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Chapter 31

Gripping Roxy’s hand tightly Savannah marched out of their dorm with a big smile on her face. She could feel Roxy was somewhat reluctant, yet the girl didn’t struggle. Instead she just meekly walked where Savannah led her.

Having to walk at Savannah’s hand like this was embarrassing. She knew it was meant to show off that they were girlfriends, but she didn’t feel that way. She felt more like a reluctant kid being dragged to the dentist. It didn’t feel like they were holding hands like lovers at all, the way Savannah held her hand felt more authorative and demanding.

They had only just made it out of the building their dorm room was located in when they met the first people, all students on their way to one class or another. None of them really knew Roxy or Savannah, but they did all give the strange couple weird looks. Roxy could hear whispers and giggles all around, giggles that were obviously directed to her and Savannah. She knew Savannah didn’t care one bit, but she did and she was mortified.

If strangers were being so judgemental already she didn’t even dare think how her friends would react. Most of them were pretty cool, but Roxy was almost certain they weren’t the most open-minded bunch. The fact that they had a horrible image of Savannah didn’t help either. They basically knew Savannah only from her vents at the beginning of the year. In her frustration back than she hadn’t really been as nice as she usually was. Although she would never insult anyone to their face she had often described Savannah as ugly, fat, a slob and bad smelling to her friends.

Most of them pitied Roxy, having to live with someone like that. The times Roxy had pointed out who her roommate was in class her friends had all ridiculed her for her poor outfit choices. All of that venting was about to backfire terribly now. What would they say if she now claimed to be Savannah’s girlfriend? Dressed to match the girl’s tights?

Much to Roxy’s surprise they didn’t head straight to class, at least not following the shortest route, the one that she usually took. It surprised her mainly because she had never known Savannah to do more than she absolutely had to. 

The reason soon became clear as she spotted some girls she had seen with Savannah before gathered on a bench. They were friends of Savannah she had known since high school and now in college they had stuck together, following all the same classes and everything. They always made their way to class together apparently.

“Kiana, Amber, Shawna and Alisa, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Roxy. Roxy why don’t you say hi to my friends?” Savannah said with a broad smile, pushing an obviously uncomfortable Roxy in front of her as all four of Savannah’s friends scanned her from head to toe with huge smirks on their faces yet at the same time looks of disbelieve. 

It was a strange bunch of friends that didn’t really seem to fit all that well together. Their only connection was after all that they had each grown up in the same neighbourhood and been to the same high school where they had stuck together for some reason.

Alisa stood at around 5’8” tall, she was wearing a blouse that was coloured in a rather busy pattern of geometric figures, mainly in shades of blue and some orange ones. Underneath she wore a black pencil skirt reaching down just to her knees. Her legs were wrapped in a pair of ebony sheer pantyhose, perfectly matching her skin tone and giving it a nice shine, the outfit was finished by a pair of bright blue pumps. The girl’s hair was straightened reaching to the small of her back and she wore a fair amount of makeup.  She had a slender figure and long legs. In Roxy’s opinion she was fit to be a model. Hell even her outfit, although not something she would have worn was definitely fashionable.

Shawna was 5’10” tall, she had a mocha skin and dreadlocks reaching down to her butt. Her figure was athletic and she certainly was the most tomboyish one in the group. She wore a pair of khaki cargo pants, a black crop top and black sneakers. She looked rather fond of piercings as well, having four in one ear and five in the other ear. She also had a ring in her left nostril and one at the end of her right eyebrow.

Amber looked rather nerdy. She had a dark black skin, tight curly hair that reached just to her shoulders. Amber was around Roxy’s height, but from the look of it Roxy guessed she must have weighed as much as Savannah making her look way fatter. The girl wore a simple navy coloured dress, thick black tights and navy flats. A thick rimmed pair of glasses sat on top of her nose.

The last one in the row was Kiana, unlike the others she was a Latina, 5’7” tall. She had straight black hair cut in a straight line a couple of inches underneath her shoulders. She wore a black baseball cap, a white crop top, a black skater skirt, a pair of black over the knee athletic socks with two white stipes at the top and a pair of white sneakers.

