who were supportive. Even if the support came from someone she didn’t immediately suspect. Helena had always been one of the quieter girls in their group, more of a follower as well. In that regard it meant all that much more that she actually went against the group to support Roxy. 

What Roxy hadn’t been expecting at all however was for Savannah to give Helena the green light to walk on considering her situation. She just had time to cover her naked body with a blanket, but with Savannah holding the key to her collar, it and the attached leash were on full display.

“R…” Helena started speaking upon entering the living room, but she stopped dead in her tracks as she spotted the collar on her brightly blushing friend’s neck. She clearly looked lost for words and even a little bit flustered as Savannah came in behind her.

Roxy was truly embarrassed, that was for sure, but the flustered look on Helena’s face managed to surprise Savannah yet again. Roxy almost certainly mistook it for horror or shock, but Savannah recognised that look instantly. It was one she had had when she was introduced to kink for the very first time. Helena might not realise it yet, but that flustered look came from a certain curiosity, a curiosity that might turn into more.

Savannah’s surprised look quickly turned into a confident smile as she took control of the situation, aiming to give Helena a little push in the right direction. “As I’m sure you have noticed by now, me and Roxy don’t exactly have the most normal kind of relationship, apart from being lesbians I mean. You see Roxy likes having me as her Mistress, and I like being her Mistress so we have a mutual understanding.” Savannah casually said walking over to the couch and sitting down beside Roxy.

She had pretty much explained what their relationship entailed without giving away all the nasty details of Roxy’s perversions. To show off her power she grabbed a tight hold of her girlfriend’s leash and pulled the now mortified Roxy in close for a kiss on the lips. Helena’s eyes just grew wider and her cheeks redder as she witnessed something that seemed so unreal to her.

When Savannah then fixed her eyes on her she felt compelled to give a reaction. “I… I didn’t know you guys were like this.” She said stunned as she just kept staring. Roxy was meanwhile fearing the worst. Helena had been supportive in the sense that she had apologised, but surely that would now all be ruined after what she had just witnessed. God why did Savannah have to put on a show like this? Sometimes she could be so inconsiderate. Well she was inconsiderate most of the time, but now it wasn’t in a pleasant way at all, ruining her last remaining friendship.

Savannah still didn’t say anything as she just intensely kept staring at Helena, it was a trick that worked wonders on subs in her experience. Eventually they’d spill their guts in a nervous ramble. Who would have thought that there was a real subby girl among Roxy’s friends.

“I didn’t know you guys were like this, but that’s totally okay. Please don’t get me wrong. It’s just such a surprise and I don’t really know what to say. I guess the clothes were a hint already but still. Look I just came here to say I didn’t agree with what Madison, Mona and Emilia said. In fact I wanted to let you guys now that I think it’s awesome and brave that you come out for your relationship like that knowing how many people are still biased. I guess this new insight makes it even more awesome and god, I should just shut up.” Came the nervous ramble Savannah had been expecting as Helena went silent once more but not any less flustered.

Now it was Roxy’s turn to look at her friend stunned. This wasn’t what she had been expecting at all and that was a great thing right now. In fact she couldn’t be happier. It made her wonder though did Savannah knew this would happen somehow, she had suddenly seemed to become awfully confident after re-entering the living room.

“Well thank you Helena, that I believe I can speak for both Roxy and myself when I say that it means a lot to us. Tell you what, we are having a little coming out party Wednesday all day long. It would be lovely if you could join us. I know skipping classes isn’t really the best thing to do, but we really wanted to celebrate.” Savannah said with a smile. Little did Helena know that the coming out party would be about showing what their relationship really was like.

It could proof extra interesting if she informed her friend about Helena’s curiosity. With a sex fuelled atmosphere the chance of nothing happening with the curiosity that was already there was pretty small. “Now was that all you wanted to say? I believe you had something urgent to tell Roxy.” Savannah added with a smile

“Oh yeah, first of all I would love to join the party, and I did come here with a reason other than to apologise. Mona, Madison and Emelia are planning to come over today to as they say it convince Roxy of how stupid and wrong it is to be with you. As you might have noticed they aren’t really the friendliest bunch when voicing their opinion about your relationship. I just wanted you to know so you could maybe go out or something to avoid them. I really just want you guys to be happy and I don’t want Roxanne having to listen to them anymore.” Helena explained nervously.

“Speaking of which I should really go. I don’t want to be caught in the middle of this, I’m sorry but that’s it.” Helena added a looking around a little paranoid.

“Thank you very much for the warning Helena, I’ll deal with the situation and you’re right, maybe it’s better if you leave immediately.” Savannah Said as she showed the girl to the door. Roxy was still just sitting on the couch, stunned in complete disbelieve about what just happened and about what was going to happen. She did worry slightly though as she wondered how Helena would react to the party on Wednesday which wasn’t just a simple coming out party as far as she could tell. Well not the one Helena was probably expecting at least.

As Savannah closed the door behind Helena she couldn’t help but smirk. This girl had really been a godsend. First of all she loved the chance of having a hand in the corruption of maybe another girl, one she wouldn’t have to hypnotise this time. On top of that she now knew about the plan of Roxy’s friends.

She might not have been able to punch them back in class, but if they came here then she wouldn’t have to look for an opportunity for revenge either. Knowing they would come Savannah could prepare herself, already smiling at the thought that once they left they would never bother her or Roxy again. Oh this was just going to be too good.


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