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Chapter 17

Roxanne felt the dread wash over her, what punishment would Savannah have in mind for her? How hard would it be especially after such a big mistake? Roxanne really was terribly sorry for her reaction. She knew she deserved this punishment, but that didn’t make the feelings of dread any better.

“Okay Roxy, so you know why you are getting punished and I have to say I am really disappointed in you. I really thought we were having something special but apparently that only goes as long as you get everything you wish and even then, you snap at me. Afterall it was not my fault you are such a huge pervert that you can apparently cum only when you have your face buried in my soles.” Savannah said sternly making Roxanne shrink together. 

Once again Savannah had put the focus on Roxanne’s perviness reinforcing and solidifying the thought that she was lucky within the girl. It was clear that her roommate already firmly believed it, but that pushing it a bit more never hurt right? 

“I know it probably was out of pure frustration, but that is no excuse for such behaviour. Since this is the first time I will be mild though, a spanking till my arm is too tired to carry on and that will do. What do you have to say about that Roxy?” Savannah asked with a smirk.

“That is perfect my Goddess, thank you so much for correcting my behaviour and giving me another chance to serve you. I realise now how very wrong I was, and I am so glad to have such a kind and forgiving Goddess like you.” Roxanne replied nearly crying in relief. When she first had been caught sniffing Savannah’s panties she had made up a lot of thing just out of fear of blackmail. Now Roxanne really believed what she was saying though. She meant it.

“Good, that is something at least. Beside your punishment it is also important that from now on you show just how grateful you are. I mean up until now you have more or less carried out my orders, sometimes after a little protest or hesitance, but that should be a thing of the past. From now on I won’t tolerate any hesitance or protest anymore. When I give an order, you carry it out instantly. You should also try to think about how you could make my life easier. Pleasing me should be the number one thing that is always on your mind. I am the most important thing in your life. Is that clear?” Savannah asked sternly.

Roxanne was kind of shocked. This was going very far, she certainly wasn’t ready to devote her life to her roommate. At the same time however, those words and the way Roxanne envisioned it in her head were just so hot. It send such huge thrills straight to her pushy that she felt inclined to give in. Afterall she could still stop this whenever she wanted right?

“Yes Goddess, loud and clear. I will try to do my best to serve you to your satisfaction, I promise.” Roxanne ended up saying. It made her feel good, giving in to it felt even better than the words themselves. What Roxanne didn’t know however that those feelings were caused by deep rooted shame. It was a genius command by Savannah. If the shame ever wore off it would be because Roxanne was starting to get really into it, so she was hooked no matter what.

“Good my little bitch, so why Don’t you get over my lap so we can start?” Savannah asked with a big smirk patting her thighs. Roxanne just blushed as she got up. She was clearly very nervous, but she didn’t dare show any hesitation and so in a few seconds time she was laying across Savannah’s big nylon thighs. Got it felt so thrilling to do so. She was dreading the pain but apparently she love this? 

Savannah didn’t waste any time either. She instantly delivered a first hard slap to the girl’s defenceless bottom making it jiggle and leaving behind a big red hand print. It was beautiful, and it turned Savannah on greatly.

The way Roxanne had gotten over her lap on her own accord and how she really believed that she deserved this. It was just great. Those socks were the best purchase she had done in her whole life. They had made it possible for her to turn her boring, straight, vanilla and gorgeous roommate into her kinky personal slut. 

She felt pretty sure that Roxanne would never leave her. There were still Some factors that could possibly influence the girl though, but Savannah planned to take care of those before they became a threat. She had worked so hard to get Roxanne in this place and she wouldn’t let anyone ruin that.

Quickly after the first slap Savannah had delivered a second followed and a third and so on. Savannah didn’t take time in between slaps like she had with the first spankings. She just rained down blow after blow until it hurt to lift her own arm. She had delivered nearly a hundred blows although she didn’t really count them, so she didn’t know for sure.

It didn’t really matter anyways, she was sure the message had come across. Roxanne had started sobbing after the first 20 or so, for the longest part of the spanking she had been bawling her eyes out, but she had never once asked Savannah to stop. She must have felt really deserving of such a spanking.