“H…hello, I’m Roxy. Nice to meet you.” Roxy stammered nervously. She felt like a sheep surrounded by a pack of wolves. There simply was no escape. What made her even more nervous was not knowing how much exactly Savannah had already told her girlfriends. 

“Awww how cute, look at how shy Roxy suddenly is, quite surprising to be honest. She wasn’t shy in the slightest when I told her she could lick me to an orgasm this morning. In fact she jumped at the chance, eating my pussy as hungerly as someone who hasn’t eaten in a way. I doubted I would have even been able to push her away once she latched on.” Savannah laughed making Roxy’s eyes grow big as saucers, shocked at the crude, embarrassing and awfully private things Savannah was sharing with their friends

All the girls shared a good laugh at Roxy’s expense. She didn’t know what to other than to stand there awkwardly. God she already whished for the ground to swallow her and the day had only just started. If it was already this hard being introduced to Savannah’s friends who seemed to be accepting at least she didn’t know what facing her friends would be like. She didn’t want to fin out either maybe they could just avoid her friends today? Roxy thought full of hope.

“In all seriousness though, I have to say I’m impressed. I thought for sure you were lying when you told us about how hot your girlfriend was, but damn Roxy I have to say you’re one gorgeous chick. One thing though, isn’t she that annoying roommate who always complained you used to nag about?” Kiana asked making Roxy blush even more. Even being called beautiful by one of these girls somehow just felt plain wrong. What shocked her more though was how Savannah had nagged about her as well. She guessed she had complained a lot in the past.

“Oh yes she is one and the same Roxy. Turns out that she was complaining all the time to over compensate for the fact that she has a huge and perverted crush on me. One day I found out and we came to an understanding. Actually I have the moment I found out all on tape. Our relationship is a bit complicated, but I’m sure you girls will get it once you see it with your own eyes. How about we all skip class on Wednesday and I’ll explain, cause trust me you’ll just have to see it to believe it.” Savannah said with a smirk kissing Roxy full on the lips to show her friends the girl was really her girlfriend.

Roxy was mortified, Savannah wouldn’t really show them that tape of where she had been caught sniffing her underwear and gotten a first spanking, would she? Knowing Savannah it certainly would happen, but those were worries for later. She did wonder why they would need to skip a whole day of classes though. Sure Savannah wouldn’t make it too bad right? After all she also had a reputation to keep up with her friends right?

Little did Roxy know that Savannah and her friends were a lot more sex positive than hers were. While she and her friends would comment on boys from time to time, none of them had any flings just for the sex. They were quite prudish and the few who had sex were in longish relationships and preferred not to go into too much detail about their sex life. From time to time they would comment on something they particularly liked, but even those comments remained vague.

Savannah’s friends on the other hand were a lot wilder. It wasn’t rare for them to have one-night stand and they sure dared venture into more kinky territory as well. They weren’t shy about sharing either. They loved talking about their conquests and experiences, going into all of the raunchy details. To them it was just a form of prime entertainment and gossip. No one judged another no matter what, sure sometimes they made stingy jokes, but it was all in good sports.

They all knew Savannah’s tastes and antics rather well. After all Cabrina was also in their group of friends. They had known what the two of them had been up to and why they had broken up which made them even more excited about Savannah’s new girlfriend especially now that they knew the girl was her previously annoying roommate. They wondered if she would be able to deal with how demanding and perverse Savannah could get. Getting a chance to see for themselves certainly would be amazing and wild, a chance they certainly wouldn’t want to miss for anything.

Horrified as she was Roxy still had hope, after all there was no way Savannah’s friends would want to see anything like regarding their friends sex life right? It was a hope that quickly got dashed as all of them looked at each other with big smirks before answering a resounding. “We’re in!” In union. Not knowing what to say Roxy just stood there dumbstruck.

“Awww, look poor Roxy is blushing. I guess she doesn’t really like the thought of us seeing her perversions.” Amber said, an undertone of pity in her voice. Just like Cabrina she seemed to genuinely care about Roxy’s feelings as well.