Roxanne’s bottom didn’t even look red anymore, it looked more purplish. It was nicely bruised for sure, something for the girl to remember. This time however Savannah didn’t just shove the girl off her lap. She allowed her to lay there until she had calmed down a bit. 

“Shhhhh, it’s over now. You did really well and I’m proud of you Roxy. You know this is harder on me than it is on you, I don’t like to do this either, but apparently it is necessary.” Savannah lied she was soaking wet.

With that said Savannah slid a finger between Roxanne’s legs and slipped it in the girls own soaking wet pussy electing a slight moan. From through the dying out sobs. “It doesn’t feel like it was that bad now Roxy was it? You are soaking wet you kinky slut. Does Roxy like getting spankies from her Goddess?” Savannah taunted.

Roxanne could only moan in response. There had only been this spanking between now and that mind-boggling orgasm she had had and yet she was so turned on again. The casual finger in her pussy and Savannah’s taunts only made her shudder in pleasure even more. 

Savannah slipped her finger out of the girl’s pussy and brought it towards the girls mouth. Roxanne didn’t need to be told what to do, she instantly started sucking Savannah’s finger clean of her juices.

“Very good, you are learning. Now since you apparently need me to help you out when you want to cum I think it only fair if you return the favour. I mean you don’t have to, but if you ever want me to help you again. Well you get the point. You need to earn the privilege of masturbating with my feet on your face. Anyways, take your time to get off my lap, but when you do I would like an orgasm as well.” Savannah said, she had been looking forward to this step from the start, the moment where Roxy would take over the work all her sextoys used to have.

With a blush Roxanne had to admit that it was fair, especially after everything Savannah had done for her. All the perversions her roommate had put up with. Helping Savannah get off was the least she could do. That and the thought of pleasuring her roommate with her tongue actually got her even more aroused. It was just another one of her kinks she guessed and compared to her other kinks this one was pretty normal, after all a lot of guys and girls alike preformed oral right?

Roxanne took a moment longer to suck Savannah’s finger clean and just rest a little longer after the intense spanking she just had. Eventually she did get off the black girl’s lap though. Instantly she took a kneeling position at Savannah’s feet looking up at her Goddess with a firm blush on her cheeks.

The sight Savannah had was just perfect, such a pretty face, smooth spotless skin, firm perky breasts and that all belonging to her. The stockings, collar and blush just made the picture complete. She imagined Roxy wouldn’t be that good with her tongue. This would probably even be her first time preforming a sexual act with someone else. Well apart from the masturbation she had already done in of her.

She was probably extremely inexperienced, but it wasn’t going to matter at all. Savannah was so turned on that a breeze would probably get her off. She had also been lusting after this moment for so very long that just the sheer touch of Roxanne’s tongue would be enough. Oh god her pussy simply reeked from running around this wet all day and it only made the whole thing even better, the fact that two weeks ago Roxanne would have recoiled in horror. Yet right now after all the conditioning she would probably think she liked it.

“Goddess, can you please raise your divine bottom off the couch slightly so I can remove your tights and panties?” Roxanne asked awkwardly. She was the one who would do all the work and yet she had to beg for it. It was truly humiliating, but it turned her on so much.

“Of course you little slut, but only because you asked so nicely.” Savannah said before lifting her fat ass off the couch just enough for Roxanne to get her hands underneath.

Roxanne had to press the side of her face against her roommates’ sweaty belly to get far enough with her arms, but Eventually she did find the waistband of her tights and panties. She didn’t waste a moment pulling them down. Once she had them to around Savannah’s knees she could see just how soaked they were. That and they stunk of a strong fishy aroma mixed with a side of onion like smelling sweat.

The stench was highly disturbing to say the least and it almost made Roxanne retch. Especially since she realised that not only would she have her face pressed into the source, she was going to have to lick it as well. It was nearly enough for Roxanne to protest but strangely enough her pussy was throbbing wildly, sending wave after wave of arousal through her. Did she actually like this? It surely seemed that way much to her horror.

She continued pulling the tights and panties down until finally they were completely off. Neatly putting them aside Roxanne awkwardly shifted forward on her knees. Savannah just replied by opening her legs widely. 

Roxanne was horrified. She had never thought pussies looked nice. Hers looked okay she thought, but Savannah’s pussy just looked plain awful. Just like anything about her roommate it looked big. There was nothing neat or trim about the girl’s pussy.

Savannah’s pussy was surrounded by a thick mat of black bristle curled pubic hair that looked sticky. It was obvious the girl didn’t really care about a trimmer or a good wash. The pubic bush only kept in all the smells and enhanced them. Roxanne knew that pussies were pink but somehow it looked kind of weird with the surrounding black flesh. At least to her, or it might be the fact that there were 2 big meaty lips sticking out instead of how tucked in hers were. Even Savannah’s clit was big, and it looked like it permanently stuck out from between those lips.

Looking down on Roxanne it was clear to Savannah that the girl was disgusted. She didn’t really mind, in fact she loved it. It was the only reason why she hadn’t scolded Roxanne for hesitating yet. The girl was clearly very much straight and into cleanliness, so this was like the opposite of what she wanted and that was just perfect. She really hit the jackpot with Roxanne. 

She had always wanted a girlfriend, but none of her relationships worked out because of her uncleanliness, domineering personality and of course due to the fact that she didn’t like to reciprocate. Roxanne was the perfect girlfriend on that front. She had been manipulated in obedience and made to believe that she actually had a fetish for Savannah’s strong body odours. Savannah would never need to worry about cleaning or trimming or any of that with Roxanne. Also, she didn’t need to take the girl out on dates or be nice to her. She could just treat her however she wished and on top off all of that Roxanne was 10 times prettier than any girlfriend she ever had. 

Reciprocating Roxanne would just mean shoving one of her feet in the girls face which was just another thing that Savannah loved. Making the girl earn the “privilege” only made it more fun.

Right now, she could really use that orgasm though so looking down sternly she said. “That isn’t any hesitation I am seeing I hope. It would be a shame to have to spank you again.” The threat of fucking up combined with that of a spanking scared Roxanne to death. The panic was instantly visible on the girl’s face.

Roxanne had no clue how she should go about licking Savannah’s pussy, but after the threat she simply didn’t care. In her panic she just leaned forwards until her lips were touching with the black girl’s pussy lips. It was near the bottom of her roommate’s pussy giving her a first feel and an even intenser smell of Savannah’s pussy.

Everything about it made her cringe, the sticky texture, the coarse pubic hairs touching her face. Just the sheer feeling of those big meaty lips. Roxanne wanted to cry, but instead she extended her tongue and dragged it up the black girl’s pussy in a broad lap. Collecting a gross tangy yet salty mouthful of slimy grool along the way.

That wasn’t even the worst either. The worst was how Savannah instantly came as a geyser when Roxanne’s soft tongue made contact with her swollen clit. She squeezed her legs shut making it impossible for Roxanne to get away from her heavily squirting pussy. She had no choice but to take the full load of squirt over her face and in her mouth. It was disgusting, she had to swallow or drown in it as it got all over her face and in her hair, some dripping down her chin covering her breasts. 

She could feel the black girl’s pussy pulsing against her face, the squirting slowly going down and the pulsing decreasing as Savannah’s orgasm ebbed away. Apart from that over powering fishy smell and taste Roxanne wasn’t really aware of anything. Savannah’s big belly hung Well over her head and her fat thighs were pressed tight over her ears. It cut off her entire hearing and vision, reducing her world to only Savannah’s pussy.

It took a few minutes until Savannah finally released Roxanne’s head from between her thighs. The girl instantly recoiled taking a deep breath, but all she could smell remained Savannah’s stinking pussy. She even coughed a little as some of Savannah’s juices had ended up in her windpipe.

“Hmmmm I bet you have been looking forward to this for a long time isn’t that right Roxy? To finally get to be up close to my pussy and get to taste me? I bet you loved it and you even made me squirt on the first try. Are your sure you aren’t a dyke?” Savannah taunted.