It was quickly countered by Savannah who said. “Don’t worry girls, I can assure that Roxy doesn’t mind this one bit. In fact I dare bet she is sopping wet right now just imagining sharing just how perverse she really is with you. She seems to love being watched, just ask Cabrina. She has already seen Roxy in all her glory and she can confirm that Roxy here just loves it.”

Despite how mortified Roxy felt there was no denying how wet she was. She positively felt some of her juices run down her inner thigh and soak into her stocking tops. The conflicting feelings confused her. Could it be that she just got a thrill out of being embarrassed? It had to be that, but even then she didn’t know if she wanted to be embarrassed even more or if she wanted it to end right now. Maybe it was best to just roll with it as facing this embarrassment seemed to please Savannah and herself as well in a way. Still she didn’t really welcome it, but maybe that was exactly what made it so thrilling. 

Savannah’s counter to Ambers concern ended all the worries her friends had about being too interrogative. Sure they liked knowing all the details, but none wanted Roxy to actually feel bad. As the girlfriend of one of their friends they wanted girl to feel accepted, no matter if she was very kinky. Besides it wasn’t really news to them. They had known from the moment that Savannah had said she had a girlfriend that the girl would be kinky. She would have to be to stand being in a committed relationship with Savannah.

“So what’s up with her outfit, you aren’t just treating her like some kind of fashion accessory are you? I mean matching in a sense can be cool and all, but she seems to be matching a very specific part of your outfit.” Alisa asked in a rather critical tone. 

“Well Roxy is dressed to match the parts of me she loves the most. We just thought it would be fun to see how many people would make that connection. I mean Roxy loves all of me, but she just adores my butt and pussy. She goes especially crazy for my feet, so she gets to match my tights.” Savannah explained casually which brought another round of laughter from her friends.

“Damn Savannah you’re so lucky. What I wouldn’t give for a good foot massage when it pull these pumps off. You probably don’t even have to ask do you?” Alisa said with envy in her voice. She smirked as she caught Roxy looking down at her feet when she said it. Definitely a girl with a deep-rooted foot fetish she thought.

After hearing how much Alisa would like a foot massage Roxy couldn’t help but what the girl’s feet would be like. She imagined how they might smell, how they would look and how they would feel in her hands or on her face. Alisa obviously took very good care of herself, her makeup, her fashion, it was all on point. Under a pair of such slender long legs Roxy couldn’t help but imagine there would be a pair of pretty feet, smooth soft and callus free. Noticing how Alisa had caught her staring she turned her gaze away with red flushed cheeks.

“Well it’s as much a blessing as a curse to be honest it’s surely nice to get my feet pampered and literally worshipped, but it’s also hard in a way. Sometimes I literally have to pull my feet away in order for Roxy here to give me some attention as well.” Savannah explained with a laugh.

“Aww poor you, I’m sure it must be unbelievably hard having such a cute, sexy, obedient girl unable to keep her hands of you. If she becomes too much of a burden I’m willing to sacrifice some of my free time to watch over her.” Shawna mockingly said throwing a seductive glance Roxy’s way.

“Now that you point it out I can’t help but feel like Roxy must be just too much for one person to handle, so if you need help Shawna make sure to give me a call. You know me, always willing to help out.” Kiana said resting her hand on Shawna’s shoulder while hungerly looking at Roxy.

“Shut it you two, if you so badly want to find a girl for a threesome than go look for one yourselves. It isn’t that you two minxes have a hard time seducing people anyways, now is it. Besides I am very certain Roxy would much rather stay with me and trust me I can handle her. Isn’t that right Roxy?” Savannah asked on the defensive.

Knowing Savannah expected an answer Roxy in a flare of curiosity decided to test her theory. “Yes Goddess.” She said turning beet red as she said it. at the same time however she got an intense rush of arousal out of calling Savannah Goddess in front of her friends. Besides it seemed like Savannah’s friends were open minded enough. To handle a remark like this one.