Roxanne didn’t really respond. She was still too horrified over what she had just been trough, but Savannah was right waves of arousal had been hitting her nearly constantly. Maybe she had been a lesbian all along. She didn’t feel herself attracted to Savannah, she was actually repulsed by her. It was humiliating. Everything with Savannah was humiliating. The way she treated her and mocked her and yet her roommate managed to turn her on more than anyone had ever been able to do. 

“Okay, that was good to get that pent-up tension out, but now I want to really get licked. This didn’t really count since you barely did anything. It was nice, but now I want to see how you do when you have to work a little bit more to get me over the edge. I need to see what I have to work with, cause in time I will make you into the best pussy muncher the world has ever seen.” Savannah said confidently. It just sent another wave of arousal through Roxanne. The thought that she would actually have to learn pussy eating as a skill.

This time Roxanne didn’t hesitate. Her face was sticky with Savannah’s juices anyway so there really was no point not to do it anymore. With the no shower rule the juices would stick with her until she needed to leave the dorm and since it was only Saturday that would be a long time.

Trying not to think about it too much Roxanne leaned in again and just liked before she gave Savannah’s pussy a broad lap from bottom to top and back down. This time touching Savannah’s clit only brought out a moan which was a good thing right? Roxanne had no clue how to eat pussy but if Savannah was moaning so much then she must be doing something right, right? 

Savannah knew already that she was going to have her work cut out for her if she wanted to turn Roxanne in the best pussy muncher like she had promised. Roxanne’s efforts were terrible at best. It spoke to the girl’s inexperience. The only reason it still felt good was how Savannah knew it was her little miss perfect roommate between her legs. That knowledge was more than enough to get her off, still a skilled tongue would make this even better, but they had time and Savannah was going to make sure Roxy got lots of practice.

She had waited a long time to get to this point, but from now on she would get her pussy eaten on a daily basis. Ah life could good. 

It could always be better though and so she decided to give Roxy a little pointer on how to lick. “Mmmm don’t be shy Roxy, stick your tongue as deep in there as you can while you are licking up. Once you are at the top try circling my clit once before going back down. Mmmmmm oh god yes, just like that.” Savannah moaned. 

Roxanne might be terrible but at least she was trying her best and listening to the tips she got. This made a world of difference already. One move wouldn’t cut it to make her the best pussy muncher, but it was a start and Savannah decided to just let her get good at this one first. It would be more than enough to get her over the edge in a couple of minutes since the idea of teaching her straight roommate to eat her pussy was such a hot one. 

For Roxanne it was terrible. It seemed the deeper she pushed her tongue the worse it tasted. She also hated how it required her to burry her nose deeply into her roommate’s pubic bush. Never the less Roxanne pushed as deep as she could go keeping her face mashed tightly against Savannah’s crotch. 

She really wanted to do the best possible job. She owed it to her Goddess after all, for giving her another chance at this. Of course she also owed it simply because Savannah was her Goddess and she should always do the best possible job to please her. Even just this train of thought sent shivers of excitement through her whole body.

While she was doing her best following Savannah’s tip to the letter her own pussy was dripping with arousal again. Something a out this was just so hot to Roxanne. Just about everything that happened grew her arousal. Was she really that much of a pervert? She didn’t even know what about this that was making her so aroused. Was it serving her Goddess? The way in which Savannah talked down to her and just used her as a sextoy? Or was it the grossness of it all?

It was a question that kept her busy, but she kept on drawing the same conclusion over and over again. It was probably a combination of all three things. Especially the grossness factor getting to her was bothersome, but she couldn’t rule it out at all. Especially not after she had gotten turned on wiping Savannah’s pussy at the mall.

Whatever it was it seemed that Savannah knew perfectly how to turn her on. All she could really do was try not to worry about it too much. At least she did have a very supportive roommate. One who actually seemed to understand her, one who knew what she needed and one who wanted to help her. Roxanne knew she was lucky, and she wasn’t going to ruin this.

Definitely not over things she considered gross, too much or two perverted. Savannah had proven her time and time again at those were actually the things that turned her on the most. Everything was more than she had bargained for, but apparently she liked that.

Just like that the two of them spend the next ten minutes. The time it took for Savannah to have another orgasm. This one wasn’t nearly as explosive as the last one. Savannah’s pussy just way wetter all of a sudden, but it was nothing like that explosive squirt a couple of minutes ago. For Roxanne the most tell-tale sign was actually how Savannah clamped her fat thighs shut trapping her head in between them once more.