At first everyone looked shocked at her, that quickly turned in to laughter and a resounding “Awww” coming from the group. She had been right Savannah’s friends didn’t judge her, yet she remained embarrassed, not knowing what had gotten into her.

Even Savannah was quite surprised when Roxy suddenly called her Goddess in front of her friends. She had known today would be a challenge and very embarrassing for her girlfriend so the last thing she had expected was for her to call her Goddess as well. It gave her a warm fuzzy feeling inside. She couldn’t really explain it but Roxy’s sincerity really warmed her heart.

In the blink of an eye Savannah looked down, grabbed Roxy’s chin making her look up, and kissed her full on the lips with tongue twisting passion. “Haha, get a room you two, or wait never mind this is way too precious to miss out on.” Amber joked.

“Fine in that case I guess we’ll just have to entertain each other tonight. What do you say Kiana? My place at 7?” Shawna asked with mock disappointment as she smirked at the kissing couple in front of them.

“Sounds good to me.” Kiana replied with a smile. The two weren’t really a couple, but pretty much everyone knew they were friends with benefits. Somehow some way their strange relationship just seemed to work out for them, always having each other to fall back on for some fun while enjoying the freedom of not being in a relationship and thus being able to fuck around with whomever they wished. It wasn’t really seldom for them to find a guy or a girl for a trio either.

While Roxy and Savannah were kissing Alisa snapped a pic. After the kiss ended she showed it to both Roxy and Savannah. “Here, just look at what a great couple you two make. Let me send this to you so you can use it as a phone background or whatever.” Alisa said with a sincere smile.

Roxy had to admit that the picture did look good. It almost made them look like a somewhat normal couple. She knew full well that there was nothing normal about them though. Hell even just lesbian or interracial couples weren’t fully accepted as normal yet, let alone what people would think if they knew the full extend of what their relationship was like.

“Well Roxy, I think I speak for all of us when I say welcome to club. I know we can be a bit weird and over the top at times, but then you aren’t exactly the most normal either. What I’m trying to say is don’t be shy and just be who are, we might joke about it, but we don’t judge trust me.” Amber said before pulling Roxy into a tight hug. It came as a bit of a surprise to her, but a nice one.

“I couldn’t say it any better, but I sure as hell can hug better.” Kiana said before embracing Roxy in a tight hug. Unlike Amber Kiana didn’t just hug, it didn’t take long for one of her hands to slide down Roxy’s back and on her skirt covered butt. In the blink of an eye Savannah swatted her hand hard making her pull back immediately.

“Hands of Shawna, you have to ask permission before you start fondling my girlfriend.” Savannah said protectively with a smirk making everyone even Shawna burst out into laughter. Slowly but surely Roxy was starting to feel a bit more at ease. She still felt rather vulnerable, but she did feel accepted at least. Guess her prejudgements about Savannah’s friends were wrong. She had always found them to be loud and obnoxious, but they really did seem like fun right now.

“Savannah, can I please cup a nice feel of Roxy’s bottom when I give her a hug? It would make me very happy.” Kiana said giving Savannah her best impression of puppy eyes while she was asking. 

“Yes you may Kiana.” Savannah said loving the way her girlfriends like Roxy and were eager to slightly toy with her. Presenting such a pretty obedient girl with her friends actually asking permission rubbed her ego greatly. Besides she got a thrill out of seeing Roxy fondled by others she approved of. She knew her friends respected her enough that they would never try to come in between them. They would however love playing with the girl.

Not wasting a second Kiana stepped up and hugged Roxy tightly. She didn’t slyly move a hand down like Shawna had, instead her hands went for Roxy’s butt right away, cupping a cheek in each hand. Testing her luck Kiana didn’t restrain herself to just touching Roxy’s butt through her skirt either. Instead she slid her hands down the back of Roxy’s short skirt and back up underneath it. 