Once the last waves of her orgasm had rolled through her Savannah relaxed completely letting out a deep sigh. “Ah that was a good girl Roxy, I am not going to lie. Your pussy eating skills are terrible. Don’t worry though, we are going to work on that. I am going to help you become the best pussy muncher on campus. Maybe you will even become somewhat of a school legend.” Savannah smirked envisioning future generations talking about a pussy starved lesbian slut with a tongue so skilled that she could make any woman cum within minutes.

She really liked that idea. As well as the idea of keeping her straight roommate on a sexual diet of only pussy. The closest she would let Roxanne get to a cock was by licking a pussy that had fucked. Savannah didn’t have to do this. She just enjoyed the idea of making her slut into such a completely different person.

Roxanne was clearly shocked by that idea, her pussy however seemed to think it was hot. She couldn’t help but moan lightly over it. Sitting there completely embarrassed between her roommates legs her face covered in a thick coating of pussy juices.

It made Savannah laugh. “Haha I see you like that idea Roxy. You will have to get a lot better at eating pussy to get to that level though. Of course you will also have to eat lots and lots more pussy from a ton of different women if you want to get there.”

“Anyways, I think we should call it a day. I am starting to get a bit tired, so I am off to bed. Further cunt licking training will be for another day, although you are coming along cause there is nothing like a bed time pussy licking to fall asleep though.” Savannah said grinning down to Roxanne.

With that Savannah grabbed something Roxanne hadn’t noticed before. It was an elegant Chrome looking chain. Quite sturdy with a neon pink leather strap on the end. It’s purpose instantly became clear as Savannah leaned down and clipped one end of the chain to the ring in her collar. It was a leash! Roxanne realised with another pang of humiliated arousal.

“There you are, leashed up like a proper bitch. Just like you should be. In fact, I think this calls for another rule. No more walking or standing up around our dorm for you Roxy. From now on you crawl and kneel unless I give you explicit permission to do otherwise.” Savannah exclaimed very self-satisfied. This was perfect, and Roxy just took it with a blush. The girl still was so easily embarrassed, it was nearly ridiculous. Not that Savannah minded one bit, she preferred Roxy embarrassed. 

This was awful, now she wasn’t even free to move around the dorm how she wanted anymore? She knew better than to talk back though. Instead she just crawled behind her roommate obediently as the black girl started moving. Savannah had always looked big to her but now she simply looked huge. 

Although it didn’t really surprise her anymore at this point crawling behind her roommate like this was incredibly arousing. Savannah just walked without caring about pacing or anything. It was Roxy’s job to keep up with her she thought satisfied.

The first place Savannah took Roxanne was the bathroom, she still needed to pee before heading to bed and after the mall she had found out she quite liked having Roxanne watch and wait on her peeing. It was just such a power move. Especially when she made the girl wipe her afterwards. 

Her dress was still ridden up from when she had made Roxanne eat her put and she had never bothered to put on her panties or tights again, so she could just sit down straight away. “Sit Roxy! Good girl.” Savannah mocked as she watched Roxanne carry out her order like some real dog.

With Roxanne neatly sitting at her feet Savannah started to pee, playing with the leash in her hand as she did so. Holding that leash gave her such a powerful feeling and even though she had just had two orgasms she was ready for a third. All her hard work and holding back were paying off big time.

During the entirety of Savannah’s toilet visit Roxanne felt so awkward. She didn’t know how to behave or where to look. This just felt completely wrong. Way more than the other things she has had to do. Peeing was such a private thing in her mind that and she really couldn’t handle it. Eventually she just ended up looking at Savannah’s feet while staying on her knees obediently. It made her wonder how those feet could actually turn her on and even get her off. They were ugly, and they stunk. Yet they were such a big part of her life now.

Finally the peeing came to an end. Savannah didn’t really do anything for a few seconds allowing Roxanne time to take initiative. When the girl just kept staring down at her feet however Savannah spoke up. “You know, I think I will go without touching my pussy from now on. That’s your job now and I don’t really care how you go about it. I am not cutting back on orgasms though so whenever I would want to masturbate you get to lick me instead. You can choose to help me wash and wipe if you wish, but I am no longer doing any of that myself.”