A big smile spread across her face as she felt the girl’s naked butt cheeks. She gave them a firm squeeze, then moved her hands even further up trying to locate the waist band of a thong, but she didn’t find anything like it which led her to one conclusion. Roxy wasn’t wearing panties at all. While pulling back from the hug Kiana whispered a knowing “Naughty girl.” In Roxy’s ear before stepping back and giving Shawna a triumphant smirk.

Roxy was quite shaken after that hug, yet her pussy was leaking even more than before. She had been relieved when Savannah had slapped Shawna’s hand away, terrified that anyone would find out she wasn’t wearing panties. Yet Savannah hadn’t intervened with Kiana and now the girl knew. Hell the fact that Savannah had even given permission and she had let it happen like she was nothing but property stung even worse. She couldn’t deny the fact that it also turned her on though.

While Roxy had feared anyone would find out she wasn’t wearing panties her fears proved to not be all that well grounded. She didn’t know exactly what kind of reaction she would have expected, but it definitely wasn’t the pleased somewhat teasing whisper Kiana had given.

Last but not least Alisa stepped in for a hug as well. Her hug was more like a formality, a friendly gesture. Not the tight squeeze Amber had given her, or the double intentions with which Shawna and Kiana had hugged her.

“Alright, I think we should be on our way to class now girls.” Savannah said grabbing Roxy’s hand and pulling her along. The rest of the group quickly followed with Kiana and Shawna staying as close to Roxy as they possibly could. Making now secret of the fact that they were checking her out as she walked with a pronounced wiggle caused by the fat butt plug stuck up her ass.

What stunned Roxy was that the girls seemed in no hurry to get to class at all. Class had already started so they were already to late and still they didn’t take the shortest route or even quickened their pace at all. Instead they stopped at a coffee shop slightly out of the way. Only once everyone including Roxy had a coffee did they head straight to class.

It was strange to Roxy who had always done her best to keep her grades up that there were people who seemed to care so little about class. Hell they didn’t care to be on time and earlier they had discussed skipping class for a day like it was the most normal thing in the world.

The closer they got to the aula their class took place in the more nervous Roxy grew. For one this would be the first time she was really late. She had known Savannah to be late a lot though, so she knew the professor didn’t care that much. She had never made a remark on it at least. What she mainly worried about was the fact that all eyes including her friends’ eyes would be on them when they entered.

Surely it would raise a lot of questions from anyone in their class. Questions that wouldn’t be able to be answered until after class. In this case she feared the speculations during the duration of their class would only make her friends opinions and thoughts about what was going on worse. Strange as it was she way preferred avoiding her friends altogether to hang with Savannah’s friends instead. She had been nervous about the introduction all weekend long.

Unlike Savannah’s friends however she knew her own friends rather well and she knew for certain that none of them would be anywhere near as accepting as Savannah’s friends were. They were all too judgemental for that. It honestly made her doubt the doubt the value of her own group of friends. Could you really call someone who couldn’t accept you for who you are a friend?

Of course those were still only speculations on her part. They hadn’t arrived in class just yet and none of her friends knew so far. Maybe she was worrying about nothing, maybe it would all go way better than expected just like meeting Savannah’s friends had been better than expected. She had her doubts, but wouldn’t know for sure until the moment arrived.

Approaching the door to the aula Roxy’s heart was beating like crazy. With Savannah holding her hand and Savannah’s friends behind them there was just no backing out. As Savannah opened the door Roxy was reluctantly dragged in, her worst fear had become reality as the slight animated noise in the aula fell dead silent, only the talk of the professor was heard as all eyes turned towards them.

Everyone was looking on curiously at the strange sight in front of them. Everyone but Roxy’s friends who were sitting somewhere at the front and were all looking positively shocked. To make matters worse Savannah once again grabbed her chin and gave her a deep tongue twisting kiss right in front of the whole class. If anyone would have had questions as to why they walked in hand in hand those would certainly be erased now.

Looking up Savannah enjoyed seeing the many shocked faces. Most of all she loved seeing the sheer embarrassment on Roxy’s face as she realised there was no going back now. Everyone knew she and Savannah were a couple now and that just couldn’t be undone. People had also clearly noticed that Savannah took a firm lead in their relationship.