Roxanne was shocked, she was also smart enough to take the hint. Instantly she grabbed some toilet paper and wiped Savannah dry. It felt awful and awfully arousing at the same time, but she was smart enough to deter from Savannah’s statement that if she didn’t do all the wiping and washing for her roommate it wouldn’t happen at all which meant she would pay afterwards when she had to lick Savannah’s pussy again.

Wiped clean Savannah got up again and walked straight to her room giving Roxanne no choice but to crawl behind her as the leash became taut. In her room Savannah didn’t waste any time. She just got out of her dress and bra and got under the covers. She just dropped the leash on the floor and got comfortable opening her legs underneath her sheets. 

“Alright Roxy, you know what to do, get under there and give me another orgasm, then you are Free to go.” Savannah said casually as she turned off the light. 

In the dark it was a lot harder for Roxanne to find the foot end of her roommate’s bed. Once she found it she began crawling underneath the sheets. It was hard and unpleasant. Her unwashed roommate had pretty much stunk up the air underneath the sheets already and on top of that it was awfully warm. She instantly broke into a sweat and apparently so did Savannah. Her legs felt sticky from the transpiration which only further added to that awful smell.

Eventually Roxanne did find the place where Savannah’s thighs were connected to her rump. With how fat they were, it was hard to squeeze her head in between them. Apparently Savannah didn’t really bother to open her legs widely for Roxanne, but after Some pushing Roxanne did manage to reach Savannah’s meaty pussy lips with her own lips. 

With nothing else to do Roxanne started licking. She pushed her tongue in deep and circled Savannah’s clit just like she had been told to earlier. It was the only thing she really knew how to do, well something that worked with Savannah cause apparently her lapping from earlier hadn’t been good.

Somewhere above her, slightly muffled by the sheets Roxanne heard her roommate moaning. That was a good sign at least. Now she only wished that Savannah would cum quickly cause the heat combined with the stench here under the sheets was very harsh. It made her head swim.

In the end it took Roxanne nearly 20 minutes to get Savannah to cum. She could tell by how her head got squeezed again. This time however the squeezing lasted longer than she was used to. When Savannah’s thighs finally relaxed, Roxanne could hear a loud snoring coming from above her. 

Apparently her roommate had fallen asleep in the after math of her orgasm and so Roxanne tried her best to sneak out without waking up her roommate. Getting out from under the sheets proved to be the hardest part, but once she was out she was so relieved to feel the fresh air on her sweaty skin. Sadly the smell did stick with her as her face remained coated in a heavy layer of her roommates pussy juice.

Exhausted Roxanne crawled to her own room and got straight into bed. She really wanted a shower, but disappointing her Goddess once already was more than enough for a day. Besides her pussy seemed to love wearing a mask of Savannah’s cunt juice.

Despite her intense orgasm and all the things that happened this evening Roxanne once again felt aroused enough that she thought she would be able to get off in just a couple of touches. It kind of made her wonder. Thinking about it there was no way she was that hooked to Savannah’s nasty feet, right? If she had pushed through and masturbated without the socks she was sure she would have been able to cum.

She couldn’t deny that Savannah’s feet had had a strong effect on her, but she would still be able to just come normally right? She wasn’t just going to accept the fact that she needed Savannah’s feet to cum and so she decided to test her own theory. Slowly she slipped her hand between her legs and started playing with herself.

It felt great, she nearly instantly managed to get to the edge and she was confident that she would finally get some peace of mind and find out that she wasn’t that big of a pervert after all.

Just like before the edge is where she stayed for a frustrating 30 minutes until she finally gave up accepting the fact that she was that big a perv after all. Sleep did not come easy smelling nothing but Savannah’s fishy pussy and trying to deal with the fact that she really was a huge perv. She had thought she was so normal only some weeks ago, but that whole image had fallen apart.

Terribly aroused and smelling like pussy Roxanne eventually did manage to fall asleep, the collar and leash still locked in place around her neck.


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