After the Kiss Savannah moved to the last row of seats in the aula, pulling Roxy along and sitting down. With Savannah’s friends being right behind them there was no way she could get out of this row. She was glad to sit down though. Now far less people could actually see them and so the attention turned back to the professor. The idle chatter was louder than usual though and Roxy was certain everyone was discussing what they had just witnessed.

Sitting down it was Shawna’s turn to smirk triumphantly to Kiana as she had managed to sit right next to Roxy, fully exploiting the opportunity by sitting a little too close for comfort. She restrained herself from doing any more than just that for now since she knew Savannah wouldn’t really like it. She didn’t like having to ask permission to anyone, but after she saw what it had gotten Kiana it might be worth a try.

While sitting down removed the spotlight from her for now Roxy’s embarrassment didn’t calm down in the slightest. She just knew her friends must be coming up with all kinds of theories as to what they had just witnessed. They might not be able to come to her right now, but as soon as class ended they surely would come to see her and she dreaded what they would say.

Savannah only added to that embarrassment when she suddenly stroked her hair out of the way and lowered her lips to her neck. A soft tingle ran up Roxy’s spine as she felt Savannah’s warm lips contact the skin of her neck, but that soon changed into a slight groan as she felt a nearly painful amount of suction being applied.

Pulling back Savannah couldn’t help but smirk. As she witnessed the skin she had just sucked turning bright blue. While all she really needed was a loyal, obedient girlfriend who answered all of her perversions having a white girl as a girlfriend sure had an added bonus she hadn’t considered before. A white girl was just that much more enjoyable to spank, embarrass and give hickey, not only for the social taboo that hung around interracial relationships, but also just because their skin coloured so clearly with whatever you did. 

The big very visible hickey for one would certainly do nicely as an added mark of her ownership on her girlfriend, and it would make Roxy’s meeting with her friends which was bound to happen after class that much more interesting.

It didn’t take long for Roxy’s phone to start vibrating as she got one message from her friends aft the other. She didn’t even read the messages, dreading what they would say so she decided to turn off her phone instead. Besides messages could be misinterpreted and only arouse more speculation on her friends’ part. No matter how much she dreaded it, she would have to do this one face to face.

She had kept her friends in the dark about this for far too long already. They had noticed her strange behaviour, not coming for parties, never seeing her after school again, but Roxy had always made up an excuse. Now there would be no more excuses though. She would have to come clean about what was going on and she didn’t like it one bit. It was the least she owned her friends though after making excuses for so long.

As her mind raced over all the possible questions and even insults, she might get and the reactions she would give. She wasn’t paying any actual attention to what the professor was saying. She picked up as much of the subject as she would have picked up if she just skipped class altogether. Right now she was really regretting not being able to do just that.

Not that avoiding today would have done her any good. She would have to come clean sooner or later and maybe it would be best to get it over with as soon as possible. She had heard of people who lived with great dark secrets for a long time who were actually relieved when they could finally confess them. Well those were mainly wanted murderers who had been on the run for years and finally got arrested, but she certainly hoped she would feel that relief as well. 

After all she was just a perv, but she didn’t harm anyone with what she did, so surely it wouldn’t be that bad to confess right? She didn’t know, she couldn’t. Not until the moment was there and waiting for it was pure agony.

God on top of overtly nervous she was also very horny and she would be stuck with it until she could go back to their dorm with Savannah. God she was looking forward to finding out just how smelly Savannah’s feet had gotten over the course of the day. Maybe Savannah would allow her to masturbate right when she took off her shoes, or maybe she would get another one of those amazing ass fuckings.

For the entire duration of the class Roxy’s mind was going back and forth from intense dread and worst-case scenarios. To horny daydreams and ways, she could serve Savannah while getting to get off in the process. 

Soon the class drew to a close however and while everyone was packing their bags the moment Roxy had been dreading all along suddenly became very real. She spotted a group of her friends heading right towards her, lead by Mona who she had long considered to be her best friend. 


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